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This is resource J9QRXSA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/12 -2014 14:13:06

Ended:20/2 -2015 06:42:27

Checked:20/2 -2015 06:52:45

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 6330

Age: 82.22d   Health: 0%   Posters: 14   Posts: 16   Replies: 15   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 23nov2014(su)01:12 No.16252 OP P1

[G] Apparently noone was hurt during the creation of this. I hope the artist (UWfan-Tomson) sleeps
better having said that after fapping to drowning people.

[IMG] Peach Drowning.swf (833.1 KiB)
495x800, Compressed. 137 frames, 30 fps (00:05).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 23nov2014(su)08:01 No.16265 A P2R1

why was this made

>> Anonymous 23nov2014(su)08:53 No.16266 B P3R2

Who is this random dragon in the middle of all these girls you'd expect in a hentai flash

>> Anonymous 23nov2014(su)09:42 No.16270 C P4R3

What.... The Fuck?! The person who dreamed this up need some serious professional help.

>> Anonymous 23nov2014(su)12:40 No.16272 D P5R4

In that case send my sympathy to Noone, and Noone's family.
I wish Noone a speedy recovery.

>> Nanonymous 23nov2014(su)18:25 No.16273 E P6R5

You get no sympathy from me.

>> Anonymous 26nov2014(we)21:56 No.16329 F P7R6

it's funny that just because my dick knows it was made to be arousing it automatically got aroused
yup, can put this on my fapped list

>> Anonymous 1dec2014(mo)04:00 No.16401 G P8R7


thank god, I thought I was the only one who got a boner watching this

>> Anonymous 1dec2014(mo)05:26 No.16402 H P9R8

I fight for my friends.

>> Anonymous 1dec2014(mo)18:21 No.16404 I P10R9

I fap for my friends.

>> Horsie 3dec2014(we)11:29 No.16431 J P11R10

I tried, but I just can't even look at that.
I'm unable to fap (or practice sex) if there's any participant that isn't enjoying it. That's why I
hate the voices of the receiving end on most hentai and asian porn.
I know that this is just a cartoon and is not real, but I just feel sorry for someone that has his
empathy so atrophied that can fap to this.

>> Anonymous 3dec2014(we)12:59 No.16434 K P12R11

I know what you mean and that's perfectly fine.
But saying other people have atrophied empathy isn't fair really.
I'm not fapping to that either, but I can look at it no problem because it's just an animation.
I use my empathy for real people.
I'm not calling someone who faps to loli rape a child molester either.
These are two completely different things and they should be treated as such.

>> Anonymous 7dec2014(su)18:36 No.16478 F P13R12

my words exactly
could have probably not fapped to a mov of a "real" person drowning
making sexuality abstract is practically what the internet was made for
You would need to see a video abstract in any way to be able fap to it (noone dies in/through
videos in a narrower context)
or just be a lover of SM!

>> Anonymous 7dec2014(su)22:12 No.16484 L P14R13

just goes to show atheism isn't true

>> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)08:51 No.16545 M P15R14


same here unless it involves breaking them until they like it to the point of being crazy (even
then, only if it's relatively painless). I don't like bad, gory, or painful ends. also, should this
even be in /fap/?

>> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)14:40 No.16549 D P16R15

Rules of /fap/

7-1. If something wasn't intended for being jerked off to it shouldn't be here. A sexy commercial
for example shouldn't be here.

7-2. Just because something has nudity doesn't mean it should be on /fap/. Even if someone (you?)
might find it fappable it does only belong on /fap/ if most people would think it is.

>7-3. If it is clear that the thing was intended fapping material it should be here even if you
don't think that most people would be able to fap to it. Don't discriminate against shitty porn.<

7-4. If you are posting a porn game it should be marked as such by putting [G] at the beginning of
the title or text body. Non-games may not start the post with [G].
Created: 15/12 -2014 14:13:06 Last modified: 20/2 -2015 20:28:14 Server time: 23/06 -2024 02:44:38