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Threads (1):
File: AStest2.swf-(1.24 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Trying again (/r/ inside) f4r !HanakoDlmg 2054282 Evening chaps. I've updated this for a new date, and I've tried to bodge the actionscript to take timezones into account. This is a dummy version, fake date and all giveaway sprites removed. /r/ing people to post: local timezone offset, local time, and what time is shown in the flash. Thanks. Updated, hopefully this one should work. >> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 2054284 4:01:26 GMT-5 >> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 2054286 >># 12:34 btw >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2054288 >># FUCK YES It gives me 4.01.26 too in GMT+12 (4.33pm) Thank you. >> [_] mike 2054291 wot u doin to my flash m8? Also, need help? >> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 2054292 >># yup, we'll see a finished project soon? >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2054295 >># I'm modifying it for a new date. An important one. It should be fine, the real version is 95% complete, all I have to add is a sprite that changes when there's five minutes to go, aand changes again after it hits zero. >># Within a couple months, I'm unsure when to release it properly. Too soon, it'll get boring. Too close to the day and not many people will care. We'll see. >> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 2054301 >># You're not going to go shoot up a school are you >> [_] Anon 2054304 EDT (GMT -4) (UTC - 5) Local: 00:42 SWF: 04:01:17 >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2054305 >># >> [_] mike 2054306 >># My original countdown had a goto when the clock hit 0, but I ran out of time to animate something for that so I removed it. If want I can see if I still have that... >># sirtom93 rip in peace >> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 2054308 >># Well, i look forward to waiting none the less. >> [_] Anon 2054311 So what's this for? >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2054313 >># Thanks for the offer but I should be OK. The AS is a bit of a kludge at best, all I was going to do was add a few extra frames on the end of the MovieClip that handles the second sprite, with the quick white flash, and changing to three at the end. Just chuck a few if's and gotoandplay's and she'll be sweet. >># It's a surprise. >> [_] Anon 2054320 4:01:07 -8 GMT |