File: Around Saturn.swf-(9.59 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)13:04 No.2742915
think of what we could do if the US ended foreign wars and diverted some of its military budget
to the space program.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)13:27 No.2742932
How can the US end wars all over the world if it reduces its military budget?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)13:37 No.2742936
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)13:55 No.2742953
The space program only exists thanks to military budget. It was an excuse to develop ICBM tech &
deploy spy satellites, etc. NASA's funding's turned to shit because the US Gov't got what it
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)13:57 No.2742955
See: Cold War
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)14:14 No.2742964
ended *its foreign wars.
Then the US govt should be more cool and give money to the space program anyway. Creating a
self-sustaining civilization outside earth is a reasonable goal even without military
There must be timetables available of defense and space program spending throughout history.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)14:59 No.2742999
The private sector is the future of space exploration.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)15:10 No.2743007
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)15:40 No.2743022
This. SpaceX all the way, am I right?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)16:09 No.2743036
Have you ever had a dreams... That... Ss.. That you, umm, you had, you'd.. You wou- You could..
You'd do- You wi- You want ss.. You, you could do so- You.. You'd do- You cou- You, you want it,
you want him to do you so much you could do anything?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)17:18 No.2743108
private sector is more concerned with profits than furthering science or benefiting humanity.
Public sector could do some very important space projects or research that wouldn't ever be
profitable. Private sector wouldn't fund research for interstellar space travel because most
people (consumers) would be happy just to visit planets in our solar system. But interstellar
space travel is an important mission for humanity (make possible contact with extra-terrestrials
or find habitable planets for when our sun explodes).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/15(Wed)17:19 No.2743110
>(make possible contact with extra-terrestrials or find habitable planets for when our sun
Dude that shit is so fucking far into the future it makes no sense for the public sector to even
consider this.