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This is resource SGUZZDP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/3 -2015 15:58:19
10 years ago.

Ended:23/3 -2015 21:03:57
10 years ago.

Checked:23/3 -2015 22:13:47
10 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Katie vs 9-11.swf-(3 MB, 320x240, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)09:55 No.2726097

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)10:03 No.2726100

  >those people
  >people like this
  >can vote

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)10:23 No.2726108

  >being a trapfag masturbating in my room while recording
  >suddenly mom walks in
  >what do?
  >talk about conspiracies

  I just wonder how many times has this scenario repeated until she just stopped giving a fuck
  about it

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)10:28 No.2726110

  >turn sound off
  >better than expendelolendo

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)10:29 No.2726111

  wasn't mom, just dumbass roommate
  but they don't so it's okay, also incase they do we can just let the right guy win and blame the
  electoral college

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)10:33 No.2726113

  >wasn't mom
  he calls her mom several times

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)10:54 No.2726120

  sauce pls b0ss

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)12:12 No.2726168

  Well at at the very least katie isn't wrong, about the fapping bit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)12:43 No.2726190

  Is this a shemale?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)12:54 No.2726194

  The jews did 9/11, not this "NostraDORKus"...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:12 No.2726202

  Apparently, Shemale/Trans, at least from her twitter. :X

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:24 No.2726212

  It has a penis, therefore he is male.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:25 No.2726213

  Fucking newfag, it was once and Kaiti didn't say "mom". The text does and it's wrong. I actually
  remember when she came to one of these threads and explained what happened.


>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:26 No.2726216

  Obvious Troll Is Obvious

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:29 No.2726220


>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:33 No.2726225

  obvious physiological fact is obvious

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:36 No.2726230

  Mental illness is obvious too :^)

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:42 No.2726235

  >Fucking newfag
  well sorry for not lurking in any tranny/shemale/trap/gay threads

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:49 No.2726243


>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:50 No.2726245


  a girls gotta have standards.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)13:54 No.2726246

  It can be whatever it wants in its head but that's a penis and that makes its sex male

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)14:51 No.2726289


  I have thirty headmates, each one has a different gender and gender presentation, they each get
  two minutes in control an hour in a random order, ask me my pronouns bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)14:53 No.2726291

  w-what should I c-call you...?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)14:53 No.2726292



  As a female dogkin, using that term in a derogatory fashion has offended me. Check your privilege.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)15:01 No.2726299

  God damming you /f/ags,quit replying to those obvious baits...
  We all know "she" is a he,you can quit trolling now.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/15(Mon)15:02 No.2726300

  i feel very bad,
  turning on from this -_-.

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Created: 23/3 -2015 15:58:19 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:52:11 Server time: 21/03 -2025 04:15:53