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Threads (20):
File: Vanta Claus ♂.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Game) [_] [A][Y] Anon 3374520 >> [_] Anon 3374521 Thank you, sir!
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Other) [_] Tis the Season Anon 2982602
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Game) [_] [A] [Y] Anon 2638926 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2639005 >># Ah this one's good >> [_] Anon 2639023 >># best christmas gift ever >> [_] Anon 2639044 Ah! Thank you, Sir. >> [_] Anon 2639072 >># Fuck you!
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Japanese) [_] get in the spirit Anon 2637471 >> [_] Anon 2637541 ♂Merry♂Christmas♂ >> [_] Anon 2637552 n-no homo >> [_] Anon 2637553 feel the xmas
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Other) [_] Anon 2633639
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Anon 2631951 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2632075 >># beautiful
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2630509 >> [_] Anon 2630560 I've been waiting all year for this >> [_] Anon 2630569 lmao post more of these man they're funny as fuck
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2628822 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2628908 >># This was beautiful. >> [_] Anon 2628993 Fabulous
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Japanese) [_] Thursgay Brosiris !5ZnlOItP4c 2488014 >> [_] Anon 2488118 >># OH! Thank you sir!
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Get your ass back here Anon 2479293 Fuck You >> [_] Anon 2479366 I haven't seen this one before good post >> [_] Anon 2479369 IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] Merry Christmass Anon 2234943 >> [_] Anon 2234957 This made my Christmas Anon-kun >> [_] Anon 2234961 Was waiting all day for this. BOY NEXT DOOR! >> [_] Anon 2234972 >># FUCK YOU! >> [_] Anon 2234982 >># I love you. >> [_] Anon 2235030 >># NO, FUCK YOU LEATHER MAN!
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] Merry Christmass Anon 2229546 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2229584 faggot >> [_] Anon 2229661 Just how many of these are there? >> [_] Anon 2229697 >># An ass-load. >> [_] Anon 2229704 I'm so sick of these faggot ass flashes. Get the fuck out of here perverts >> [_] Anon 2229713 >># >perverts >> [_] Anon 2229720 >># For real dude this shit is disgusting who the fuck wants to see a dude tied up? Get lost faggot >> [_] Anon 2229722 >># hehe >> [_] Anon 2229724 >># That's not funny you fag that's disgusting who wants to blow their load in a dude's ass get lost >> [_] Anon 2229730 >># mad
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Japanese) [_] merry gayness ! Anon 2218831 >> [_] Anon 2218915 This makes me happy. >> [_] Anon 2218924 :) >> [_] Anon 2218926 fucking van
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] Anon 2210500 Christmas is loading >> [_] Anon 2210641 And Charlie Brown learns the true meaning of Christmas.
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Anon 2198832 >> [_] Anon 2198852 too soon >> [_] Anon 2198928 aww thank you sir!
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] BOY NEXT DOOOOR Anon 2096226 vanta claus >> [_] Anon 2096356 Deep boy next door
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Anon 2084210 wow >> [_] Anon 2084342 >> [_] Anon 2084347 gotta keep these alive
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Anon 2054066 >> [_] Anon 2054070 Already preparing the holiday cards! Oh boy, I can't wait till christmas~ >> [_] Anon 2054135 okay, it's official - i miss zeitgeist :( >> [_] Anon 2054136 >># What happened to him? >> [_] Anon 2054142 >># g8 b8 m8 >> [_] Anon 2054150 >># gait bait? you think i posted in order to influence the way people walk? >> [_] Anon 2054157 I cried twice. Merry Christmas everyone. >> [_] Anon 2054174 WHO THE FUCK IS MAKING THESE >> [_] Anon 2054182 >># apparently he went HARD GAY and gave up politics
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Anon 2031741 >> [_] Anon 2031949 fucking awesome :d
File: Vanta Claus.swf-(7.57 MB, 640x360, Porn) [_] Van Darkholme 2016942 >> [_] Anon 2016947 Please save us from the troll onslaught, Darkholme >> [_] Van Darkholme 2016953 >># Yes my slave, Me and Billy Herrington are here to enthrall and captivate /f/ in the leather-gay-sex-menorgy that we are all craving. ♂ >> [_] Anon 2016954 >being so lazy and untalented that you need to use background music to do most of the work for you and to drown out the mistakes you make >> [_] Anon 2016956 source? >> [_] Anon 2016958 >># I'll be waiting on the other side ~ >> [_] Anon 2017046 >># Darkholme still haven't posted the one with the japanese singing. been waiting since last night |