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Threads (4):
File: New Zone-Tan Game DEMO.swf-(4.49 MB, 650x750, Game) [_] fun fun fun Anon 2003247 >inb4 rage Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2003249 The least they could have done was to get some different sound effects :I >> [_] Anon 2003270 >i lost >> [_] Anon 2003281 Both me and my dick don't support this. I know it might seem ridiculous, but I feel that if someone should do porn with zone-tan then it should be zone himself, she just being a character outside of the actual porn is actually part of the fun. Then again it's not only ripping the character, but also other flash animation which initially starred roger rabbit and jessica rabbit, voices included. And to top it all, she gets fucked by a nigger 0/10 >> [_] Anon 2003294 > diversity dropped >> [_] Anon 2003324 The voiced killed it for me >> [_] Anon 2003337 >dat voice >dose tits bigger than her head disgusting. >> [_] Anon 2003348 fucking shit >> [_] Anon 2003350 0/10 did not fap >> [_] Anon 2003364 I fapped. Vigorously. >> [_] Anon 2003376 >zone tan >big tits why? >> [_] Anon 2003377 Shitty reskin with no talent at all made by and for subhumans He put more effort in the nigger than in Zone-tan Kill yourselves out of /f/ >> [_] Anon 2003388 >># This coming from someone who used to masturbate to even shittier reskins. Just go back to fucking your sister, you hypocrite. >> [_] Anon 2003408 >># actually, the nigger was from a still from the Boondocks. Even that was stolen. >> [_] Anon 2003411 >Defending racemixing Get out, kikes. >> [_] Anon 2003434 >># More than half of the world's human population is made up of mixed races. So really, you're showing how much of a racist you are. >> [_] Anon 2003449 >Drawn-Hentai Wow, someone call the redundancy police.
File: New Zone-Tan Game DEMO.swf-(4.49 MB, Game) [_] Anon 1951552 >> [_] Anon 1951555 >Doesn't mention which game it is >DEMO >another release this soon >> [_] Anon 1951559 The fuck is this zone-tan hentai from a non-zone source. >> [_] Anon 1951563 This is a reskin of the Jessica Rabbit flash, isn't it? Why do porn companies think they can get away with this? Are they all from china or something? Do they think we don't recognize stolen artwork? >> [_] Anon 1951565 >># Russia actually. >> [_] Anon 1951566 >># it's because nobody has the balls to report them for stolen work. >> [_] Anon 1951567 >># http://mysexgames.com/games/?id=591&h=&s ess=dDM1OXgwMTo1 >> [_] Anon 1951575 Idc its "stolen" Even though Technically all they did is modify the flash's graphics and kept the script. I still want to shoot my load all over Zone-tan. >> [_] Anon 1951578 >zone-tan >huge tits no. >> [_] Anon 1951579 Just lame, especially having the nerve to make it a demo; given we know how it ends. >> [_] Anon 1951606 >># Wow... exact copy exept textures :P >> [_] Anon 1951609 Bleh. Reskin with shitty voice, uncharacteristic. >> [_] Anon 1951635 delivered http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=1281 17&n=Zone-Tan+Sex.swf >> [_] Anon 1951698 that voice top lel >> [_] Anon 1951702 >dat voice >Zone with giant tits >fucking a nigger Nope on all accounts >> [_] Anon 1951714 >># I hope something horrible happens to you. >> [_] Anon 1951715 What's with those nips movements? >> [_] Anon 1951720 >># Exactly my thoughts as well. >> [_] Anon 1951721 >># I think you mean whats wrong with all of the movements >> [_] Anon 1951725 >># Yar but those just stick out the most to me
