File: Why_is_modern_art_so_bad.swf-(9.53 MB, 432x240, Other)
[_] It's that time again. Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:26 No.2677499
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:35 No.2677505
This man is 100% correct.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:43 No.2677513
thanks, learnt a lot
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:47 No.2677516
blew my mind when he said that the thing behind him was a fucking painting
jesus art has fallen a long way
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:51 No.2677519
of course an old white guy would love art made by old white guys. art is better than it's ever
been. to call modern art lazy or bad is to not understand art. Classical European art is
beautiful and inspiring and all full of the Christianity that western civilization loves. Modern
art is just as engaging. Who cares how long something takes to make? And even then, people are
STILL making art that takes a long time to make.
What a fucking joke.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:52 No.2677520
I couldn't agree more. I want a painting, not the artist's ego hanging in my living room
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:53 No.2677522
no it really isn't. the old painting took skill, any retard can paint a canvas white and call it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:54 No.2677523
You are a part of the problem.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:54 No.2677524
>shock art
>literal garbage bags as art
fucking please
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:54 No.2677525
I could make modern art when i was 5.
My printer is full of hundreds of pages of modern art. And sometimes i add extra artistic value
by expressing my thoughts on these white sheets of art by printing my thoughts on them,
litterally with words.
Truely i am a master.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:55 No.2677526
>old white men trying to push their old white men ideals on me!!!!!!!!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:57 No.2677527
>My printer is full of hundreds of pages of modern art
Come to think of it, when my printer broke, it became a modern art machine. Huh.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)12:59 No.2677529
no becuz ur a faget
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:00 No.2677530
you have to exhibit this in a museum.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:00 No.2677532
sometimes my printer runs out of ink and starts printing shit in red instead of black. i'm going
to have to stay up tonight thinking about the social and political implications of this.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:00 No.2677533
This is just a stupid argument. Either people really do enjoy a beauty in modern art, than his
argument is just "stop liking things i don't like". Or, they are pretentious cunts, in wich case
it doesen't help if the support classical arts instead. They obviously cant see the beauty and
excelence in classical art either. His argument is "stop beeing pretentious about this thing,
instead be pretetntious about my thing" No, pretentious cunts should just stop beeing .
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:02 No.2677535
*stop beeing pretentious
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:05 No.2677538
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:11 No.2677541
Actually, his argument is there should be a standard to the quality of art.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:14 No.2677544
let's enjoy a rock or a pile of shit! it's the 21st century, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:15 No.2677545
I hope this flash becomes the new Zeitgeist spam bullshit. Please post this every day.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:17 No.2677547
I think I'm in love with this guy.
I've been thinking the same shit he's been saying for so many years.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:18 No.2677549
>* Prager University is not an accredited
>academic institution and does not offer
>certifications or diplomas.
>But it is a place where you are free to learn.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:19 No.2677552
lol the Prager videos
This is the only one I remotely agree with, the rest are pretty shitty. The one on capitalism
being the best system is laughable because it assumes the best in every human being.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:20 No.2677554
>art has been reduced to personal expression
boo fucking hoo
also the advent of photography is the reason for the departure from realism
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:20 No.2677555
don't understand me wrong, i don't think people can enjoy a rock. but this isn't just a problem
in modern art. this is a problem of art in general. imagine for example a very talented artist
who makes an identical copy of a painting. with the same beauty, determination and excellence.
most people wouldn't consider the copy as good as the original, because they look at the name of
the artist and the price, not the art itself
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:23 No.2677557
You can say the same has happened with cartoons as well.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:29 No.2677563
YEAH! fuck standards and accreditation!
Oh wait.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:36 No.2677568
Ironically I would have told him that 'painting' was about as artistic as an unwashed smock.
Guess I hit that one on the head.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:38 No.2677569
right now I'm shitting in my hand, painting a stick duck over a surfboard smoking a joint and
watching a rainbow fuck a muslim with a squirrel, and this guy comes and tells me it is not art?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:44 No.2677571
I have to disagree. First of all, there is plenty of art created today in the style of
"classical" art that is of equal value. People create paintings deemed "objectively beautiful"
all the time.
Here's an example of a new painting that is one of my favorites and you all would deem beautiful:
So we know art of all kinds is being made, his argument falls when he assumes art has to be
beautiful. The police woman squatting is not beautiful to me, yet I appreciate the message it
sends about women in combat roles and the objectification they face, just as we observe the
sculpture and are repulsed by her urine. It isn't pretty, it's reality, and it makes us think.
Simultaneously, I'm not a fan of pollock or the blank canvas art. Perhaps an abler pen can
describe persuade me otherwise, but agian, I personally don't view it as meaningful.
Art must adapt as time progresses, who wants to see mountains being drawn until the end of time
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:45 No.2677574
I'm an Amerindian and I agree with the "white guy", you racist piece of shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:51 No.2677578
>art started at the Renaissance
>Ignores that David from Michelangelo took more than 15 years to be done, and how he had
financial support to do so by the church all those years, while modern artists have mostly times
a one week deadline
>one single aesthetic style from a decade/century is the TRUE art, while all others are
causality, not the other way around
>impressionism started because EVIL students rebelled against standards, not because photo was
invented and people was not interested in realistic portraits anymore
>Putting the lowest in comparison to the highest, to make a point
>Never explain what, in the end, is the true nature of art is how I should measure instead.
