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This is resource A7I2N0X, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2717457 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8. Discovered flash files: 1
File: 【ミク・カイト・リン・レン・メイコ】human sacrifice alice.swf-(4.97 MB, 480x320, Japanese) [_] /r/ depressing window jumping game Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)12:29 No.2717457 >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)12:41 No.2717465 >>2717457 like the one where you start in your room, the computer goes down and then you jump out several windows only to end up in different rooms and such >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)12:44 No.2717466 >>2717465 are you talking about that isometric game by 2handgames with those ridiculous controls? >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)12:47 No.2717470 >>2717466 uh... i dont remember it having ridiculous controls i remember it was pretty simple, like there was a part where you had to figure out a pattern but thats about it? >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)13:01 No.2717475 >>2717470 http://eye.swfchan.com/search/?q=onehandgame try these >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)13:05 No.2717477 >>2717475 thanks found it :D >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)13:07 No.2717478 >>2717477 tell me again how WESD are not ridiculous controls >> [_] Anonymous 03/14/15(Sat)13:11 No.2717479 >>2717478 you know you can change the controls do you? |