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This is resource YYKJU3Z, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/12 -2014 14:13:06

Ended:22/2 -2015 12:23:38

Checked:22/2 -2015 12:29:37

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 6382

   Age: 75.76d   Health: 1%   Posters: 19   Posts: 24   Replies: 22   Files: 1+2

   >> Anonymous 8dec2014(mo)17:26 No.16493 OP P1

   Don't open the door for Chica - Five nights at Freddy's

   sex, animatronic, ganador rex, dragon, furry, second life

    Five Night's at Freddy Chica - Ganador_Rex.swf (19.31 MiB)
   848x478, Uncompressed. 5266 frames, 29.97 fps (02:56).
   Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
   Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 8dec2014(mo)18:23 No.16494 A P2R1

   They're clipping through each other.
   Hell, they're clipping through themselves.

   >> Anonymous 8dec2014(mo)18:45 No.16496 B P3R2

   Welp. Scarier than Five Nights at Freddy's by far.

   >> Anonymous 9dec2014(tu)01:46 No.16500 C P4R3

   This wouldn't have been completely terrible if it wasn't for the dumb ass looking furry dragon

   >> Anonymous 9dec2014(tu)04:23 No.16506 D P5R4

   it's a shame that only furries have the autism to do things like this, which could have been a
   pretty funny parody

   >> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)01:46 No.16540 E P6R5

   What is the name of this AMAZING SONG!

   >> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)02:33 No.16541 F P7R6

   Eric prydz - Call on me

   >> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)07:13 No.16542 G P8R7

   terrifying duck teeth

   >> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)09:33 No.16547 H P9R8

   Oh I remember this shit. The Vidya was all over this in the Five Nights threads. I even remember
   the vimeo password.

   >> Anonymous 11dec2014(th)17:37 No.16551 I P10R9

>didn't bang to the beat of the song
completely ruined

   >> Anonymous 26dec2014(fr)17:07 No.16762 J P11R10

   Dem teef tho

   >> Anonymous 26dec2014(fr)20:59 No.16772 K P12R11

   considering the souls of dead children stuffed into the animatonics are hounting them
   this is actually CP!

   >> Anonymous 26dec2014(fr)21:11 No.16776 L P13R12

   that's... actually correct in a very weird way...
   But what if the age and the time the kid was dead exceeds 18 years?
   Does that count?

   >> Anonymous 26dec2014(fr)23:30 No.16779 M P14R13

   Are you done beeing retared?

   >> Anonymous 27dec2014(sa)13:18 No.16784 L P15R14

   I'd rather say you are narrow minded.
   The point of all the laws is the mental maturity. Not the physical one.
   That's why over 400 year old vampire lolis are a thing.
   So that's actually a legitimate question.
   In fact it's a philosophical one since we are questioning the maturity of undead, in this case,
   The question is: Does a mind without a body, or at least without a human body, still mature?

   >> Anonymous 27dec2014(sa)15:00 No.16786 N P16R15

   He's the kind of person who fucks up on 2 consecutive words in a 5 word sentence.
   And the kind of person who insults others for not thinking exactly like him.

   I'm sorry man, but I would say that you're wasting your time by trying to be civil.

   >> Anonymous 27dec2014(sa)16:09 No.16791 L P17R16

   Well, if I'm not civil on the internet, who will?
   And since I'm civil by default I'm not wasting my time trying to be :p
   But yeah, the question is still standing in the room. What do you guys think?

   >> Bernd 27dec2014(sa)17:16 No.16795 K P18R17

   I kek'd pretty hard

   Oh swfchan, are you slowly turning into an actual board?

   >> Anonymous 27dec2014(sa)17:50 No.16796 L P19R18

   Bernd? what are you doing here?
   Shouldn't you be busy having sex with lolis?

   >> Anonymous 5jan2015(mo)00:13 No.16976 O P20R19

   What the actual fuck...

   >> Anonymous 6jan2015(tu)00:46 No.16988 P P21R20

   Necrophilia and pedophilia? Geez, how many more taboos can you stick in there... oh wait furries.

   >> Anonymous 7jan2015(we)14:40 No.17014 Q P22R21

   Dedication to making something=autism now?
   Okay then,i guess every artist ever had autism.

   >> Anonymous 10jan2015(sa)19:43 No.17065 R P23R22

   Aren't you cute, defending a person who wants to be a purple dragon/lizard/whateve
   rthefuckthatthingis and fuck a robot meant for childrens' enjoyment.

   >> Anonymous 10jan2015(sa)23:11 No.17070 K P24

   Aren't you cute, arguing with someone defending a person who wants to be a purple
   dragon/lizard/whateverthefuckthatthingis and fuck a robot meant for childrens' enjoyment, on the
Created: 15/12 -2014 14:13:06 Last modified: 22/2 -2015 12:48:37 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:37:00