Instead pledge to the beauty, but also never explains it
>Museum art once was relevant
top kek. and people obviously fall for the bait
Go study some art history
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:53 No.2677579
please stop existing.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:54 No.2677581
It's not worth it, man.
Just move on, this thread never happened.
Egyptian art a best
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:57 No.2677582
I must concur. The "painted" canvas was a joke though. I'm sure it has some deep, meaningful
reason behind it for it... but to me it's kinda shit.
I do like some moderns arts I have seen, but after the 'different' factor wares off I don't want
to see another similar piece. I find it different with classical pieces, since rather than being
'different' it's more about excellence.
True, exellence can become boring when pieces are similar too often, but purely being
'different,' like modern art often tries to be, can become boring much faster so than when the
excellence factor is not present.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:58 No.2677583
these guaranteed replies flashes are the fucking worst
there hasn't been a single thread with people agreeing with each other
just someone always trying to persuade others that their opinion is right
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)13:58 No.2677584
You little shit.
It's called contemporary.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:00 No.2677585
Contemporary, then.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:04 No.2677587
>art, talent, beauty and effort are all the same thing
But that is fucking wrong. Art can be simple. Beauty sense changes from time to time. Talents
does not equal in good results. Effort does not guarantee a good work.
Yeah, of course museums are full of shit nowadays (sometimes literally). But that's goes for all
expressions of art as well. Take the top 10 billboard from this month and see how "good" are
those. But that does not mean, of course, that once in a while a pop song can't be a well crafted
piece of music, and that some modern artist can't do something really good.
This man in the end is just bitter nostalgic for something he never lived or experienced. He also
seems to be believe that one "movement" must have a name and rules to be real, while refusing to
believe that anything out of museum is ever gonna be important, or good
IN another words, he studied a lot of art, but never truly experienced it.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:09 No.2677591
If all modern art is "bad taste" and "ugly" (which is a lie) that means they do have a standard.
That standard just being the opposite of the ones who worshiped the beauty and the good taste
Not saying I like those, just saying that he contradicts himself in his "no such thing as
standards on modern art" speech
It's quite impossible to start a trend without creating a standard, even if you are fucking
dadaist, your art must obey some required rules and aesthetics to be called so
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:13 No.2677593
can you post more stuff like this?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:15 No.2677595
way to in every way literally BE the problem there guy.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:16 No.2677596
Call me a sad human being, but in the end calling something art nowadays is meaningless.
"Art" being a positive quality is just end result of people having the same opinion.
Especially nowadays, people hold too much value to opinions. Anybody saying "I consider this art"
instantly means it is "art". Ask yourself then - So what? It doesn't gain anything in comparison
to other things, since they're "art" just as well.
And this is core of the problem.
In earlier times something had to gain widespread recognition to be considered art. If you take
the widespread applause, you also devalue the 'art' label down to nothingness.
Separate issue is mistaking the causality by certain crowds. Art causes clashing opinions,
therefore if it causes clashing opinions it is art. And you end up with buttplugs being 1:x
replicas of fine art, re: paris sculpture.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:19 No.2677600
if you can find it post it.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:20 No.2677601
I feel you.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:22 No.2677602
>art used to mean "craft"
>any potter, baker or blacksmith was also a artist
>it needed top be widespread to be called art
>nowadays it means nothing!
top art studies here
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:23 No.2677603
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:24 No.2677604
Dude, before the industrial era being an smith was equal to being an artist, an artist of war.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:24 No.2677605
I think all movements do have a name and rules. Modernism is no exception. They are just much
more loose than in the classical periods. The result being line between movements has been
blurred a lot recently. At least manifestos and the like help a bit in the classification of some
of the movements.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:25 No.2677606
>pretentious cunts
adjective: pretentious
attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually
>yfw modern art critics and "artists" are actually the literal definition of pretentious
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:26 No.2677608
>the word changed meaning so you are wrong
I'm so happy I feel gay.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:28 No.2677610
see andy warhol's paintings of marilyn monroe
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:35 No.2677614
Manifestos only started at the modern and post modern art, because art at this point was getting
really meta
But the renaissance artists never sat down on a table and said WE MUST BE CALLED...THE RENAISSANCE
Names/rules are just a way to separate important changes, trying to squeeze the essential things
from the called movement. But at the time it was just a guy drawing things that was according to
his views on the world.
