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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 33. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 6612 Age: 18.57d Health: 72% Posters: 25 Posts: 33 Replies: 29 Files: 1+3 >> Anonymous 3feb2015(tu)22:09 No.17626 OP P1 [G] Breeding Season 5.7 Breeding Season 5.7 [IMG] BreedingSeason5.7.swf (7.68 MiB) 960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anonymous 3feb2015(tu)23:04 No.17627 A P2R1 Is this missing other reference files? Or are a bunch of features just missing due to an apparent gameplay overhaul? >> Anonymous 3feb2015(tu)23:19 No.17628 B P3R2 So what's new in this version? I noticed they added debug codes >> Anonymous 3feb2015(tu)23:57 No.17629 C P4R3 debug codes? >> Anonymous 4feb2015(we)02:14 No.17633 D P5R4 When is the last time they even added a scene? And those dumb fucks are probably still heaping thousands of hipster welfare bucks on these guys monthly via patreon, and yet nothing gets done. They're just milking it. >> Anonymous 4feb2015(we)02:35 No.17634 E P6 >>17633 It's been that way for ages, their patreons are braindead to actually be paying these guys. >> Anonymous 4feb2015(we)15:55 No.17641 F P7R5 >>17633 I really like how they add all kinds of unnecessary stuff (and in the process make the necessary stuff more buggy) when people probably just want to watch some monsters fucking. >>17629 getgil.10000000 >> Anonymous 4feb2015(we)16:46 No.17643 E P8 >>17641 many of the monsters don't even have sex animations with each other and there is still no cum animation like there was probably a year ago >> Anonymous 4feb2015(we)20:08 No.17644 G P9R6 >>17643 Also I still don't get why they completely changed the graphic style. >> Anonymous 4feb2015(we)23:53 No.17646 H P10R7 >>17644 ye mad They changed it because he got enough money to hire on Shwig, who can actually make artwork. If h-bomb had kept doing art then it would have eventually resulted in something god-awful by comparison. The new look is MUCH better IMO. >>17633 Couple new ones for the new option to choose male/female characters were added in last month's update. >> Anonymous 5feb2015(th)08:32 No.17653 I P11R8 >>17644 Yeah, old art/animation was so-so quality, but unique and in a way endearing. New art is better quality overall, but doesn't animate as well and is kind of generic (my opinion at least). What absolutely kills the new art is the aliased graphics. >> Anonymous 6feb2015(fr)05:20 No.17663 J P12R9 >>17629 getgil.10000000 getgp.10000000 >> Anonymous 6feb2015(fr)20:02 No.17676 K P13R10 is it still shit? >> Anonymous 6feb2015(fr)20:21 No.17677 L P14R11 >>17676 it somehow has less features and content every patch >> Anonymous 7feb2015(sa)21:44 No.17720 E P15R12 >>17677 And somehow they're still getting $25,947.76 per month >> Anonymous 8feb2015(su)06:25 No.17724 M P16R13 >>17720 You've surely got to be kidding me? >> Anonymous 10feb2015(tu)06:23 No.17811 N P17R14 >>17724 They're not joking. You can find the amount on the patreon. At this point it at least seems like they're trying to rework how the entirety of the game looks, which is great because the previous UI seriously clashed with the updated character art. However at the moment it's so busted they've basically gone back to before the patreon even started. I just started up the version posted here and couldnt even access the potions vendor or the menu where you can enable certain guild perks. I didnt see any futa or neoteny monsters either after restocking probably 30 times. I wouldnt recommend anyone play or back this game right now. Just let the crazed fanboys pay for the alpha development until it finally gets back to a more stable state. >> Anonymous 10feb2015(tu)11:43 No.17814 M P18R15 >>17811 that comes to 311k *a year*. what the hell? how many guys are they that works on this anyway? four? still doesn't mean that amount is split evenly, and I doubt it very much seriously, how does the world work. some people are starving and others get a brand new car every month for a few actionscript lines. i hardly think anyone is even working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week on this as well. does he even pay taxes on that amount? what a world >> Anonymous 10feb2015(tu)19:46 No.17819 E P19R16 >>17814 It's bizarre, I consider myself a pretty lazy cunt but if I was earning that money I'd be working on that project like a madman, full time job mode. I've been keeping tabs on this game out of interest since before its patreon and like >>17811 said the game has gone backwards in many areas. The developers have proved time and time again they don't deserve the money they're earning. >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)00:20 No.17829 O P20R17 >>17724 >>17811 >>17814 >>17819 LOL CAPITALISM if anyone wants it, you get money for it and there's ALWAYS someone willing to pay for any given thing >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)03:08 No.17831 P P21R18 >>17829 Those are some nice sweeping generalizations you got there, you should try selling them to someone. >> JellyasFuck 11feb2015(we)03:56 No.17832 Q P22R19 These dudes get sooo much money, and I can't fucking get a couple hundo bucks to work on the Wendy Koopa Incest comic I want to start. Support someone actually attempting some shit. >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)05:43 No.17835 R P23R20 >>17832 Fuck you, your advertising and the drooling morons supporting you. >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)06:44 No.17837 D P24R21 >>17832 No, you putrid fuck. Why should you get ANY money for that shit? One, that's a fucking awful idea, two, other people make much better shit for free all the time. Stop begging for hipster welfare to do something (that nobody wants) that costs you nothing but time. >> Shitpostergonnashitpost 11feb2015(we)09:50 No.17841 Q P25R22 FuckIfINeedAnySupportFromYourAss When is time fucking free? I'm trying to buy time to produce shit, nobody just does something without taking into account that money = time. So what if I want my artist welfare to make something that might mildly entertain someone, not everyone can afford to stop the shit they're doing to put stuff on the internet. So you can take your shitposting, and cram it so farrrrrr up your and the horses ass you rode in on, and just die. Cause the real truth here is... u jelly, and u mad. >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)10:39 No.17845 D P26R23 >>17841 >Time is not free So you were just baiting all along GG 7/10 was pretty incredulous that someone that stupid existed Kill yourself >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)12:16 No.17846 R P27R24 >>17841 >nobody just does something without taking into account that money = time. Lurk moar >> Anonymous 11feb2015(we)12:46 No.17847 S P28R25 I don't think it's all wasted money, but what they do with it is just baffling. There's tons of unfinished content, and they just keep piling more of it on the already ancient unfinished content. They should stick to finishing it instead of coming up with more stuff. >> Anonymous 12feb2015(th)06:02 No.17863 T P29R26 Thats weird I rememebr a time when shit artists made stuff, THEN begged for money and if it was halfway decent they would get donations. Not the other way around. >> Anonymous 12feb2015(th)08:14 No.17867 U P30R27 >>17863 Welcome to the time of kickstarter, patreon and DLC >> Anonymous 13feb2015(fr)01:11 No.17890 V P31R28 I have this weird idea... and it sounds crazy but hear me out. Maybe, just maybe, if you're making 27000 dollars a month you could hire some sort of amateur programer freelance style to work for you? >> Anonymous 14feb2015(sa)19:54 No.17919 W P32 Nothing fucking works, can't harvest, stores don't work for shit. No animations. Jesus Christ early versions had more scenes. This fucking thing is broken >> Anonymous 15feb2015(su)19:01 No.17937 X P33R29 >>17919 And laggy as fuck. I'm guessing they'll get to making it an .exe file with all the great shit they're planning on piling in there. But if they charge for it, I'm pretty sure people are gonna lynch 'em. |