File: New Zone-Tan Game DEMO.swf-(4.49 MB, Hentai) [_] I have no words Änonymous 1922723 >mfw I have no words Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1922728 >sees loading screen >sees boobs right above the play button. ew, too big. not even going to try it out. fix her boobs then we will talk. >> [_] Anon 1922730 WHY A NIGGER >> [_] Anon 1922733 the fuck is this shit? burn it! IT SHALL NEVER BE KNOWN THAT IT HATH EXISTED! >> [_] Anon 1922734 It's just a mod of the roger rabit game. >> [_] Anon 1922736 >># What this anon said. Also it's just a shitty reskin of that other game >> [_] Anon 1922766 Do not want. Nigger.... >> [_] Anon 1922769 get rid of the black man, fix zone's tits, then we'll talk >> [_] Anon 1922773 >that annoying as fuck 3 hour long DH logo fade-out >tumor-boobs >nigger >stopping after stripping >expects me to pay for the rest >THE ENTIRE FLASH IS A RESKIN OF THE JESSICA RABBIT FLASH. Holy shit ive never been so mad in my entire life >> [_] Anon 1922781 >># you must be new here >> [_] Anon 1922782 >># youre doing it wrong >> [_] Anon 1922802 >># Thanks Bato the Cyborg you've just solidified your existance as a ripoff. This is the Jessica Rabbit game. Didnt even change the goddamn audio >> [_] Anon 1922812 what a sack of shit. >> [_] Anon 1922815 0/10 >> [_] Anon 1922818 I actually like it. >> [_] Anon 1922826 Disappointment, disappointment everywhere. >> [_] Anon 1922827 >># this why a babby shootin' ape? >> [_] Anon 1922828 >># such low standards. hey, can you go buy it from them and then upload it here for a good laugh? you already said you like it and i think you might be the only retard that might buy it. >> [_] Anon 1922847 >># This. >> [_] Anon 1922852 You silly russians and your copy pasted pay4porns >> [_] Offended Steven Tylers 1922879 >># Hey, pal. I'm not too experienced with this whole forums thing, but I'm pretty sure profanity such as that can get you reprimanded or at least banned for an elated period. >> [_] Anon 1922884 >># i lol'd
/ > /fap/ > Thread 2062 Age: 88.06d Health: 0% Posters: 21 Posts: 34 Replies: 29 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 6029 [G] I don't know if the full game is out there somewhere. Warning for massive tease! Got this one from: http://batothecyborg.com/category/cartoo n-sex-game/ [IMG] New Zone-Tan Game DEMO.swf (4.49 MiB) 650x750, Uncompressed. 11 frames, 29 fps (00:00). Ver9, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: >> Anon 6030 It's a reskin of this game btw: http://swfchan.com/22/106895/?JessicaRab bitJollyRoger.swf No idea why he made the guy nigger. Ruins it but, whatcha gonna do? >> Anon 6033 Someone please get the full version now! >> Anon 6038 nigger is a skin tone now? you mad cause "niggers" naturally got a bigger dick than you mr. 1 inch. lol >> Anon 6040 >># Too bad all nigger dicks look like turds. >> Anon 6044 so cracker dicks look like rice grains? lol >> Anon 6045 WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!? RACISM FOR A FUCKING FLASH GAME!? A PORN ONE AT THAT!! I THOUGHT HUMANITY WAS ABOVE AND BEYOND THIS BULLSHIT!! PEOPLE WHO ARE RACIST SHOULD BE SHOT IN THE FUCKING HEAD WITH A SHOTGUN AT POINT BLANK RANGE!! MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE!! >> Anon 6047 >># Welcome to swfchan, where it's normal to be offensive and socially inappropriate. >> Anon 6048 yup dont sweat it bro this is a worldwide moshpit of stuffs and since its just a flash porn just ignore and watch for the cats.... and by cats i dont mean cats....... i mean pussy...... >> Anon 6049 perfect example lol >> Anon 6050 >># There's no racism here, we (well, I at least) just don't think niggers look good. It's like disliking how gray colored dogs look, just a matter of opinion. You're not racist just because you buy a white dog instead of a black dog are you? Of course not. >> Anon 6051 Nigger is not a fucking replacement word for black or african-american you jackass! Nigger was created to describe how inferior the race was during slavery times. No race is inferior, we are all human, practically the same in a sense. Its a discriminative and disgusting word no one should use. period! >> Anon 6052 hey just keep this in mind, it was found that the first person on earth was in africa, africans are black, so we are all technically "niggers".....your welcome lol >> Anon 6053 >># HOW DARE YOU! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT LIFE WAS ESTABLISHED IN IRAN AND THE MIDDLE EAST WAAAAY BEFORE IT WAS ESTABLISHED IN AFRICA! THE LINE OF LIFE GOES AS FOLLOWS: MIDDLE EAST>AFRICA>ASIA (AND OCEANIA)> ALL THE WAY TO THE AMERICAS> AND LASTLY EUROPE. IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULD THANK US SAND-NIGGERS! BY EVOLUTION STANDARDS EUROPEANS ARE THE LEAST EVOLVED SO SUCK IT WHITIES! In other news... Any news on finding the full game? Kudos to whoever can! >> Anon 6054 >># lol sand niggers? siggers? hahaha >> Anon 6058 To make a non offensive comment: I guess Bato is also black... But most his flashes suck anyway. He got a shitload of potential but somehow chooses to ruin it... >> Anon 6061 >># Shut up, nigger. >> Anon 6062 >># Aw lawd! Not another one! >># I think he's Russian or something like that not black. >> Anon 6064 >># Doesn't change the fact he's wasting his skill. Best example are the horrible sounds in every single fucking thing he does. It's just damn awful. And why did he feel the need to add giant breasts to zone-tan? >> Anon 6068 >># As usual, it's just a reskin http://swfchan.com/22/106895/?jessica-ra bbit.swf >> Anon 6069 >># ... really? Oh man this is just retarded, awful and pathetic! Please forget what I wrote about his skill. I just lost the rest of respect I had in this guy. I hope he dies in a fire... >> Anon 6071 >># -ß/10. Go pretend to be this stupid somewhere else. Yes, we're all one species. Certain 'factions' of our species have done better than others since the dawn of recorded history. There isn't anything inherently better or worse about any 'faction', but when Africans still live in the same STRAW HUTS they did in 4000 BC, in 0 AD when the Roman Empire built wonders, and today when we've been to the FUCKING MOON, you can basically go right ahead and insult that entire 'faction' of humanity all you want. Their lack of advancement is PERSONAL CHOICE, and they SHOULD be demonized for it. >> Hyper Time 6074 The Real Truth Not to complain, but every time there's a black dude on a porn site (either as part of a Rule 34 drawing, interracial scene, etc), there's always racism. It porn! Enjoy it for what it is. You don't like it, then move on to something better. Qui >> Anon 6078 >># They lived pretty well and in tune with nature untill the west fucked them up. And we? We got more chemical poison in our food than nutrients now. What do you think we got Diseases of affluence from? You can go pretend to be that stupid somewhere else. >># Wrong. Nigger is a derivative of Niger which is a term for people who lived close to the river of the same name: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niger_River It got the negative association way later. Just like bastard or the term gay. >># If artists would just add a skincolor selector or something noone would fucking care. The only one (I know) actually doing that right now is Rockcandy. And he's.. weird. ... I can't belive I'm wasting my time writing intelligent comments on a porn site... As if anyone would actually read them. Also winning an argument on the internet is like winning the paralympics: Even if you win you are still retarded... meh.. >> Anon 6082 >># >porn site How dare you! swfchan is so much more >:O >> Anon 6087 So any news on the full game? >> Anon 6090 >># really? Don't waste your time, man. >> amidoinitright 6091 E...EVERYO...ONE IN THIS TH..THREAD IS STUUUPID! >> Anon 6102 >># Including you, genius... >> Anon 6104 Bato is a hack. Instead of making something original he takes other people's work and pastes over them. >> Anon 6120 >># It wouldn't be THAT bad if he wouldn't claim it's his work not loosing a single word about the original. But the way he does this kind of shit right now he really should just kill himself. (sorry for the weird english here..) >> Nanonymous 6138 Am I the only one that is bothered Zone tan's voice in this flash? >> Anon 6149 >># Nope. >> Anon 6160 >># You are a slowpoke, aren't you? |