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Threads (1):
File: 1373193034.dragon-v0942_the_bj_is_live_[ animated_loop]_swf.swf-(9.81 MB, 720x480, Hentai) [_] this file is too big Anon 2032623 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2032628 holy fuck >> [_] Anon 2032630 sauce? >> [_] Anon 2032632 horsefucker please go >> [_] Anon 2032633 MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP MODS ARE ASLEEP >> [_] Anon 2032663 Mods were asleep.. took them whole 10 minutes to take down my flashes whilst this shit is still here hahaha stupid mods >> [_] Anon 2032685 >># Link to the uncut version? >> [_] Anon 2032692 >># I dislike furry but I think it should NOT be deleted from /f/. /f/ is the only board on 4chan that accepts swf files. Therefore it should be allowed to post all sorts of content here. It works as a support board, you can upload this here and then link to and discuss it on /mlp/. >> [_] Anon 2032694 >># >># >># >># >># >ponyfags nothinpgwrong with it tho >> [_] Anon 2032695 >># >cant spell worth a damn >> [_] Anon 2032698 >># >># >> [_] Anon 2032702 >># I checked the rules again and there is global rule #15 >All pony/brony threads, images, and avatars belong on /mlp/. not mentioned .swf but on /mlp/ rules there is #1 >This is the destination for all My Little Pony related content on 4chan. does it also mean .swf? I'm not mentioning /f/ rules because nobody gives a fuck about them anymore >> [_] Anon 2032704 /f/ has rules? Since when? >> [_] Anon 2032708 >># there are shitload of rules for every board http://www.4chan.org/rules >> [_] Anon 2032710 you fucking kids and your goddamn ponies and breaking rules. goddamn. >> [_] Anon 2032718 >># /f/ is special. Basically forever the board has had "no rules", meaning that no mod has deleted flashes just because they violate a rule (except the CP rule of course). You can't expect people to suddenly appreciate that some mod that comes along and starts enforcing rules. All sorts of content has always been allowed on /f/. Why should that change when /f/ is the only place where swf files are allowed? (god forbid that changes, all swf files SHOULD be in one place I strongly think) If rules had been enforced on /f/ in the first place this place would have been a desert. Half the fun about /f/ is when someone posts something that makes people rage or pretend that they care about the rules. Meanwhile we also get great all-around content. >> [_] Anon 2032722 dis is scary as shit >> [_] Anon 2032731 >># I know right. Crazy shit mang, Next thing you know they'll forbid child pornography. >> [_] Anon 2032737 sauce/moar? >> [_] Anon 2032739 >Open flash >Furry >"I bet the jews did this." >Zoom out >Pony >"Yup." >> [_] Anon 2032751 this is now being truly ridiculous >new mittsies with ponypr0n gets posted >taken down >check this flash >still up hahaha stupid mods >> [_] Anon 2032753 Ponyfags losing their shit everywhere >> [_] Anon 2032754 horsefuckers everywhere >> [_] Anon 2032764 >># If it's not enforced, it's pretty much just window dressing and posturing. >> [_] Anon 2032769 Have you considered that the mods are just fucking with you all? >> [_] Anon 2032772 >># how exactly? I don't see any pattern what gets taken down and what not >inb4 that's the point well then it's fucking stupid and will consider mods=faggots >> [_] Anon 2032775 Let's make petition to change /f/ rules to: 1.Posting retail Flash files or Flash exploits is prohibited. 2.Only global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are enforced. >> [_] Anon 2032776 >># you should try that on /q/ but since obviously nobody gives a fuck about /f/ you will hardly succes >> [_] Anon 2032780 >># well im just giving a proposition, i almost never post anything here and idc about what is posted here. |