File: The truth about USA.swf-(9.79 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)08:48 No.2714184
From The Newsroom
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)08:54 No.2714185
this is why i became an addict of the series. RIP (or make some noise)
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:09 No.2714197
is there really someone who thinks USA is THE greatest country in the world?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:16 No.2714203
What would be worse, someone who thinks that USA is THE greatest country, or someone who was
convinced its the greatest by blindly following someone who said it and didn't think for
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:18 No.2714204
No one but people who live there.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:30 No.2714207
The first would be worse. Because they genuinely believe it where as the second is just a parrot.
You can at least see some hope for the second person because if you can get them to stop
suspending their own judgement and believing whatever they're told to believe they might actually
be a decent enough person to realize that it isn't, whereas with the first person they've already
thought about it thoroughly and have somehow still deluded themselves into thinking it's the
greatest country in the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:42 No.2714214
>Boomer talking shit about ANY other generation in history
Every single one of those flaws that he brings up were caused by that pompous, spoiled
generation. Boomer greed and immaturity put not only the US, but all of Western civilization into
decline and by all appearances they managed to do an even worse job raising the millennials than
the WW2 generation did raising them.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:48 No.2714221
>Lists "free" countries
>That have no rights to bear arms
>Shits on people having faith
>Then talks about fighting wars for moral reasons
What a load of liberal horse shit.
I'm proud to be an American and do firmly believe that I live in the greatest country in the
world. Just because America isn't perfect doesn't mean that it's not the greatest country in the
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:50 No.2714225
Yes. Everybody that talks about "we" when mentioning something that was done by anyone in the
past that lived in the USA.
We didn't win that sport event. Those guys did. You sat there watching TV with a potato chip in
your hand.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:52 No.2714227
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:54 No.2714228
>finding some weak point
>continuing to believe in jesus and ignoring the rest of what's said in the video
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)09:56 No.2714231
>Looking down upon the billions of people in the world that practice a faith
>Acting like you're superior than them
Absolutely disgusting. A true American doesn't care what your faith is as long as you're an
honest decent human.
Not this shit where we berate people and say they have imaginary friends.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:09 No.2714235
the right to bear arms is outdated. it's useless since we can't have military grade gear.
Sometimes I'd rather no one had anything but it's better the more freedoms we had so whatever. It
isn't very special though. Especially with how high our crime rates are.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:09 No.2714236
What a ridiculous twit.
The "fallen from grace" fuckers are almost as sad as the "murrika fuck yea" folks.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:12 No.2714237
>We can't have military grade gear
Thank you for showing us all that you own no firearms. know nothing about their applicable laws,
and the operation of firearms.
Exactly. And anyone that gets their politics from Jeff Daniels is a fucking moron.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:15 No.2714239
anyone that has actually heard any story in the bible should realize in this modern age that the
whole thing is just stories made up by several people. no way no how is any of it any sort of
indication of a supreme being creating the entire universe.
also you talk about being a true american, im not even from USA. though that's probably obvious,
me not blindly believeing in ghosts and the like
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:19 No.2714241
What's so funny is that morons in Euroland don't realize they lack true freedom of speech. That
they can be jailed for saying unkind or untrue things.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:19 No.2714242
dude the right to bear arms law has no teeth any more, the people cant rise up against the army.
it's just impossible. all that law does nowadays is pour violence into society.
im not saying you can remove the right, it's too late for that. just saying that you either
didn't understand what he meant with "useless since we can't have military grade gear" or you
actually believe the people can somehow rise up against the government
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:20 No.2714243
People still can rise up against the government. Just go ask all the goat farmers in
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:21 No.2714244
it's true that usa is very liberal when it comes to speech. nobody ever claimed otherwise. but so
what, that doesn't magically make usa the greatest country in the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:22 No.2714247
In combination with other things, it does.
Nobody here says that the USA is perfect, just that it's better than other nations. And it is.