For example, is really easy to separate baroque painting from renaissance, but in the middle of
those two periods the art is mixed and not so rule-oriented, creating the famous "post" and "pre"
In short, nothing but one academic choice, took way too seriously by wannabes. Unfortunately
modern art is dominated by academics and wannabes, so everybody wants a name, a break-tough
movement and fame. Hence the mediocrity and try hard edge bullshit
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:37 No.2677619
>of course an old white guy would love art made by old white guys
>full of the Christianity that western civilization loves
So you're an edgy "anti-racist" fedora who's too retarded and/or autistic to recognize what is
objectively aesthetically pleasing and therefore assumes people like actual art because of
Christianity, the amount of time it takes to produce a piece, and "DEY WHITE." Seems like you're
half bullshitting us and half repeating something from a charlatan that you were too dumb to
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:38 No.2677620
Can I roll up a dog turd, smoke it, record it, and sell it to a museum as a performance piece?
I think I'll call it, Responsible Regret, a take on sticking it to the man but only to find
myself having a new addiction
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:45 No.2677631
Only if you have the correct connections to get it submitted to a museum, and the ruthless social
climbing skills to destroy the reputation of everyone that submits anything better.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:49 No.2677632
>art is better than ever
>trash art
please die
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:50 No.2677634
There was always a notion of what was the "norm" during those times; people noticed the change
from the rennaisance to the baroque. And, while it is true that many of these divisions were
termed by the academia, it doesn't change the fact that separating them by period proves to be
helpful in other areas of academia, namely the social sciences and literature.
I won't know what will happen to modern art as it is now, however. Many continue to push away
from what they consider the "norm", but it's attempting to change far too rapidly for anything of
importance to be created, resulting in most of the "mediocrity and try hard edge bullshit"
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:52 No.2677636
Talent can be taught. With enough time, barring physical disability, a person can learn how to
paint like a master. That is technique and is simply a matter of time and dedication before it
can be absorbed. Expression and innovation cannot be taught. You have it or you do not.
Photography and printing have allowed for exact replicas of the world be able to be created on a
whim. Expression is what separates an artist. Some have more technical skill than others but
simply relying on the rote copying of nature to canvas is no longer acceptable on its own as a
popular form of art.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:56 No.2677639
I find old art boring and new art pretentious. Oh and this guy is a nerd. What's wrong with me?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:56 No.2677640
Don't forget some things like Digital Art was created in that generation. Same way a even more
aggressive pop-art thing is happening, with all kinds of happy, colored celebrities/movies/re
ferences being painted in t-shirts, outdoors and so on
Our view is getting more and more commercial-oriented, is no different with the art. The standard
we have for popular art (forget the elites) is a happy, quick, amusing thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)14:59 No.2677643
>If the product doesn't sell, it isn't made.
a product is not art nor should art be made for profit, since it is just a way of expressing one
self for the artist and a form of entertainment for the audience.
>art museums a shit!!!
Yeah, art museums are a fucking joke and pandering to the biggest wallet. No shit.
There were tons of bullshit artist in history and yet only the few best ones are remembered.
Why? Because they were fucking good. It's not like every graffiti is going to be remembered as
the pinnacle of our time.
This guy does have good points but the best artist can actually be found online nowadays.
Also he seems to limit his perception of art to fucking paintings and sculptures.
The 1900's to now has been a revolutionary age to every other form of art, and since paintings
are not really the most popular form of art anymore it's really fucking stupid to complain about
them being worse than 500 years ago.
>> [_] Brother in /f/ 02/02/15(Mon)15:09 No.2677647
swf is type of modern art, sorry bros
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)15:12 No.2677649
That's not what he's talking about. The subject matter of the video is modern,
critically-acclaimed "art." There are lots of worthwhile modern forms of art that aren't
recognized by art critics as "modern art".
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)15:29 No.2677656
I just look at these as funposting
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)15:34 No.2677662
Stop spamming this shit video please, of course he is right but every not completely retarded man
already know that.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)15:34 No.2677663
You have to be fucking kidding me. The worst part is this isn't obviously bait. In which case,
you're fucking retarded, or everyone can dismiss this as bait.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)15:38 No.2677667
But he's a kike.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)15:58 No.2677680
>names only good classical works
>names only bad modern works
fucking moron. the classical masters also made heaps of shitty uninspiring works on top of that,
only to get lucky with a few prized pieces..
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:00 No.2677683
these guys are the defeners of the art world
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:06 No.2677686
Name shitty classical works please.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:10 No.2677688
The vast majority of them.
Nobody saved them because they were so shitty that they weren't deemed worthy of preserving. The
only reason we have the "classics" we have now is because they were pared down from thousands of
shit pieces over the course of hundreds of years.
It'll be the same thing a hundred years from now with modern art.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:13 No.2677691
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:14 No.2677692
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:16 No.2677693
ITT people who don't understand art or art history
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:18 No.2677696
There is a lot of really shitty modern art but there is also a ton of shitty classical art. If
its shit its shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:18 No.2677697
for example....young woman with ibis from degas
nothing special, not even close to his other works.
most of the "masters" were actually criticized in their lifetime and only later were their works
recognized as masterful works.
how are the works of dali, matisse, kandinksy and picasso not of the same quality as the
classical masters?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:35 No.2677715
tl;dr all new art is fucking shit all the rest is good
also you're all fucking faggots
>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/15(Mon)16:38 No.2677719
> nor should art be made for profit
Which explain why every important piece of art was done for profit!
Oh... wait