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Happy New Year!

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This is resource W1SFFQ3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/3 -2015 03:48:48

Ended:2/3 -2015 06:32:02

Checked:2/3 -2015 07:29:18

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: chaika_loop.swf-(6.8 MB, 352x288, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)21:47 No.2704925

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)21:52 No.2704927

  Music like this with content like this got a short chortle from me.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)21:53 No.2704930

  how much do these people get paid i am actually curious do they get like benefits like "dental"
  or good pay? or do they get "shafted"... (in all seriousness though whats the pay and benifits

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)21:58 No.2704938

  in america- 7.25-11$ an hour max.
  They probably don't get shit like dental or w/e.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:03 No.2704944

  I bet that blonde they have is their tester for the products ;)

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:22 No.2704973

  The video finished too early.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:27 No.2704983

  this is gay

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:47 No.2704997

  after the part where the singer says "open up the limit" a few seconds later the white chick has
  one of those biting lip looks while shes looking at the black dildos. Wow.. what a fucking slut

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:49 No.2705000

  This would be funnier with Mr. Rodgers narrating. Not sure how to do this, though. maybe with
  sound clips.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:52 No.2705003

  You'd be surprised. In factory jobs where you work around chemicals all day with some kind of
  risks or they expect long hours the compensation can be above $20/hour.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)22:53 No.2705005


  >chaika loop

  >not push it to the limit.swf

  >renaming flashes and being a massive faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)23:00 No.2705013

  m8 what state do you live in? I'm moving over there. Your lucky to find a 12$+ an hour job around
  here in texas

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)23:02 No.2705014

  I was working at a place that dealt with chemicals, and I did extreme manual labor and there were
  dangers with the machines and shit. There were conveyor belts and all the likes. I got 11$ an
  hour and had to work 50 hours a week

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)23:15 No.2705023

  >Jelly toys
  Shit company, then.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)23:22 No.2705032

  i used to work in a chocken processing plant and starting pay was close to $18 an hour. that was
  over 3 years ago. left because they werent willing to work with my schedule when i started school.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)23:43 No.2705052

  holy shit man. What state?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/15(Mon)00:31 No.2705086

  This seems like it would be a surprisingly fun job
Created: 2/3 -2015 03:48:48 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:49:26 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:46:57