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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Big Egg.swf-(6.68 MB, 480x360, Hentai) [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)17:43 No.2749245 Yesterdee the chickens! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)17:49 No.2749248 the suspense almost killed me >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)17:49 No.2749250 >that poor bird >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:02 No.2749257 >Weeirrrrrdd >> [_] Anynomous 04/14/15(Tue)18:05 No.2749259 Hmm If the egg would have been fertilized. maybe this were supposed to be give life to twins, and that is why there was a second egg inside of the first Egg. Kinda interesthing though to see it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:07 No.2749261 Is there a name for shit like this? What the fuck even happened >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:08 No.2749262 Or maybe, and this is just crazy me, he just made a plaster egg and stuck an egg and cracked egg in it? >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:14 No.2749269 >>2749259 Twins would just be a double yolk egg, wouldn't it? Double yolks are fairly common, and you'll see them occasionally even in store-bought eggs. I've even heard of triple-yolk eggs existing, although I've never seen one in person. This is completely different, because it actually has the complete shell of the other egg inside the big egg. Yes, I know the white of the egg is the part that would be the baby chick, and not the yolk, but my understanding is that two yolks means that there is two chick's worth of DNA or whatever in the whites. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:15 No.2749270 >>2749261 >>2749262 This is something that does actually happen rarely, the egg travels back up the tube and another egg forms around it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:16 No.2749271 >>2749262 I mean, he shows you the shell up close. It's definitely not "plaster," but I guess it could be something else similarly fake. It doesn't seem that hard for me to believe though. I can totally imagine something like this happening in nature. It's like an ingrown hair. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:16 No.2749273 >>2749269 The white of the egg doesn't become the chick, it's more like a padding fluid. In fertilized eggs, the embryo is a tiny dot on top of the yolk. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:19 No.2749279 >>2749273 Oh, ok. That is more believable and more consistent with what I've seen in the way of those gross fetus-eggs you sometimes get. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:21 No.2749280 >>2749279 What country do you live in? I have never gotten a fertilized egg in a store. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)18:22 No.2749281 >>2749280 I live in America. I've never seen one in a store either. I don't even know how an industrial egg could become fetilized in the first place. My friends who are from rural places where people keep their own chickens have shown them to me. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)19:39 No.2749328 Why would you not try to hatch this? I would've been more interested to see if it became a giant two headed chicken. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)19:46 No.2749336 gotta admit, i was expecting tomato knishes >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)19:57 No.2749341 eggception >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)20:11 No.2749350 >>2749328 It wasn't fertilized, you can't hatch it. You can't fertilize an egg after its been laid. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)20:12 No.2749351 >>2749245 >that is the end of the nesting dolls of egg >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)20:13 No.2749353 That's eggceptional.. >Guess the egg came first. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)20:37 No.2749374 I HAVE SEEN THE SAME THING IN A DUCK EGG >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)20:45 No.2749382 >>2749270 For those of you who didn't know, this is actually one of the methods of how trisomy happens >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)21:00 No.2749400 why the fuck did i watch this >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)21:15 No.2749418 Neat I was expecting a semi-fertilized egg, like Balut or something in the like, but luckily was not that gross But the real question is...would you eat it?The guy said it's "pretty dark" >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)21:28 No.2749431 >>2749418 Itsa twofer one egg. a big egg twofer. big egg. eggs that are big with an egg in the big egg. big egg >inb4 big egg >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/15(Tue)21:33 No.2749437 >Cracking the egg off camera |