Unless you want your hand held all throughout life and for people that would hurt your feelings
to be fined or jailed.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:23 No.2714249
This is honestly amazing bait
If it's not bait, though, you're just pants-on-head retarded
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:24 No.2714250
im talking about usa here, not some minor country that has no where near the same military force
and doesnt have the "we dont negotiate with terrorists lol" mindset as the average american does.
i mean, arent children actually swearing a pledge of allegiance in school STILL in this day and
age in USA?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:24 No.2714251
>lack true freedom of speech
Failed, try again.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:25 No.2714252
You know, the video OP posted was made for people like you. You are the ones that need to take in
what is being said in there, USA really isn't the greatest country in the world any more. Can you
dig it, or will you keep blocking?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:27 No.2714255
the pledge of allegiance truly is the greatest brainwashing method ever. holy shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:27 No.2714256
Hey, do you remember that Charlie Hebdo thing? Yeah, that thing that happened just two months
ago? I'm pretty sure that the French have "true freedom of speech."
Also, people in the US can be jailed for saying untrue things. That's called slander and libel.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:34 No.2714257
>tries to argue with freedom of speech
>teen in the USA gets jailed for a facebook comment
top lmao
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:36 No.2714258
People who call USA the greatest country on earth confuse me. There's usually an implication of
centuries of domination, but that's not even true. USA has only been the most powerful country in
the world since the fall of the Soviet Union. USA wasn't really a world superpower until the
world wars started and the big European countries lost so many people and got into so much debt.
Sure, USA is the most powerful and influential country in the world, but it isn't by virtue of
anything except economic and military power. If the ability to control others is your definition
of greatness, then sure, USA is the greatest. But it's not this shining beacon of virtue that
nationalistfags seem to think it is.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:36 No.2714259
citations are at the bottom
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:38 No.2714260
Happens all the time in euroland. People jailed for saying.
>Muslims suck and are ruining this country. They should go back where they came from.
It's a crime in many parts of Europe to deny the holocaust.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:42 No.2714261
>This video is for people like you.
No, it was made for idiots that think quality of life can truly be evaluated by surveys, that
washed up comedians are some sort of political scholars, and that if you complain enough things
will change.
No. This video is for morons that are easily influenced by no-nonsense acting.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:45 No.2714263
>considered by EU officials
Failed, try again.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:45 No.2714264
at least countries in Europe don't jail people for internet comments.
And if we're talking about freedom, USA has the largest amount of police brutality out of any
civilized countries.
god bless am i rite?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:46 No.2714266
>Happens all the time in euroland. People jailed for saying.
>>Muslims suck and are ruining this country. They should go back where they came from.They should
go back where they came from.
give me at least one source of this happening ameriblubber
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:49 No.2714268
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:49 No.2714270
this guy went to jail for "defaiming the dead"
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:51 No.2714272
uh, FYI -the surrounding impetus for the clip was MacAvoy's ex holding up two scribbled messages
to him from the audience: 1st: "IT'S NOT", 2nd: "BUT IT CAN BE"
literally: speaks for itself.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:52 No.2714274
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:54 No.2714275
Big words from a man that killed farmers that didn't want to pay for a tax on whiskey.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:54 No.2714277
If quotes ever meant anything, we would live in a better world.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:59 No.2714279
>Europe don't jail people for internet comments.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)10:59 No.2714280
same thing would've happened in the USA to be honest
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:07 No.2714287
Except not really.
Freedom of speech is highly regarded in the USA unless it is to provoke imminent lawless action.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:09 No.2714288
Nope. Can't even get convicted of murder when you drive a kid to kill herself off of comments
made online in the USA. As it should be.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:17 No.2714292
Sorry bro, but the current generation is even shittier than the previous.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:18 No.2714293
FYI--it wasn't until 1946 that they added in the line "under god" to the text
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:19 No.2714294
Huh? Liberals have been openly campaigning lately that freedom of speech should be restricted if
it insults any group. Hell, it's already to the point where having an opinion that differs from
liberals will ruin you professionally, it's just a matter of time before it becomes a criminal
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:20 No.2714295
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:20 No.2714296
Anyone who thinks the second amendment actually means anything is retarded. It was written when a
musket was the most advanced piece of weaponry outside of a canon.
