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This is resource JUYIFCE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/2 -2015 23:04:16

Ended:24/2 -2015 01:48:32

Checked:24/2 -2015 03:41:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Don't give up.swf-(4.92 MB, 1280x720, Japanese)
[_] daily cheer Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)17:02 No.2698302

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)17:05 No.2698306

  thanks, i needed that....

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)17:15 No.2698307

  this made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside o.o

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)17:19 No.2698312

  I wonder how long until there's a
  akirameeeeeeeeeeeeeeDDY! version

  Also, still think it would be better with quieter music

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)17:19 No.2698313

  This is the best thing I have seen in /f/. Thank you for saving /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)17:35 No.2698320

  i guess its time to win state now

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)18:20 No.2698350

  >You're gonna carry that weight
  I carry
  I still carry

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)18:52 No.2698375


  I made this video. Never thought I would ever see it on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)18:53 No.2698378

  Huh. I thought they took the version without the music and made a swf with the song over it,
  didn't realize they just swf-d an already existing video. Good job anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)18:55 No.2698380

  Nah, I made this a long time ago. Just realized now that the vid got over 100k views. I just
  wanted to make something to inspire people.

>> [_] Gardy 02/23/15(Mon)18:56 No.2698383

  This man is my spirit animal.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)19:03 No.2698392

  This dude a best

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)19:33 No.2698420

  OP here I actually saw this on /wsg/ as webm and simply converted it to swf
  thought /f/ would appreciate it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)19:34 No.2698421

  Oh god, I actually shed a single tear. Thank you.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)19:39 No.2698431

  It's amazing how much motivation they managed to squeeze into a mere 5MB nowadays...

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/15(Mon)19:43 No.2698438

  there is something about moonspeak that makes it really encouraging
  like I don't even need the subtitles, when someone speaks to me in japanese with that kind of
  tone I know I can push myself much further
  thanks Matsuoko-sama, you're my hero from now on
Created: 23/2 -2015 23:04:16 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:48:54 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:02:33