File: Sexy.swf-(666 KB, 256x202, Anime)
[_] /s/exy Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)06:20 No.2700982
Based Old Man Sou. Thanks for the RO16.
>Dont blow it
>get hyp
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)06:46 No.2701002
I kindly ask for an explanation to your statement, since my lack of knowledge won't let me
understand it.
I also humbly request source on song and anime.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)06:50 No.2701003
>>2701002 see >>2700952
Music: Basic Element - Touch You Right Now
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)06:51 No.2701004
I thank you for elaborating.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)11:38 No.2701112
What anime's this from, anyway?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:09 No.2701123
I wanna say watamote, maybe?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:30 No.2701134
It's Maria Holic
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:31 No.2701136
Just tell him to use the archive, it's not hard. Quit spoon feeding.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:34 No.2701138
this is /f/, not /a/, we don't act like dicks just to be dicks
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:48 No.2701142
how long have you been here
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:50 No.2701144
Potentially good Yuri
Add insufferable trap
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)12:55 No.2701146
/f/ isn't hivemind
If it was that important we would have a flash dedicated to it posted daily or more often (like
we have had in the past) for a few weeks or have a sticky at the top of the page.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)13:13 No.2701156
This is ecchi holic.swf
You should fix your filename.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/15(Thu)14:24 No.2701196
>good yuri
>insufferable trap
did we watch the same show or do you just have shit taste.