When your government has drones, nuclear weapons, biochemical weapons it becomes absolutely
You can't write laws and expect them to last 300+ years and stay relevant.
and giving citizens access to weapons of mass destruction is fucking RETARDED
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:21 No.2714297
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:22 No.2714298
really? i thought they did it in the 50s to distance themselves from the "godless commies"
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:24 No.2714299
>people actually believe this is what liberals think
There have been no laws passed since Charlie Hedbo that would indicate anyone has any intention
to stop free speech.
If people want to exclude you because you say offensive shit, technically they're welcome to do
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:25 No.2714301
I really hope this is bait anon, otherwise please just an hero, you don't deserve life after the
sheer stupidity I just acquired from reading that dumb shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:25 No.2714302
Disagree entirely. and a government can't nuke it's people without nuking themselves.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:26 No.2714304
true enough. as far as it goes.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:28 No.2714305
well, not if you consider "the walking dead" to be an argument,
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:30 No.2714307
Again, ask the goat farmers in trashcanistan that regularly killed American GIs and effectively
won the war.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:32 No.2714310
or you know, self defense.
but lets stick with the "you only need guns to defend against zombies" strawman you got there.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:32 No.2714312
OP here
I only wish I didn't have to go to work so I could watch you guys eat each other alive for a
little longer. Thanks for all the memories
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:33 No.2714313
you're still a faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:33 No.2714314
The thread will be on swfchan later. You should look it up.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:36 No.2714316
America is the greatest country in the world. Who is better, Canada, Sweden? Too fucking cold.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:37 No.2714317
I know a guy who was almost shot by a cop. There was a dog on his property that was attacking
him, so he called animal control. Since animal control is now handled by the sheriff's
department, a cop got there first. The guy said in his call that there was a dangerous dog and
that he had a gun to protect himself from the dog. The cop got there, saw the gun, decided to
pull his gun, and told the guy to put the gun away. The dude had literally every right to have
that gun out: he had a permit, it was his property, and he was using it to defend himself from a
crazed dog. The guy didn't get shot because he remained calm and told the cop to call a
supervisor, who came and defused the situation.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:38 No.2714319
This was in the US, of course, and the guy was a big, ripped black guy who was once a sniper in
the military.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:39 No.2714321
you seem to miss the point that trashcanistan landscape is a major weapon. it was also the defeat
of the british empire, the tsar, and putin.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:41 No.2714322
most fun i've had utlizing both hands in a while
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:44 No.2714324
And America has also been the defeat of the British Empire, Communists, French, and Mexicans.
>> [_] Luxworth 03/11/15(Wed)11:50 No.2714328
This made my day.
This man is a god.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:51 No.2714329
I love watching this every time I watch it. I can't tell anyone how true this fucking is.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:53 No.2714330
Yeah all those nations used standings armies to fight each other.
guerilla warfare basically changed armed conflict forever, and there's no real way to stop it
outside of education, or by genocide and genocide tends to just make more guerillas.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:55 No.2714331
is there some conclusion to this thread within the context of this reply?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:56 No.2714332
Ergo, the people of the United States of America can resist the government in armed conflict.
Quod erat demonstrandum
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)11:57 No.2714333
America is far, far, far from being the greatest country in the world. There are some reasons to
live there but none have to do with living quality but with working possibilities (I know you
could label that as living quality but you get my point). Also the freedom thing is fucking
bullshit, the US is almost a surveillance state and if the government wants they can shit on the
public as hard as they want.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:02 No.2714336
I've never seen one before -- no one has -- but I'm guessing it's a white hole.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:02 No.2714337
cf. "trashcanistan" terrain arg. above.
perhaps in the rockies, or the new hampshire/vermont reaches. anyplace else: shooting gallery.
