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This is resource CS0SX9K, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2743440 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12. Discovered flash files: 1
There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files). File: khajiit_mages.swf-(543 KB, 600x450, Loop) [_] /r/ inside Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)22:32 No.2743440 /r/ing the name of the flash of the robot walking on a treadmill that's set to music. It's hooked up to a bunch of wires and I recall there's a plywood box or something in the background. I'll find the flash on swfchan so it doesn't need to be posted, I just can't think of the fucking name of that flash. Have some [L] for the /r/. Last I checked no one had sauce for the music. It is not any remix of Avast Your Ass that's on youtube either. >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)22:42 No.2743448 >>2743440 struttin >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)22:43 No.2743450 >>2743448 >struttin Das it mang. Thanks. >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:19 No.2743489 >>2743440 YOU FUCKER YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE SONG IS ON YOUR FLASH >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:21 No.2743491 >>2743489 Feel free to go though the collective posts of anons trying to find it. Last I looked no one had figured it out yet. http://swfchan.net/21/103319.shtml?khajiit_mages.swf >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:22 No.2743494 >>2743491 Sorry I know its in a flash about my little pony too and I have heard it somewhere else. Its sort of been my unicorn as I have never found the name of the song. >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:29 No.2743501 avast your ass >/watch?v=Y-u4Qh82uYw >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:32 No.2743508 >>2743501 I'm not above taking the b8 You're a fucking dipshit >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:34 No.2743511 >>2743508 i just saw it in another archived thread for this flash and decided to share it. what bait are you talkin bout? >> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)23:51 No.2743520 >>2743511 It's just false information that is parroted repeatedly. Just because it's in the archive doesn't mean it's true >> [_] Anonymous 04/09/15(Thu)00:00 No.2743525 >>2743501 If it is an Avast Your Ass remix, it's fairly obscure. >> [_] Anonymous 04/09/15(Thu)00:13 No.2743542 Well, I tired to extract the sound file to see if it had any data attached to it, but this was all I got. https://mega.co.nz/#!EsggDJBI!AzZ4ZsLrYnxJ-qWIJWtuSB2w4g4ei0j7FkZO6S53Txg |