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This is resource BFNAPT6, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2750347 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11. Discovered flash files: 1
File: Blue Morning.swf-(9.89 MB, 480x270, Anime) [_] My first swf saved, 6/30/13 The Biggest Dipshit 04/15/15(Wed)20:25 No.2750347 Also, haven't seen this one posted in a while. >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)20:33 No.2750350 >>2750347 There is actually one that just has the intro beat played over and over. Kinda soothing. Also, I don't regret this anime. >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)20:36 No.2750353 whats the name >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)20:42 No.2750362 >>2750353 Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko translated form moonspeak it's like "Electrowave Girl and..." Fuck this. Initiate wikipedia "Electrowave Girl and Youthful Boy" >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)20:44 No.2750368 >>2750353 Or the flash? No idea, "Blue Morning" still, but with a loop... >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)20:53 No.2750375 nah the anime thnx anon >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)21:05 No.2750392 Name that song. >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)21:07 No.2750395 >>2750392 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HXUhShhmY >> [_] The Biggest Dipshit 04/15/15(Wed)21:08 No.2750396 >>2750392 Her Morning Elegance - Oren Lavie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HXUhShhmY Shazam is a nice app. >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)21:09 No.2750399 >>2750396 2 slow son. My lyric googling wins this time Shazam. >> [_] Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)21:34 No.2750426 >>2750347 >first swf saved was in 2013 FUCKING NEWFAGS |