quid pro quo!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:09 No.2714342
people tend to not like to go to war with people of their own culture
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:16 No.2714346
You're wrong. Consequently, you're a fucking moron. Shut the fuck up.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:22 No.2714351
You literally just proved his point for him.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:22 No.2714352
Still a good clip. But I still believe that it can be. I love you USA.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:23 No.2714353
and your point is? still the best fucking country around. all the haters can suck a big, fat red
white and blue donkey cock. talk about resting on someone else's laurels, bitch, why don't you
come up with your own material next time instead of playing some gay rehearsed movie scene and
thinking you are changing the world. armchair quarterback you are.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:30 No.2714360
as opposed to what other country?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:33 No.2714362
Compared to many other countries its one of the last strongholds for good working conservatism.
Texas is the best damn state in it.
We talked about how Bavaria in Germany was like Texas in the US because they talked different;
had better food; and generated about 60% of the economic growth for Germany.
God bless you Texas.
Secession will come one day
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:35 No.2714363
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:36 No.2714364
>it becomes absolutely meaningless.
>multiple revolutions
>Soviet Afghanistan
>modern Afghanistan
>al qaeda
Need any more examples of people winning with ridiculously inferior weapons?
Also, you're fucking moronic for not knowing that the military itself was wrote in rules that
encourages disbanding if unconstitutional orders are given, so tell me, what good does "MUH
DRONES" do if there is nobody willing to fly them?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:38 No.2714365
>the angry liberal who wrote this script is good
impressed by fiction like some sort of child, cute.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:41 No.2714366
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:44 No.2714370
this whole time I'm listening to the speech and peoples arguments about the us not being the
greatest in the world.
okay, I'm fairly objective and can admit to being less educated in politics, so I can dig it as a
but this whole time I'm wondering, what IS the greatest country in the world?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:50 No.2714372
Anyone who DOESN'T think the Second Amendment isn't absolutely necessary is a goddamn moron.
Do you think the government is really going to care about a piece of paper if it goes full Pol
Pot? It will care about it if the populace is armed.
There are hundreds of anecdotal examples proving that asymmetric warfare is possible to win like
this anon pointed out.
And if you believe that our founding fathers thought that guns and technology would never get
more advanced then you're a goddamn moron.
They supported the right for a man to own a 21 gun warship; A FUCKING WARSHIP WITH CANNONS.
Ghandi supported gun ownership as well.
In form yourself commie.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:52 No.2714374
>88 replies
Is this really /f/?
If you replied unironically to this flash, go back to reddit, seriously.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)12:57 No.2714381
>Alex Jones
You are the worst kind of person.
Regardless, I hate that the "well regulated militia" caveat in the beginning of the second
amendment is so conveniently ignored when it comes to guns. I'm all for gun ownership, but I like
waiting periods and background checks.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:00 No.2714384
"well regulated militia"
Where does it say regulated by the Government?
Waiting periods do absolutely nothing but prevent law biding citizens from getting the arms they
need to defend themselves against all threats.
A background check does not impede a citizens right because it is done in a timely and efficient
manner. (You're not going to get robbed in a gun store)
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:01 No.2714385
What part of
>Shall not be infringed
do you not understand?
What part of
>the right of the PEOPLE
do you not comprehend?
You're so stupid if you advocate increased restrictions on firearm ownership in the US when you
don't even know the existing laws and background checks that are required.
>B-b-but muh gun show loop hole.
There is none. I shouldn't need to go through a background check to sell my gun to a friend. And
fuck you for suggesting I need to.
>Waiting periods
Fuck that noise. Shall not be infringed.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:01 No.2714386
Also I don't follow Alex Jones; literal batshit insane extremist. This is just a good video.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:02 No.2714387
doesn't the argument attack liberals like...really early on? Didn't your point collapse before
you ever formed it?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:04 No.2714389
Not that anon;
It seems like its attacking liberals but if it really was then he wouldn't be comparing the US to
the uber liberalshitholes like UK. France, Japan
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:05 No.2714390
We can't have a well-regulated militia if there is no militia. They got rid of it and put the
duties on a branch of the Army, the national guard, who take their orders from the executive
branch of government.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:07 No.2714391
There is no Greatest country its all subjective.
