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This is resource W91GQ55, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/4 -2015 21:24:53

Ended:4/5 -2015 08:45:40

Checked:4/5 -2015 08:51:43

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 6855

Age: 30.46d   Health: 1%   Posters: 8   Posts: 11   Replies: 10   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 3apr2015(fr)21:22 No.19013 OP P1

[G] what the new code for the gallery? supersecretgallery isn't working.

[IMG] BreedingSeason6.0 newest.swf (9.45 MiB)
960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 3apr2015(fr)21:52 No.19014 A P2R1

oh cool a new version. What did they remove this time?

>> Anonymous 3apr2015(fr)21:53 No.19015 OP P3R2


>> Anonymous 3apr2015(fr)22:03 No.19016 A P4R3

what was the money cheat again?

>> Anonymous 3apr2015(fr)23:14 No.19019 OP P5R4

getgil.(Gil Amount) Gives you gil Example: "getgil.100000" gives you 100000 gil

getgp.(GP Amount) Gives you guild points Example: “getgp.100” gives you 100 gp

newrequest Generates a new request

facechange.(Monster Name).(Number 1-6) Changes the monster’s face. If you have multiple monsters
with the same name, they’re all affected. Example: “facechange.Amelia.3” will set Amelia’s face to
face 3

hairchange.(Monster Name).(Number 1-6) Changes the monster’s hair. If you have multiple monsters
with the same name, they’re all affected. Example: “hairchange.Amelia.3” will set Amelia’s hair to
hair 3

skintonechange.(Monster Name).(Number 0-3) Changes the monster’s skintone. If you have multiple
monsters with the same name, they’re all affected. Example: “skintonechange.Amelia.3” will set
Amelia’s skintone to skintone 3

colorschemechange.(Monster Name).(Number 0-14) Changes the monster’s color scheme. If you have
multiple monsters with the same name, they’re all affected. Example: “colorschemechange.Amelia.3”
will set Amelia’s color scheme to color scheme 3

>> Anonymous 5apr2015(su)07:54 No.19045 B P6R5

Oh, you.

>> Anonymous 5apr2015(su)22:37 No.19054 C P7R6

When are they going to add the animations?

>> Anonymous 7apr2015(tu)09:36 No.19098 D P8R7

I'm wondering when are they going to fix the Catgirl-Elfboy animation. Several updates later and
the Catgirl continues to freeze in place after insertion.

>> Anonymous 7apr2015(tu)18:33 No.19107 E P9R8

Hartista PipeBomb might be a tampon, but he is still producing the game.
Players support him because he updates regularly. The updates are shite, but enough people are
satisfied to continue donating enough to keep Hartista funded.
As long as it rains money the slow strip-tease will continue. If you want smack-bam results or even
reliable answers yer gonna hafta look elsewhere cuz it ain't gonna happen with this game.

>> Anonymous 11apr2015(sa)12:17 No.19160 F P10R9

Somebody post 6.0.1 please. Apparently there's new animations.

>> Anonymous 15apr2015(we)08:37 No.19288 G P11R10

Go to for the goods.
Look at the comments for new BS.
Created: 3/4 -2015 21:24:53 Last modified: 4/5 -2015 08:56:18 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:20:06