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This is the wiki page for Flash #129483
Visit the flash's index page for basic data and a list of seen names.

3,31 MiB, 00:10 | [W] [I]

Threads (4):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 12/5 -2014 01:22:15 Ended: 12/5 -2014 03:46:37Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: hype_train.swf-(3.31 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Anon 2380998
>> [_] Anon 2381021 I don't think you understand how much I wanted Feng to win
>> [_] Anon 2381146 every time I see this posted, I keep an eye on the memory usage to watch it go up and up and up and up and...

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 19/5 -2013 22:41:13 Ended: 19/5 -2013 23:36:48Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: hype_train.swf-(3.31 MB, Loop)
[_] FINALS ARE ON Anon 1978181 not us but /mlp/ vs /tv/
>> [_] Anon 1978198 gay
>> [_] Anon 1978204 Oh my memory leaking god. Sort processes in Task Manager by memory consumption and then run this. It generates ~100MB every loop until the GC brings it down again. How do you even manage to make something this bad.
>> [_] Anon 1978238 >># Holy shit, this neckbeard is right. How DOES one fuck up that badly? Btw, made by Zone?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 3/5 -2013 07:47:49 Ended: 3/5 -2013 17:20:45Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
File: hype_train.swf-(3.31 MB, Loop)
[_] Skullgirls Anon 1961688 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1961692 is that all it does?
>> [_] Anon 1961707 HOLY FUCK does that thing have a memory leak. I'm impressed at how the author even managed to do that.
>> [_] Anon 1961719 So is this game even out yet?
>> [_] Anon 1961721 Holy fuck 2gigs of memory for this?
>> [_] Anon 1961939 >># Late june or early july I think is the current PC release date. Looking forward to it.
>> [_] Anon 1961945 >># Hit 4 gigs on mine for some ungodly reason before it reset. No clue.
>> [_] Anon 1961973 too bad none of the character will get voted
>> [_] Anon 1961977 >none of the characters depicted won >everyone voted for the titty monster instead top lel
>> [_] Anon 1961990 This depresses me
>> [_] Anon 1962010 zone go back to work

[YUU6Q90]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/5 -2013 00:59:46 Ended: 27/8 -2013 10:21:18Flashes: 1 Posts: 19
/ > /swf/ > Thread 2176 Age: 110.44d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 19 Replies: 16 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 6400 [L] Skullgirls Hype Train Zone's SG hype train flash [IMG] hype_train.swf (3.31 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 241 frames, 24 fps (00:10). Ver20, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video:
>> Anon 6406 No kidding, a new non-porn flash from Zone that isn't some nonsense news report? Whoopie! Don't care for the music at all in this but it's nice to see nontheless.
>> Anon 6414 >># Zone is now employed by the Skullgirls team so that is most likely why.
>> Anon 6417 >># Really? He's actually EMPLOYED? Are you sure he just aren't getting money for doing some promotions but is an actual employee?
>> Anon 6422 >># google up "zone hired by lab zero"
>> Anon 6426 >># God I hate people that tell other people to google. Thanks for absolutely nothing and fuck you for annoying me.
>> Anon 6429 >># I gave you the exact phrase to search for if you want the relevant news in the first three results, which you can go in depending on our preference of news sites.
>> Anon 6430 >># I gave you the exact phrase to search for if you want the relevant news in the first three results, which you can go in depending on your preference of news sites. If you are using chrome, you can highlight the phrase I've given, right click, then select "google ...." from the context menu.
>> Anon 6432 >># And I'm a human being asking a question on a forum where people are supposed to talk with each other. If I wanted to search around I would have done so myself of course. If I talk with someone in real life and suddenly ask him a question I will punch him if he tells me to look it up in a lexicon when he is clearly holding the information himself. All you had to do was say, "yeah he was hired on X to do Y". But instead you basically gave me the finger. WHY HAVE AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION HUH? And of course I don't use chrome. If there's one thing that's bad for the internet it is giving more power to google.
>> Anon 6435 >># Fucking pathetic.
>> Anon 6440 Zone posted on his twitter that he would be working as an animator on skullgirls.
>> Anon 6451 >># Just pisses me off when someone don't want to communicate on a forum. Then it pissed me off more when he defended the fact that he told me to google. And now you piss me off by telling me that my clearly logical opinion is pathetic (think about it).
>> Anon 6452 >># Thanks!
>> Anon 6457 >># >logical Jesus Christ. How fucking deluded are you
>> Anon 6459 >># I've got a headache, I don't have the energy to argue with you. Whatever man, if you think it's reasonable to tell people to google stuff for themselves instead of being nice on a forum and having a discussion, be my guest.
>> Anon 6469 >># >And I'm a human being asking a question on a forum where people are supposed to talk with each other. If I wanted to search around I would have done so myself of course. If I talk with someone in real life and suddenly ask him a question I will punch him if he tells me to look it up in a lexicon when he is clearly holding the information himself. Forums are NOT real-time conversation. Sure if I'm talking with someone IN REAL TIME and they want a quick yes/no fact answer, I'll give it to them. But someone posting a FORUM POST to wait at least a few hours for a reply, when you can google and get the answer within few minutes tops? It doesn't even encourage conversation: Your questions are fucking worthless. The answers are a definite yes or no, a fucking fact. They don't change. You google those. Trying to interact with people on a forum like you would in real life? Stop with the autism
>> Anon 6470 >># Whatever man. Keep being a dick.
>> Anon 6474 >># So you're not even going to pretend to not have autism?
>> Anon 6478 >># Blabla.
Created: 2/5 -2013 01:05:04 Last modified: 23/2 -2019 04:56:54 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:40:25