Americans think theyre the greatest cause they tell each other so 24/7[god loves us the most btw!]
Muslims think they rule because Allah said so
UK thinks they rule because "the sun never sets in Britian!"
ect, the list goes on and on and really nationalism is a toxic mindset youd be much better off
simply living where ever you feel like and not giving any fucks
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:07 No.2714392
Britghanistan and The Caliphate of France i understand, but how is Japan uber liberal?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:08 No.2714393
Its their culture; They literally have been culturally bred into submission to government for
thousands of years, also noguns.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:09 No.2714395
Fuck yes it is. Name one country that's better. Oh wait, you can't.
Because people from all over the world want to come here to do things including but not limited
- start a business
- leave their shithole country
- get an education
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:09 No.2714398
and because americans have the greatest military in the world
you forgot that little tidbit
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:09 No.2714399
>101 replies
Stay classy /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:10 No.2714400
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (自由民主党 Jiyū-Minshutō?), frequently abbreviated to LDP or
Jimintō (自民党?), is a major conservative[8] political party in Japan. It is one of the most
consistently successful political parties in the world.[9] The LDP has been in power since 1955,
except for a brief 11 month period between 1993 and 1994, and from 2009 to 2012. In the 2012
election it regained control of government. It holds 295 seats in the lower house and 115 seats
in the upper house.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:11 No.2714401
so sad to see this discuss on f inb4 200 replies
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:12 No.2714402
they kicked us out of /pol/, so now we are here cuz less censorship.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:15 No.2714403
you spelled sand niggers wrong
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:16 No.2714404
>conservative by name
I dunno dude; Japan is definitely lacking of gun freedoms. Only assumed it would be more.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:16 No.2714405
not like /f/ has anything better
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:21 No.2714411
I sort of agreed up until the "It used to be" part.
Fuck. That. Shit.
The thing about the US is that it cannot be compared to any other country in the world. Not
fucking one. The thing about the US is it has fucking everything. It has areas that are really,
really poor where literacy isn't important that bring down the national average, due to it being
some few hundred different cultures all crammed into one country, while at the same time, the US
holds more amazing universities than the next ten countries combined. Don't forget that its size
is massive, since it's in the top five for both land and population, and there are individual
states in the US with better economies and higher population than most European nations. All the
poor, the huddled masses from every other fucking country, they don't go to Japan or UK or
Belgium, they come to the US and drag down the poverty level another couple of notches.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:24 No.2714416
>fighting wars for moral reasons
When will you start? Or, if your morals are "Killing millions of kids is ok, becaus it's worth
it. t. state department.", can you stop it?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:24 No.2714417
>Freedom of speech is highly regarded in the USA
top kek
>a bond of 500 000 dollars while convicted molesters get bonds of 5 000 bucks
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:24 No.2714418
sorry to break it to you but people with an american diploma have no chance against those with
one literally from anywhere else.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:35 No.2714423
Shit, I'll tell all those people at Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Cal Tech, Colombia, and
Princeton that their degrees won't matter when matched up against someone from University of
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:37 No.2714426
>1 case that is seen by and large as a miscarriage of justice
>Have people arrested in Eurostan and convicted of being nasty and indulging in "anti-social
behavior" online and the people stand behind it.
Yeah, totally the same.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:41 No.2714432
lol americans
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:41 No.2714433
Feels good to live in Eastern Europe where the government doesn't monitor the internet at all and
you can get away with posting almost anything.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:41 No.2714434
>no one will ever do this outside of a movie where they have actual accountability for what they
Tell me why I should give a shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:44 No.2714436
>finding some weak point
That's the entire point of a debate you god damned retard.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:48 No.2714439
i think he mentions something about being informed somewhere in this flash. dunno, maybe i should
educate myself
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:50 No.2714440
you really showed him, anon! that you can use fallacies! isnt it awesome!?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:53 No.2714442
If anything, the USA would have the easiest time overthrowing their government.
