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Threads (2):
File: NEDM New Smooth 762.swf-(244 B, 4x4, Loop) [_] Anon 3012898 NEDM New Smooth 762 >> [_] Anon 3012910 shits broke >> [_] Anon 3013038 244 bytes of failure.
File: nedm.swf-(244 B, Loop) [_] nedm Anon 1944255 nedm >> [_] Anon 1944267 >244 byte >> [_] Anon 1944268 Fuck, I think I just ran a virus. >> [_] Anon 1944269 >># Yeah me too. Argh. >> [_] Anon 1944270 /f/ - 0 Day Exploits >> [_] Anon 1944272 Not claiming to know what I'm doing but if you look for the text in this binary it just looks like it's trying to load a movie and failing (maybe) >> [_] Anon 1944305 Wanted NEDM Did not receive NEDM 0/10 >> [_] Anon 1944309 not even nedm >> [_] Anon 1944312 Wonder what kind of virus I got this time. >> [_] Anon 1944319 MIMEType.................: application/x-shockwave-flash ImageSize................: 4x4 FileType.................: SWF FrameRate................: 12 FlashVersion.............: 5 Compressed...............: False ImageWidth...............: 4 Duration.................: 0.08 s FrameCount...............: 1 ImageHeight..............: 4 Im guessing he just failed at downloading it flash 5 was a while ago. >> [_] Anon 1944320 OP, it's meant to be called nedm2.swf.... (btw, if you are using windows 8, it starts a forkbomb) >> [_] Anon 1944331 >># Same. >> [_] Anon 1944337 Oh shit, do I reinstall Windows now or something? Motherfucker. >> [_] Anon 1944341 I REALLY need to break the habit of blindly clicking things that have large numbers of comments. >> [_] Anon 1944357 This is all it does: a = System.capabilities.version; a = a.split(" "); a = a[1].split(","); v = Number(a[0]); if (v >= 8) { this.loadMovie("nedm2.swf"); } So: system.capabilities.version gets the Windows version. This variable is then cut until only the major version number remains. If this is 8 (so if it is run on Windows 8), it loads the file "nedm2.swf" - itself - in an infinite loop. Otherwise it does nothing. >> [_] Anon 1944367 I'd like to thank you guys for saying it was a virus. Now I won't get it. >> [_] Anon 1944371 >># Except Windows 8 is 6.2. >> [_] sage Anon 1944396 op here its not a virus i just failed at uploading let this die >> [_] Anon 1944404 >># System.capabilities.version doesn't use the same layout as the Windows API (e.g. ver/winver) For example winver returns 6.1.something for Windows 7, but System.capabilities.version returns "WIN 7,1,0,0" Source: Adobe themselves. e/flashlite/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118c cf9c47f-7fe8.html >> [_] Anon 1944412 Am I safe if I'm using Linux? >> [_] Anon 1944414 Implying flash can do jack shit outside of crash your browser. >> [_] Anon 1944415 ah i love thee >> [_] Anon 1944434 >># >implications 4112/Adobe_Flash_Player_0_day_and_Hacking Team_s_Remote_Contr ol_System itation-of-adobe-flash-0-day/ >> [_] Anon 1944435 if it were that easy to spread viruses through /f/ every 2nd file would be a virus and this board probably wouldn't exist >> [_] Anon 1944444 FUCK I'm typing this from my laptop DO NOT OPEN THIS FLASH IT WILL MOVE YOU OWN HANDS AND DELETE SYSTEM32 >> [_] Anon 1944462 >># fuck >> [_] Anon 1944465 So, if I'm using windows 7, it will do nothing, right? RIGHT???? |