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Happy New Year!

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This is resource U58JTGJ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/1 -2015 09:17:25

Ended:26/1 -2015 17:05:37

Checked:26/1 -2015 17:29:09

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The Frog And The Scorpion (Directed by Michael Bay).swf-(8.24 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Flaw in Capitalist Theory Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:01 No.2669403

  Wish i could post it on /pol/

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:04 No.2669406

  hahahaha fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:14 No.2669409

  >Flaw in Capitalist Theory

  Obvious bait is obvious.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:14 No.2669410

  Frog didn't do adequate background checks

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:15 No.2669411

  thanks for making my day anon

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:37 No.2669416

  Thank you OP. Well done. Haven't laughed that hard for days!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)03:51 No.2669427

  such a great flash and if the guy who made this is here thanks for making it

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)04:20 No.2669441

  Kek'd fucking rekt

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)04:45 No.2669452

  Once upon a time, a Bat saw a Scorpion drowning in a lake. Acting quickly, the Bat swooped down
  to rescue the Scorpion. As he carried it into the sky, the Scorpion stings the Bat.
  "Why would you do that? Now we'll both die!" Said the Bat, in terrible pain as they fell. The
  Scorpion answers "That's the point, sucker!"

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)04:58 No.2669458

  "I make money then I proceed to spend it on what I'd like. Sometimes I choose to use that money
  to pay someone to preform a task for me. Since it's my money, I choose how much I want to pay.
  Those who do not like what I am paying don't have to perform the task, nobody is forcing them.
  But those who do choose to accept the assignment for monetary gain receive the agreed upon amount
  and they can use that money however they want. If they start to ask for more, I can fire them
  since it is my money and I get to decide who I give it too".

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)04:59 No.2669459

  ..."In fact, I should be able to fire anyone I please for no reason whatsoever. Again, it is my
  money and I decide who and what I spend it on. The government does not need to be involved in any
  of these transactions. It is simply an agreement between two parties: 'I have money I don't want,
  I'll give it to you for something I do want' or 'I am offering payment to someone to perform a
  task, someone agrees to perform the task for the amount specified'. It's so simple and most of
  all it is truly the most equal system that could possibly exist because I would not expect
  anybody else to conform to how I personally believe they should spend their money and nobody is
  forcing them too".

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)05:49 No.2669478


  I almost woke my roommate up with my giggles, asshole

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)06:20 No.2669491

  some scorpions just want to watch the world burn

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)06:34 No.2669499


>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)07:01 No.2669504

  made my fucking day. bravo sir

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)07:10 No.2669508

  Op here, it's from yesterday, but i thought it deserved a repost.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)08:21 No.2669529

  Straight shit double fuck holy fucking kek

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)08:42 No.2669542

  is this flash still about niggers?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)08:45 No.2669544


  It's about breaking the libertarian world view.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)09:24 No.2669559

  The tale of the frog/fox and the scorpion is most definitely about niggers.

  This edit seems to be more about humour than any point about Jihadists.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)10:42 No.2669588

  >Nobody, including the farmers that require whatever price they ask in order to feed the humans
  and keep them alive, and--almost more importantly--their families fed, is forcing them to spend

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/15(Mon)10:53 No.2669593

  It's about the Jews you goof.
Created: 26/1 -2015 09:17:25 Last modified: 26/1 -2015 17:29:10 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:41:18