We have insane amount of gun owners and ludicrous amounts of ammunition. But that's not what wins
us the war. What does is using the government body against itself and the countries main cities
against the government.
Chances are, a large portion of the military and government will NOT attack U.S. Citizens. Even
if told to do so.
But this is the great thing. Even if they do, their 'bigger weapons' you so fear and think would
beat all of us, would be used against them. How's that you say? Well if a militia set up in main
cities like New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Dallas, Orlando, and the various others; They can't
touch us other than with the same weapon we use - or variants thereof.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:54 No.2714443
>Says liberals are stupid
>Wants America to be more liberal
>Says that religion is stupid
>Wishes America would be the greatest country again
>The time period he is referring to is a time period in which America was even more religious
than it is now
>If he had a time machine and went to this time he'd get his shit pushed in for acting like a
Just fucking admit you're anti-Christian already and stop living on damage control.
Or better yet just go die and save everyone else the trouble you cuckold faggots.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:54 No.2714445
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:54 No.2714446
They won't airstrike their own cities, they won't bring in weapons that bring upon collateral
damage - Unless... We ruin everything, or they, anyways.
So as long as we fought the asymmetrical warfare battle in urban environments, using their own
military against them due to us being U.S. citizens, logically... there's no way the U.S.
government can beat their citizens. This is OUR country and we have the power to take it back if
we are together. This is why divide and conquer is the governments best tactic. NOT drones and
bombs and airstrikes.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:55 No.2714447
That comment is star spangled awesome!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:56 No.2714450
> implying that without gun freedoms you cant be conservative
> being this americentric
there is a world outside of america you know, where it isn't a deeply ingrained part of the
culture to have guns everywhere
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:57 No.2714451
>Argument is that American degrees are less valuable than a degree from "literally anywhere else"
>Name institutions in the US
>Name an institution that's literally anywhere else
Not my fault you're a fucking idiot.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)13:58 No.2714452
for fucks sake i need sause
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:00 No.2714454
The average American diploma is not one from Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Cal Tech,
Colombia, or Princeton. It's one from some random state school, or a community college. The
important statistics are the mean and the median, not the outliers.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:04 No.2714456
WTF, an actual arguments on /f/, i came here to see people spam 'MURRICA!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:04 No.2714457
Read the OP retard
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:10 No.2714460
>get an education
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:12 No.2714461
to name a few
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:14 No.2714462
>all these mad murricans
ahaha, go shove a burger down your fat face, fatty.
If you aren't a fat cunt, congrats, you are one of the minority of the US that hasn't got shit
genes, move to a good country now so you can enjoy an actual life.
No, that isn't a life you have, it is a lie.
pfft, worst lie in American history.
There isn't a single American alive today that has had actual freedoms.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:15 No.2714463
Postaan eeppiseen.
Haista Jonne vittu
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:15 No.2714464
If America hadn't been screaming its ass off since its very birth about how anyone and everyone
can go there to start a new life, solely because it was new land, do you really think people all
over the world would have wanted to go there in the same numbers?
People didn't/don't migrate because it is empirically the best country in the world, people go
there because >muh american dream (tm)
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:16 No.2714465
True, but there are more great universities in the US than fucking anywhere else even then. If
you want to go to a top fucking tier university, you have a better shot in the US.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:16 No.2714466
for what it looks like he's talking about (going there to get an education and start a
business/settle down) japan wouldn't be the top
of the list for a lot of people simply because it's a very xenophobic country (not that that's
bad). other than that the list is pretty good.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:17 No.2714467
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:17 No.2714468
America is literally /b/tards as a country.
Let that sink in. You will see it to be true.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:18 No.2714469
Why isn't anyone else talking about this?
