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This is resource HA6AICP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/12 -2014 17:58:06

Ended:27/12 -2014 22:17:14

Checked:27/12 -2014 22:48:07

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: One More Night In The Lab.swf-(625 KB, 730x570, Game)
[_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)11:54 No.2640514

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)12:01 No.2640520

  Growth Ray: Flip switches on wall, use screen in background to target locations, press bottom
  button on the 3 button console.

  How to progress: Grow the boobs to the maximum, then click all three buttons to take off the
  shirt, grow them to maximum again to move the console out of the way of the last switch.

  You can click on her hair to let it down, then grow that as well. Also when you grow her butt,
  you can tear off her skirt and grow it even larger.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)12:25 No.2640529

  Buttons on her shirt aren't working at max breast growth.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)12:30 No.2640535

  Yeah, not for me either.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)12:37 No.2640541

  You have to click on them from top to bottom in quick succession. Using tab makes this a breeze.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)13:49 No.2640579

  Who the fuck would waste their time making this shit? It's literally impossible to do ANYTHING.
  Fucking retards....

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)14:19 No.2640593

  just did it, works fine.

  some guy on newgrounds, who cares, git gud

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)14:25 No.2640600

  How do I activate the 3rd lever?
  I want my futa nursefu

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)14:35 No.2640602

  Does the hair not come out of the bun?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/14(Sat)14:41 No.2640604

  you have to click and drag to get it out of the bun.

  once you've got huge boobs and they push the thing to the left, shrink your boobs. the third
  lever was behind it.

  after you get the dick to full size, you can activate the third button and you have free reign
  control so long as you've grown something big already then you can grow and shrink as you please.
  Even has options for individual limbs and shit.
Created: 27/12 -2014 17:58:06 Last modified: 27/12 -2014 22:48:08 Server time: 03/01 -2025 13:07:38