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This is resource VD822IW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/3 -2015 09:56:23
9.8 years ago.

Ended:20/3 -2015 18:23:27
9.8 years ago.

Checked:20/3 -2015 19:03:03
9.8 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Hold Your Tears.swf-(4.54 MB, 500x255, Loop)
[_] All aboard the loop train Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 03/20/15(Fri)03:52 No.2722955

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)06:16 No.2723006

  the fuck is this, sounds like the tap in my fucking bathtub. Storm-swollen streams/rivers sound
  more like deafening white noise, hell there's even debris rocketing across the bottom showing the
  state of the river.

  What I'm trying to say is the water effect does not match the visual, and this makes me angry.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)06:17 No.2723009

  It took me a while but I was able to locate the sauce
  also I gotta go piss now

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)06:49 No.2723018

  Mononoke isn't hard to find you dense fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)09:42 No.2723075

  >year of our lord and saviour 2015
  >not knowing Mononoke Hime
  >May the spirit of the forest grant you a swift release

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 03/20/15(Fri)09:44 No.2723077

  I have no rapids loopable SFX

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)11:59 No.2723155

  Studio Ghibli will live forever. Right anons? RIGHT?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)12:08 No.2723160

  Swear to god I've heard that water loop before in some f2p game.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/15(Fri)12:22 No.2723167

  Studio Ghibli is dead, anon.

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Created: 20/3 -2015 09:56:23 Last modified: 20/3 -2015 19:03:12 Server time: 12/01 -2025 06:58:17