That part really ruined the speech.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:18 No.2714471
There are also more people gunning for the limited number of spots at those top universities, and
more shit universities as alternatives.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:20 No.2714472
the "american dream" only worked to attract people because it was successful for at least a few
of them. My grandfather came here from Italy in 1903 and he became a successful business man.
It's not just "muh murican dream" it's that he american dream was real for some people, and that
gave them hope for themselves and their children to have a better life than they did.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:22 No.2714473
Saddest thing is the American Dream is now just a legacy.
It no longer exists.
Hong Kong is the dream now.
That is where all business goes and has been for the past couple decades.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:24 No.2714475
>Greatest country in the World
>most of the population is retarded or obese or both
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:27 No.2714476
the american education system has failed.
Mcdonalds is cheap and readily accessible.
We haven't been "the best country on gods 'green' earth" for a long time, probably since the 50s.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:27 No.2714477
>Hong Kong
kek, fuck that shit hole.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:28 No.2714481
In fact, now that I think about it, it is literally Apple.
Apple used to be better for media production because Power hardware was far superior at the time.
But IBM are fucking shit and let Power stagnate so hard, so Apple jumped ship to x86 architecture
in the last decade there.
Advantage gone.
Still, regardless, people still view it as that, which is why you see so many pretentious hopeful
collegetards with them at [insert hipster hangouts].
That is what America is now. Riding on a legacy. Quite literally the thinnest legacy ever. It
already owes China trillions. And the Chinese have been acting on it recently, buying up
Enjoy your future America. Hope you know Mandarin.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:31 No.2714482
And there is nothing we can do to stop it, our political system is anethetical to progress. Both
parties wont agree on a solution and one will always stop any attempts by the other to accomplish
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:31 No.2714485
you know, everything he says up to "yosemite" are statistics, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:33 No.2714486
Don't argue statistics with Americans.
They don't believe in factual data. Literally.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:33 No.2714487
Depends on the university. Harvard or MIT, sure. But there are more students at Berkeley and
Stanford than there are at Oxford and Cambridge. Plus, the number of top percentile public
universities in the US, such as every UC (which has over 200,000 students in it), University of
Washington, Georgia Tech, Ohio State, Michigan, and plenty more, each with between 20 and 60
thousand students in them, make it so that a top tier education isn't that fucking hard to get in
the US, as long as you aren't actually an idiot and thus wouldn't get a decent education no
matter where you went.
>> [_] WhiteMage 03/11/15(Wed)14:33 No.2714488
Damn, never thought I'd see something with pver 100 replies on /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:34 No.2714489
Someone invited /pol/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:35 No.2714490
No, you've never been the best country ever.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:37 No.2714492
Hey what's going on in this thread, I'm gay too.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:37 No.2714494
"democracy is the worst form of government...until you consider all the others"--Winston Churchill
(who, bytheby, was not a raving liberalcuckfag)
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:39 No.2714495
>he thinks America is a democracy
Pfft. Stop, my sides can't take it.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:41 No.2714500
more like kleptocracy, at present.
but let's just stick to the point of the OP, hmm?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:43 No.2714501
wow nice bait :^]
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:47 No.2714506
>what is cherry picking for $500 Alex?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:47 No.2714507
Not even that, just a blatant Oligarchy, disguised as free voting.
Same shit applies in the UK and many other countries.
Sure, you might get to kick one group out of office and replace them with another, still doesn't
mean fucking shit.
Middle government is what matters. And you have absolutely zero say in who is elected there.
These are the people that actually control things. The people that actually "act out" the
Presidents orders. And by act out, I mean ignore, continue doing what they are doing, and even
outright hide what they are doing, pretend to waste millions on a healthcare system and spy on
its citizens.
You can only affect local or national at best. There is no democracy in America. Hasn't been for
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:48 No.2714510
Churchill was a cowered and a faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:48 No.2714512
At least he could spell.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:49 No.2714514
>he actually thinks americlaps aren't retarded and obese
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:50 No.2714515
The day /f/ met /pol/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:52 No.2714520
>what is a jelly europoor for $100 Alex?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)14:54 No.2714525
interesting. i take it you are antifoundationist too?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:00 No.2714529
>shifting the goalposts
it's statistics, america is one of the most obese countries in the world
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:00 No.2714531
Hahahahaha, that's fucking hilarious.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:03 No.2714534
American objectively has the best military.
