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Discovered:6/4 -2015 15:02:00

Ended:6/4 -2015 20:41:53

Checked:6/4 -2015 21:18:24

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[_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)08:00 No.2740630

  lolfags will never have this

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)08:09 No.2740636

  dota master race moba! :D
  lolfags can go have that pettan bitch jinx or whatever shes called

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)08:18 No.2740640

  Didn't realise there were people who cared about that stupid fucking dota or league master race
  on /f/ shit bait 0/10

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:27 No.2740663


  also, don't push your gay furries onto something good.

  I bet you're a pinoy feeding twelvie

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:32 No.2740665

  > don't push your gay furries onto something good.
  Are you implying that Dota, Lol or any other shitty MOBA is good?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:34 No.2740668

  fucking furfags are cancer of this world

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:39 No.2740675

  fuck your MOBAs shit
  fuck your furry shit
  fuck you in particular

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:40 No.2740677

  Well memed.

  Seriously though, why the hate on mobas? It's fast pace, logical, requires decent apm (obviously
  not Starcraft level), heavily team based, and it usually fun once you get the hang of it.

  The community for both suck ass but, that usually gives me more incentive to play it. It's like
  griefing in gmod all over again. And if you get friends to play with you, chances are you'll make
  it into a rank where your team isn't feeding or being toxic every game.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:43 No.2740680

  Fuck off MOBAfag.
  DOTA killed all good custom maps on Same goes for AoS bullshit on Starcraft.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)09:46 No.2740683

  Dota has always been the Furry goto-moba, as well as the gay one, everything Valve does becomes
  this, see TF2.

>> [_] John Moses Browning 04/06/15(Mon)09:53 No.2740691

  >fast pace
  No, it's like Touhou on normal tier.
  Basic math, you don't need more
  >requires decent apm
  Not more than 70
  >heavily team based
  You mean heavily luck based, which team you get?

  Let's look at Starcraft:
  You need at least over 200 apm to be good, so I think you can call Starcraft fast
  It also requires much more logic and tactics than any moba
  It is not luck based, but only skill based
  and it's fun for people who are adults!

  Only kids between 8 to 16 play moba.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)10:20 No.2740725

  >not fast pace enough
  >compare everything to bullet hell
  Wasn't stating it was the fastest game on the market. Simply stated that the genre is faster then
  most game types on the market.

  >basic math
  Not really. Pathing, prediction, and timing are required to play adequately. How long will it
  take to clear this camp? Should I take the longer path or risk exposing my position to the enemy
  team? Can I inflict enough damage to successfully gank? What is my base damage and which minions
  should I take out first to ensure that I kill every single one?
  You're right. Basic math is part of it but, most of it is done under pressure and done quickly.
  With new items and patches, it is difficult to just simply 'memorize'.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)10:24 No.2740727

  >only 70 apm required
  Not even that much of a bad thing. Also it changes depending on what role you are playing.
  Champions based on bursting enemies need to know when to go in and jump out, constantly
  monitoring health, cooldowns, and mana, all while dodging skill shots and performing combos
  correctly in order to be as effective as possible.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)10:27 No.2740731

  >luck based
  While there is no 1v1, it isn't hard to find people that are level headed and are on the same
  skill level as you. Add them and play with them. Even then, with an absolute crap team, you can
  still carry the game on your own.

  >"obviously not Starcraft level"

  Never compared the two nor did I say one required more skill than the other. I'd even venture to
  say that RTS's require far more skill than MOBA's, especially Starcraft.
  That doesn't make them fun for me, though. The extreme learning curve wasn't all that appealing,
  my logic in situations we're render null since I couldn't select all my units fast enough, and
  there were plenty of "cheese" tactics that I just found to be annoying (zerg rush KEKEKE). I'll
  admit my time spent playing Starcraft wasn't that long, as I am sure you can tell, however, I
  played long enough for me to just be frustrated and bored.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)11:21 No.2740759

  can i get a song sauce?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)11:25 No.2740762

  >can i get a song sauce?
  sandstorm - darude

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)11:58 No.2740777

  Newfag alert

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:09 No.2740786

  this thread is /v/ tier

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:21 No.2740799

  not knowing this song is the newfag alert

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:21 No.2740800


>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:32 No.2740811

  aww that was adorable

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:39 No.2740818

  yiff in hell furfag

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:48 No.2740824

  Furry genocide when?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)12:51 No.2740827

  Action RTS is the worst sub-genre of RTS.

  ASSFAGGOTS, in particular, is the worst sub-sub-genre of ARTS.

  Fuck your "MOBA", that would literally include Unreal Tournament and Quake. MOBA isn't a genre,
  it is a description of gameplay features. Fucking RIOT, get fucked.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)13:19 No.2740848

  >Simply stated that the genre is faster then most game types on the market.

  Compared to what, Civilization? Racing games require faster reflexes, shooters require faster
  reflexes, fighting games require MUCH faster reflexes, better ARTS games like Starcraft require
  MUCH more APM. Fucking, football games require the same, or possibly more APM. Action games like
  Dark Souls or Monster Hunter require equivalent or faster reflexes.

  I think your claim that it's "faster than most game types on the market" is completely erroneous,
  unless you seriously think that most games go about Professor Layton speed.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/15(Mon)13:40 No.2740866

  >Action games like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter require equivalent or faster reflexes.

  definitely faster, especially in MH's case. sure some monsters are slow but then you go fight an
  enraged lucent narga or a SSJ2 rajang and shit gets real.
Created: 6/4 -2015 15:02:00 Last modified: 6/4 -2015 21:18:33 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:47:07