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Threads (36):
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Game) [_] [A] [Y] Anon 3498433
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Anime) [_] Anon 3003970 >> [_] Anon 3003972 >># Beautiful >> [_] Anon 3003996 >># source on the original song? >> [_] Anon 3004022 >># Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko ED
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Anon 2898868 >> [_] Anon 2898873 first >> [_] Anon 2898892 Top Kek! >> [_] Anon 2898942 i find this kind of videos super funny dont stop posting them >> [_] Anon 2898950 >># have you come out of the closet to your family yet or are you still on the fence? >> [_] Anon 2898953 I swear to god, if I ever die without wiping my computer, /f/, my family is going to be so god damned confused. >> [_] Anon 2899029 >Sweet Billy Love >Oh it's one of these. Is that that guys name? Billy? >SWEET BILLY LAAAAHVE my fucking sides
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Thursgay initiate Anon 2773728 >> [_] Anon 2773766 Of fucking course there's a 3d model of that guy.
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Anon 2766430
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Anon 2620470 >> [_] Anon 2620602 >># I miss Henneko everyday >> [_] Anon 2620608 >># I wonder how these gay porn actors feel about being used in remixes of animu songs >> [_] Anon 2620610 >># https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc7F-ofo CEU first question
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Anon 2601345
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] It's time again Anon 2564028
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Vendettuh 2555825 >> [_] Anon 2555828 >># sose
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Vendettuh 2530622 >> [_] Anon 2530753 the best thing ever posted on /f/ faggot >> [_] Anon 2530774 god this show was so shit turn it off
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Anon 2524157
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2481296
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2474520 >> [_] Anon 2474523 This was uncalled for. >> [_] Anon 2474654 If anyone wants to know, it's the opening to Pervert Prince and the Stony Cat. >> [_] Masaaki 2474661 Ending* >> [_] Anon 2474690 does anybody know who the man with the america thong is >> [_] Anon 2474721 >># Billy Herrington
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Anon 2430656
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Anon 2413432
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] [♂] THURSGAY [♂] vol.2 Qingtian 2399440 >> [_] Anon 2399448 Pretty well made
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2392335
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2354867
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Anime) [_] WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 2308545 >> [_] Anon 2308560 NO NO NO NO NO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO Hentai Ouji To Warawanai Neko...regardless you cannot ruin my waifu, fuck you. >> [_] Anon 2308570 I just finished this anime 4 hours ago. WHY >> [_] Anon 2308572 >># me too, are you me? >> [_] Anon 2308619 >># >># >># pleb taste. >> [_] Anon 2308620 After 4 months lurking in /f/ I can say that this board is gay. >> [_] Anon 2308722 thanks for filling my boy next door collection kind op
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Anime) [_] need song Anon 2288468 anyone know what song this is? i know it's from a niconico video and the song is the OP of some animu apparently, all i can get is the name Azuna, because google translate is SO fucking bad...and i'm not far enough into my moonspeak classes to know the vast majority of kanji http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21006527 >> [_] Anon 2288555 Baby Sweet Berry Love - Yui Ogura >> [_] Anon 2288579 >># THANK YOU was afraid no one would reply
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Anon 2284355 yes >> [_] Anon 2284506 Something about the lip synching at the beginning, he seems so sincere.
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Thursgay Anon 2281233 >> [_] Anon 2281298 that was something all right >> [_] Anon 2281310 Dat nigga make my kimochi go toki doki >> [_] Anon 2281378 I've actually seen some of his pornos. Yes homo.
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Game) [_] [A][Y] Anon 2264361 AAAAAAA >> [_] Anon 2264523 This one was good
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendetta 2254106 >> [_] Anon 2254129 what's the original? kinda wanna watch for comparison because it blows my mind that people sit and ambitiously make these >> [_] Anon 2254223 >># To be fair, the original was probably even gayer than this. >> [_] Vendetta 2254249 >># http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0BLJT9nA Aw It's the ending to Henneko. The 2 girls are basically her with her feeling, and her without. In the show she wishes that she wouldn't have feelings because she always cries. Pretty good show imo.
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2229828 >> [_] Anon 2229835 Thankfuly Billy isn't a bitch like Cat Toki
File: Sweet Berry Love.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2228488
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Aniki 2227150 >> [_] Anon 2227222 where can I find this model for mmd? >> [_] Anon 2227254 Anime sauce?
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Aniki 2222949 >> [_] Anon 2223044 NIGGA, IS THAT THE HENNKO ENDING THEME SONG? YOU DIDN'T OH NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T. my sides >> [_] Anon 2223048 How do I save this?
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] Vendettuh 2221400
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] BOY NEXT DOOR♂ Dr.Van 2219876 ♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ >> [_] Anon 2219880 Haven't seen this one before >> [_] Anon 2219884 lol, wow dude, seriously?
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] ThursGay Anon 2218598 >> [_] Anon 2218664 Song sauce?
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] ♂♂ Van Darkholme 2203138 >> [_] Anon 2203142 Sungay is now a thing too? well, alright. >> [_] Van Darkholme 2203144 >># TAKE♂IT♂BOY >flogs >> [_] Anon 2203165 report the faggot spam. sooner or later the mods will clean it up >> [_] Van Darkholme 2203200 >># I followed the rules. It's not spam. I only posted two. One of my slaves posted♂
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Anime) [_] Anon 2168070 >> [_] Anon 2168217 yes please
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] ♂♂♂ Van Darkholme 2078153 >> [_] Anon 2078176 gaygapuddin >> [_] scrubmaster 2078178 ANIKI♂BILLY♂ THE WHOLE GACHIMUCHI TEAM IS HERE >> [_] Anon 2078183 So this was horridly impressive. Well done. But aside for the major gay-ass gayness inserted repeatidly in this, what is the source of the anime it is mimmicking?
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Aniki's birthday Anon 2038646 >> [_] Anon 2038647 Aniki. <3 >> [_] Anon 2038674 BILLY HERRINGTON >> [_] Anon 2038676 sure is Zarbon in /f/ lately. >> [_] Anon 2038683 I'm seeing this shit ALL OVER the place. I mean, I've never actually seen the porn of it. I thought it was just a porn of a whole bunch of gay guys doin' it. But what's so spectacular about it? Was it just so atrocious that it caught on? Similar to the "OH SHIT, I'M SORRY. MHHHHMMMMM." guys? som1halp >> [_] Anon 2038689 There is something about Billy. <3 >> [_] Anon 2038709 BILLY LOVE ME >> [_] Anon 2038723 >># I know right? Something about these videos are amazing. >> [_] Anon 2038729 >># this. >> [_] Anon 2038739 love billy. >> [_] Anon 2038744 Billy is a god. >> [_] Anon 2038850 >># Billy Herrington and his fabulous friends are the Jap version of a Rickroll, except they actually respect him for it.
File: Sweet Billy Love♂.swf-(9.33 MB, 640x480, Porn) [_] Van Darkholme 2016462 |