Thus, it has the ultimate endgame power in any political tussle.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:03 No.2714536
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:04 No.2714539
OP here posting from work
I never thought I would see a 170+ thread on /f/. This literally made me not want to kill myself
tonight. Thank you again everyone and as always, op is a massive faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:05 No.2714542
>best military
>can only pick on poor countries
>has never won a war of worth
>only war it has won is over skinny waists.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:05 No.2714543
What difference does it make. You are all standing under a flag one way or the other. Why dont we
drop the regional branding and treat each other as individuals without making a claim or basis of
their worth on their birthplace.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:06 No.2714544
where the fuck do you think you are pal?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:06 No.2714545
175 Replies huge score for a board like that dayum
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:07 No.2714546
Its objectively the best military on earth right now.
Im sorry, but its simply fact.
For example, i bet you were brought up to belive that the US "lost" Vietnam right?
Would it surprise you to find out that the US actually achieved every one of its pre war
obligations? Would it suprise you it brought a peace treaty? Would it surprise you to learn that
the South, us ally, broke the treaty first?
I bet the biggest surprise is when the north struck for the last time, the us had been out of the
country for two years.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:08 No.2714547
>ideals that don't translate to a realistic functioning society
get oudda here
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:08 No.2714548
>177 replies
>only 68 posters
>over half the replies came from two faggots arguing
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:09 No.2714551
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:10 No.2714553
this thread is gay
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:12 No.2714554
>posting in a gay thread
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:13 No.2714556
we all did
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:15 No.2714558
Is that thing spewing time back into the universe?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:15 No.2714560
I just came here for shitty H
wtf happed /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:16 No.2714562
Precisely. That's why we're experiencing these curious time phenomena on board.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:16 No.2714563
But all of my animes tell me that japan loves guns. Plus they have robots so they don't even need
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:17 No.2714564
/f/ is greatest board
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:18 No.2714566
>Implying Liberals are people
I laff'd
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:19 No.2714568
What time phenomenon ?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:19 No.2714569
There are a lot more combinations than that.
One possibility is at least every individual posted an average of 2-3 posts.
Or, 30 individuals posted an average of 4-5 posts, and the rest are individual postings by 40
Many possibilities.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:20 No.2714570
When a post gets a certain number of replies, all of the lurkers come out of the woodwork.
I think the tipping point is probably around 20, usually.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:21 No.2714574
Can we take a moment to look at how shitty this clip is?
The guy starts his "inspirational" speech and all of a sudden kids who he called the worst
generation are suddenly getting their phones out to record this monumental event.
The guy speaking is literally just as one dimensional as the other debaters on the stage. This
movie, show, or whatever was obviously made for this one scene and for no other reason. It's a
fucking political choir. Not a film.
It's so cliche it makes me sad that anybody in this thread can even get through it to the end.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:21 No.2714575
Like just then when time repeated itself.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:22 No.2714577
"We used to be White... "
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:22 No.2714578
and now the thread comments on the thread of the thread.
does that constitute a weave?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:22 No.2714579
He forgot to mention that 60+% of the world's reserve currency is in USD, the largest exporters
of oil in the world deal ONLY in dollars, and that the TPP and other trade agreements let United
States Internationals deal goods in every country on the map for lower prices than domestic
governments will even allow their own people to sell for
contesting our dominance in any of these gets your shitty government overthrown by "rebels,"
mysterious unidentified snipers, and sanctioned until your second world shithole joins the third
that, and your governments take orders from us directly and follow them without question
so go fuck yourself losers, we're more on top now than we or anyone else has ever been at any
point in history, ever
>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/15(Wed)15:22 No.2714580
So what is it ?