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Happy New Year!

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This is resource V4ODTQH, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/3 -2015 01:18:14

Ended:5/3 -2015 05:05:40

Checked:5/3 -2015 05:35:07

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 36.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: my cat died today.swf-(5.31 MB, 854x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:32 No.2707401

  click dog to smile here

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:36 No.2707403

  What the fuck just happened?

  >inb4 nerve gas.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:37 No.2707404

  did it died?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:38 No.2707405

  Probably a seizure.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:39 No.2707409

  holy shit how long does it have a seizure for

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:39 No.2707412

  Never had my cat have a seizure like that. lol

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:43 No.2707419

  Looks like it was hallucinating really bad before the seizure. It was tripping.

  Probably some drugs.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:46 No.2707420

  what do you do if your cat is having a seizure?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:47 No.2707421

  put them out of misery
  most common cause is kidney failure

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:47 No.2707422

  Catnip.Not even once

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:48 No.2707423


>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)18:54 No.2707434

  It was kill.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:16 No.2707447

  You take it to the vet.
  Some causes are treatable with meds.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:28 No.2707460

  my cat used to have fits like this. My dad dealt with it by taking it out back and smashing its
  head in with a hammer. Tossed it in a box afterwards and made me bury it. Said I needed to get
  used to it if I didn't want to grow up to be a fucking pussy.

  I miss my dad so much these days...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:31 No.2707462

  Your dad had serious mental disorders.
  Becoming a heartless bastard by burying cats is badly sick.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:36 No.2707468

  Not even memes can make this flash funny

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:48 No.2707487

  uncontrollable laughing and feeling helpless at the same time

  this flash is rough

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:49 No.2707489

  Yeah, he never really did that. I just wanted to seem like I fit in amongst the misfits :(

  I still miss my dad though.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)19:53 No.2707491

  >I just wanted to seem like I fit in amongst the misfits :(
  > :(
  get out

>> [_] Trader's anon 03/04/15(Wed)19:54 No.2707492

  i feel bad for the cat. i was laughing when potato kinishes song came on i remember that like a
  year ago lol

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)20:00 No.2707500

  found sauce

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)20:01 No.2707502

  Pooper Peeved Status:
  [ ] Not Rustled

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)20:18 No.2707516

  thanks anon

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)20:46 No.2707535

  So that explains everything.
  At first I thought they were putting the cat down with an injection and filming its death, using
  the pillows to smother it once it's suffered enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)20:52 No.2707538


  you are so fucked up dude

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)20:59 No.2707541

  i don't blame you for thinking this. the internet is an awful place.

  i had a cat that had comparatively short and brief (but still intense) seizures in the last year
  of her life. it was a birman, very chill and lovable cat, but the breed sometimes suffer from

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)21:16 No.2707553

  Lol it's all about perspective. You see, on a farm, they'll kill the weak and the ones they don't
  need in the litter. Now, they won't have you do that, but they'd have you drowning the cats
  instead. Not all life is as precious as we like to think ;)

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)21:35 No.2707560

  Can anyone tell me what it's like to have a seizure? Doctor told me there's a possibility I could
  have one because of my type 1 Diabetes, so I was wondering what it would be like should I have

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)22:02 No.2707570

  >teaches you not to be pussy
  >acts like a pussy by saying "i miss my dad"
  congrats, now your a pussy and a fucking idiot

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)22:03 No.2707571

  There are different types of seizures, and I've experienced two.

  The first one I had is more commonly known like what you have with the cat. I basically felt like
  your body is having a lengthy complete uncontrolled orgasm that has me writhing around with
  various random muscles in my body contracting at random causing me to flail. I had absolutely no
  control of my body. You know how a corpse shakes upon fatal massive head trauma? Kinda like that
  except I felt everything even though I was paralyzed. I haven't had one of these in over 20 years.


>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)22:04 No.2707574

  cont. from

  The second kind I had is following a sense of deja vu. I basically get nauseous, then dizzy.
  Sometimes I'll also go blind or loose consciousness completely. The sensation lasts no more then
  30 seconds or so. The first time anyone else saw this of me was while I was still in the Marine
  Corps. I've since learned to control it by tightening the muscles in my body to keep blood
  pressure in my head. It works, a little trick I learned from fighter pilots fighting blackout. If
  you feel one coming on and you can keep blood pressure in your head, you can usually avoid a

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)22:20 No.2707586


  Good to know about the blood pressure thing. I always thought they would cause massive pain, but
  I guess that would only happen if you have a seizure in an unsafe location.

  Thanks for the info anon, I hope you are doing well.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)22:32 No.2707601

  >I miss my dad so much these days

  Time to get the hammer you pussy

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)22:36 No.2707606

  You don't and its excessively obvious

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)23:02 No.2707615

  my dad was type 1. he would have seizures if his blood sugar dropped dangerously low. since he
  tried to err on the side of caution and keep his blood sugar low, it would sometimes happen,
  mostly at night. a couple of times during the day when he'd not eaten in a while. he usually kept
  those endlessly crumbly oak bar things with him because they were pretty good at bringing his
  blood sugar up, but not too quickly.

  he would start to shake. mostly just shake, sometimes foam at the mouth. he also wouldn't want to
  drink the sunny d that we always kept around in case he needed sugar badly.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/15(Wed)23:04 No.2707618

  so yeah. be careful with you insulin dosage at night. having very low blood sugar is actually
  more dangerous than having high blood sugar. try to keep the people around you prepared in case
  you do have a seizure from low blood sugar. sunny d/orange juice/ other high sugar,
  non-carbonated beverages are good to have on hand if they can't give you a glucose shot. make
  sure to have a straw because you'll be shaking and unable to control your mouth that well.

  any other questions, hopefully another anon will be able to help. good night.
Created: 5/3 -2015 01:18:14 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:50:06 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:28:25