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This is resource MZR1RJB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/12 -2014 00:26:21

Ended:25/12 -2014 04:41:39

Checked:25/12 -2014 05:12:23

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Plastic Dream.swf-(3.76 MB, 720x576, Japanese)
[_] Why is everyone so angry today? Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)18:25 No.2638410

  Is it because it's christmas eve and that makes it extra sad that you're spending it alone?

  It's all right, here's some hope for the future.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)18:28 No.2638413

  I couldn't have any reaction except constant laughter to seeing that in action first-hand.

  I'd say no pun intended but twenty years from now nobody would understand that. You win, science.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)18:29 No.2638414

  song name?

>> [_] swaglord 12/24/14(Wed)18:35 No.2638418

  >pretending to be a nigger

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)18:44 No.2638420

  seems like more of a plugsuit kinda thing considering the dick looks like a carrot

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)19:26 No.2638453

  Wait, isn't that the oral onahole? What the fuck?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)19:54 No.2638477


>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)21:43 No.2638543

  well another playtoy for people who think an animefigur would acutally really feel something for
  em and love em back, although they just reflect the thoughts/feelings of the person that created
  em, and yet still the think that animefigur would want em or love em back. Well..Sickness on its
  highest level and i dont care about the flame coming at me, i perfer love from a real human
  being, nut an created one who cant really feel a thing and is just doing things someone wants em
  to do.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)21:54 No.2638550

  Well, I guess this will be the future of mankind. And it's kind of sad.
  plastic has no emotions no matter what form it takes, that's absolutely true.. But there is
  something here..
  Just maybe those people can't get the response they desire from an actual human so they no longer
  care exactly what their target of passion is - living in a world of fantasy, taking fictitious
  stories and characters as real because the actual world is too cold for them

  it maybe wrong, it's not natural, but it is somewhat interesting

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)22:05 No.2638561

  Fake plastic trees by Radiohead

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)22:10 No.2638562

  this product is perfect for repeat sex offenders, they get the reaction they want AND! btw no one
  gets hurt.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)22:19 No.2638567

  you throwing in that unnecessary 'btw' in that sentence is more cringeworthy than the product
  you're talking about

>> [_] Anonymous 12/24/14(Wed)22:35 No.2638577

  But I'm not alone, I'm with you, anon. And, someday, I'll be with my waifu too.
Created: 25/12 -2014 00:26:21 Last modified: 25/12 -2014 05:12:26 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:17:37