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This is resource Z6F1X2B, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/10 -2014 14:07:44
10.3 years ago.

Ended:22/10 -2014 18:58:20
10.3 years ago.

Checked:22/10 -2014 20:28:37
10.3 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 57.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: dwarven_complete_v1_a.mod.swf-(1.63 MB, 500x430, Game)
[_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:05 No.2571677

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:20 No.2571687

  I am so fuckng lost, what.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:25 No.2571691

  Push the arrow keys to walk around.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:26 No.2571692

  holy fuck not this shit again
  I beat it the last time, and the time before that
  I'm not doing it again

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:26 No.2571693

  Any hint on how to make anything in here except get stuck?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:29 No.2571695

  How the hell do I use these items?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:30 No.2571696

  >not wasd keys
  pleb tier game
  I got the silver(ish) key and opened all the things I could find with it, now where do I go?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:31 No.2571697

  Pay attention to the shadows next to the walls.

  Most of them, you don't - they open doors when you collect them. But you can use keys by clicking
  on them.

>> [_] John Moses Browning 10/22/14(Wed)07:33 No.2571698

  >this game again
  Time to waste another 2 hours? I don't know

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:37 No.2571701

  don't forget, you're here forever

>> [_] John Moses Browning 10/22/14(Wed)07:40 No.2571703

  I already got 100% at this game
  and there are many other flash games I wasted my time to

  But it feels really good to be here forever

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:46 No.2571707

  How do you use items? Or combine them, whatever.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:48 No.2571710

  keep doing things and you'll find out
  you don't need to go and ask for someone to hold your hand just because something isn't explained
  explicitly with a pop-up tutorial

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:49 No.2571713

  Thanks for the answer, dipshit. It's not particularly clear that you need to go back to the book.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:57 No.2571719

  Hey, Eyezmaze

  It's been a while

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)07:59 No.2571720

  you got the answer yourself in like 2 minutes though, so good job
  also I figured the big greyed out button on the book would've clued you in once you realize you
  can't do anything from the menu

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:02 No.2571723

  not the same anon, anon

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:24 No.2571733

  What does the cannon in the basement with a crystal do? I turned it and aimed at the crystal but
  can't hit it. There's nothing I could do except for that, because I got no pickaxe or golden key.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:29 No.2571737

  do I have to try and error my way through the dark room or is there a hint somewhere how to get

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:29 No.2571738

  You should craft the lighter to light a torch I guess

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:30 No.2571739

  I think you need the candle, mate

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:30 No.2571740

  go to the room at the top left of the swivelling cannon, there's an item behind the torch

  you get a candle later

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:33 No.2571745

  thanks, anon :3

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:48 No.2571751

  Ha, the ending's written in moonrunes!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:50 No.2571753

  How do you get the final object in the room with the stairs to the book? It's the only one left
  for me.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:51 No.2571754

  Go play in the room south of that.

  Then try and work out how to get the other one that's left for you.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)08:51 No.2571756

  Oh right, thanks.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:16 No.2571777

  i miss one moon where are them?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:19 No.2571780

  Highlighted on your map.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:23 No.2571783

  how to take the one in map B1 3 E

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:28 No.2571786

  Push blocks around and use your magnet.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:34 No.2571789

  I think you have to get above it and find a hole to drop you down.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:41 No.2571792

  Need help with room you start in. How do I get past the water to the trees?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:43 No.2571795

  there's something else you can burn

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:44 No.2571800

  What other bits of scenery are there?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:44 No.2571801

  I'm stumped on 37 items can't figure out how to get the second key which I believe I need. Can't
  figure out what to do in the complete room....

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:45 No.2571802

  Watched a walkthrough. I'm at the very last part. Fucking solution.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:46 No.2571804

  I'm in a similar spot and I found that key hole (but have no key) and got the rock to flick the
  metal block to break the walll down.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:48 No.2571806

  I really hate flash games that does not scale to full screen and/or disables right-click zoom.

  It's vector graphics, fucking make use of them!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:54 No.2571810

  There are four entrances to the gold key room.

  One involves falling (the hole is nearby).

  One involves teleporting (the teleport is nearby).

  One is a staircase (probably this is how you first got in).

  One you just walk in from an adjacent room (use your map!).

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:57 No.2571814

  >Dwarf Complete (Walkthrough Part 1)

  >mfw 161789 views

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)09:57 No.2571815

  Figured it out, had to use a pick axe on the blocks at the start haha

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:04 No.2571819

  So what's with that treasure chest in the room with like 8 sets of stairs?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:11 No.2571825

  It's the map. You don't need it per se, but makes things easier.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:19 No.2571829

  what the hell do i do in the room with the all the switches

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:26 No.2571836

  I remember playing these games when I was a little younger. Bit a internet nostalgia to say.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:27 No.2571838

  Go check another room, then practise your counting.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:31 No.2571840

  i hit the switch in the other room, if thats what you mean

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:37 No.2571844


  2:41.... so bad... ejeje

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:39 No.2571845

  is there a non-tiny frame version of this?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:57 No.2571855


>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)10:58 No.2571858

  Literally got it right after i wrote that

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)11:10 No.2571869

  i wish... best you can do is go to:

  and play it. press "Fit" below the flash and then "Scale". swfchan magically forces it to stretch
  to fullscreen

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)11:12 No.2571871

  also be sure to select "prevent a" and not "prevent b"

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)11:13 No.2571873

  Well if its possible to fuck up in a way that you need to restart your save I guess I did that
  and now im giving up.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)11:48 No.2571914

  Where do i find the bone?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/14(Wed)11:55 No.2571917

  1:29 time

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Created: 22/10 -2014 14:07:44 Last modified: 22/10 -2014 20:28:39 Server time: 14/03 -2025 07:49:30