File: Katawa Crash.swf-(5.31 MB, 700x400, Game)
[_] Anonymous 03/05/15(Thu)23:41 No.2708556
We Rumba-ing this bitch.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:01 No.2708571
25k and counting git gud
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:05 No.2708574
dude nice
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:05 No.2708575
Total Distance: 42631.45
Maximum Height: 464.32
Maximum Speed: 79.23
Objects Struck: 69
Special Events: 7
>dem struck objects
Suck it >>2708571
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:08 No.2708577
bet yall cowards don't even smoke crack
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:09 No.2708579
fuck i love this game
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:13 No.2708583
31320.35 Distance
794.67 Max height
139.44 Top Speed
Not bad.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:18 No.2708590
>trigger rin timer
>hit rin
>get extra life
>hit shizune
>all in the span of twenty seconds
>literally right after one another
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:26 No.2708596
This is in the game.
You will never see it.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:34 No.2708601
Total Distance: 47370.01
Maximum Height: 746.84
Maximum Speed: 146.81
Objects Struck: 45
Special Events: 5
It's like you faggots don't even want to go fast or anything.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:38 No.2708604
I've seen it once but have no idea how to trigger it, or the Misha I WANNA TAKE YOU FOR A RIDE
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:42 No.2708607
You have to hit Hanako, and then hit Misha *while her face is in the Rumba box*. If her face
isn't in the box you get taken for a ride.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:43 No.2708609
Distance Travelled: 129149.70 m
I got the fuggin' multiball, lads.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)00:43 No.2708610
It's VERY hard to do. What you have to do is first hit bacon, when you have bacon activated,
you'll see that Misha's head shows up randomly on the special screen, covering up the OMG PANIC
message. Normally if you hit somthing with bacon active, bacon will block it, but if you hit
something while Misha is covering the OMG PANIC, then Misha will block it instead, triggering
take you for a ride. Now if you hit Misha while Misha is covering the message, Misha will come to
block herself, creating a time paradox and activating the UNLIMITED DRILL WORKS. The chances of
this happening are VERY small though.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)01:09 No.2708635
Got two in a row. I wanna take you for a ride. 263142.73m literally went on for an hour
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)01:09 No.2708636
>You really don't want to know his origin stories.
I know them. I wish I didn't.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)01:21 No.2708641
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)01:24 No.2708644
fuck this game. i don't even want to play i just wanna know what version of this song this is,
but i can never get to the vocals to see.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)01:45 No.2708655
Max Distance 74k
Top height 1020M
Top speed 155m/s
Objects struck 68
Special Events 17
Based Gendo and Rin saved me twice
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)01:47 No.2708657
Rather proud of this one. Despite, ya know. Luck.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)02:09 No.2708670
>Mishas and Multiballs forever
Total Distance: 120149.77
Maximum Height: 940.11
Maximum Speed: 167.71
Objects Struck: 115
Special Events: 20
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)02:23 No.2708681
I feel so small compared to the rest of you.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)03:10 No.2708692
>that chie spook
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)03:17 No.2708693
This shit finally got updated?! Sweet!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)03:26 No.2708696
It's not updated. Still the same old version.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)03:32 No.2708700
Total Distance: 29441.03
Max Height: 769.83
Max Speed: 119.29
Objects Struck: 23
Special Events: 9
Never thought I would miss the ground so much...
>He's on Fire!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)03:38 No.2708704
Damn i had twice the events and objects struck and not even that distance. This one ran for an
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)03:56 No.2708707
clone warrior two multi balls one run
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)04:10 No.2708709
>Space Cowboy
>Flaming Thurman Thomas
I love this game
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)04:14 No.2708712
>Extra life
>Bacon active
>on fire
>all at 200 m/s
Life is good
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)04:53 No.2708726
until you guys learn how you multiball, you're small time.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/06/15(Fri)07:34 No.2708760
Total Distance: 9.64
Maximum Height: 0.56
Maximum Speed: 26.76
Objects Struck: 1