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This is resource W1XQNVE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/12 -2014 04:58:55

Ended:29/12 -2014 08:44:47

Checked:29/12 -2014 09:01:47

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: peach drowning.swf-(814 KB, 495x800, Game)
[_] Anonymous 12/28/14(Sun)22:54 No.2641983


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/14(Sun)23:13 No.2642001

  This is giving me quite a hard on right now.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/14(Sun)23:15 No.2642006

  >that moment when she starts to intake water

  boner, there is no explanation for this

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/14(Sun)23:20 No.2642011

  Strangely arousing.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/14(Sun)23:22 No.2642012

  Why can't you fuck her?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/14(Sun)23:51 No.2642045

  Getting aroused by watching someone die is worse than being cuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)00:08 No.2642059

  And yet, I am massively turned on.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)00:56 No.2642106


  The arousing thing isn't really her death, but the thrashing and convulsions that cause a primal

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)01:03 No.2642112

  So deep.
  This is trash, and you should feel ashamed.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)01:52 No.2642149

  Agreed, this is soul killing. Anyone who can watch is +1 for sociopath.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)01:56 No.2642153

  reddit can't handle a cartoon drowning:: The Post:: The Movie:: The Trilogy

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:01 No.2642156

  What the fuck is the point of this?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:07 No.2642166

  how the fuck can she suck in so much water without dying? damn she could hold her breath for a
  long tmie

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:12 No.2642170

  im into necrophilia but this was lame.
  at least pull her body out after she drowned and turned blue and then fuck her. then i would get
  turned on.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:12 No.2642172

  Obviously to masturbate to.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:14 No.2642173

  Some people get aroused at the moments before and of death, others the state after. Hell some
  wierdos like the whole living thing before ALL that. Whatever tickles your tip bra.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:16 No.2642175

  Also isn't drowning a bit faster than this? I mean you can hold your breath longer under water
  than when in air which they got right but once you take those first gasps of water you kinda lose
  it all right there. I swear after she did it took her like 45 seconds to asphyxiate at the point
  water smothered her lungs.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:16 No.2642176

  Really though, /f/ really must be infested by reddit. It's fucking painful reading the posts here
  sometimes, all their fucking emoticons and SAUCE??!?2! out the wazoo.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:22 No.2642179

  Drowning isn't what kills you, it's the lack of oxygen. Mammals can't process the oxygen in
  water, but that can process oxygen bonded to Perfluorocarbons (PFC's). Eventually, you'll end up
  injesting water into your lungs if you're in deep enough. It's just your reflex. It's
  uncomfortable, and you will have a gag reflex, but it's not what kills you. I should also say,
  that breathing liquids is nowhere near as easy as air given the incomprehensibility of liquids.
  People have been known to break ribs breathing PFC's before. Best not to panic and overexuberate
  yourself, I guess.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:23 No.2642180

  > if you're in deep enough

  Long enough I meant...but I'm sure it's full of errors

>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/14(Mon)02:43 No.2642191


  What fucking trolling are you even trying?
  I said thrashing and convulsions (of a woman) are erotic. If you disagree, you're just wrong.
Created: 29/12 -2014 04:58:55 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:32:48 Server time: 23/06 -2024 02:28:39