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This is resource AT2AGG2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/5 -2015 01:26:22

Ended:4/8 -2015 01:04:59

Checked:4/8 -2015 01:12:35

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 7188

   Age: 58.98d   Health: 0%   Posters: 15   Posts: 19   Replies: 17   Files: 1+3

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)01:21 No.20280 OP P1


    Elana - Champion of Lust.swf (2.83 MiB)
   800x600, Compressed. 8 frames, 36 fps (00:00).
   Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
   Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)01:52 No.20281 A P2R1

   Actually pretty cool! Looks like something will come of it too, with 928 bucks per months on

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)01:57 No.20282 B P3R2

   It's promising. The animations are a little awkward at times, though. And as it is now, you're
   expected to have the patience to sit through a lengthy explanation that could easily have been
   split up and shown according to your first actions.

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)05:03 No.20287 C P4R3

   Not a fan of body parts that move independently from the rest of the body. The vagina and tits
   look like they are glued on instead of being attached. A lot of potential but I have seen so
   much better than this without a plea for money attached.

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)15:28 No.20298 D P5R4

   Please be sarcasm. Please..

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)16:06 No.20299 E P6R5

   Congratulations First lieutenant Obvious, you have been promoted to Captain.

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)17:47 No.20306 A P7R6

   No, they actually get that much just for this project. Their goals are even higher.

   >you're expected to have the patience to sit through a lengthy explanation
   It is pretty lengthy. You can right click and forward some times to skip to some action but that
   breaks the arrows...

   >> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)19:56 No.20312 F P8R7

   Maybe next time put "demo" in there so people dont waste their time?

   >> Anonymous 31may2015(su)05:44 No.20319 G P9R8

   Agree. I sat through this and all the stupid clicking, and after the chick rode the demon-dildo
   or whatever, that stupid "give us money" appeared. It was all highly disappointing. Especially
   that part at the end.

   >> Anonymous 31may2015(su)05:53 No.20320 H P10R9

   Ya know, I'm sick of seeing the excuse "other people do better work than this for free."
   If someone wants to try and make a living offering animated porn, why complain about it?
   Especially when this project shows some promise. In any case, you don't have to support them.
   Whatever product they eventually come up with will almost certainly be uploaded to this site and
   many others. If you want to continue to be a leech on the system, you can be and nobody can stop
   you, but why complain about it like it affects you personally?

   >> Anonymous 31may2015(su)13:36 No.20325 I P11R10

   Because we've all fuckin seen this shit before.
   Someone gets money off of patreon on whatever, and they just up and dissapear.
   The good ones, or at least the ones that have kept on did it at first because they chose to and
   wanted to.
   You don't just ask for money, you bring a good product to the fuckin table and people bring you
   That's how it goes, that's how it ALWAYS goes.
   No one is going to pay for a half finished project to get finished,
   When before, people had products and simply asked for you to back them.

   >> Anonymous 31may2015(su)13:40 No.20326 I P12

   come up with a few flashes. They don't have to be huge, they can be general old hentai key
   button shit. See how the general anon of the net like it. Take criticism. Get better. No artist
   finishes half their painting and asks for money, why should this be ANY different.
   Actually in fact,
   I don't know very many mediums that get half done and demand payment for the rest. Though I
   could be skipping over some.

   >> Anonymous 31may2015(su)15:08 No.20335 J P13R11

what utter crap, extremely poorly animated, why would anyone pay for this shit.

   >> anon 1jun2015(mo)15:49 No.20361 K P14R12

   This. Jus to speak on a personal level, there are a few patreons I'd be willing to give money
   to, but that's because they already have a good product, and wish to expand it out.

   I think a patreon for something like this would be acceptable, if you had a product, or previous
   creations of good quality. This thing on the other hand, looked half-way decen until it got to
   the paizuri, and it was all down-hill from there.

   >> And now the Economy 1jun2015(mo)21:38 No.20373 L P15R13

   has cast its vengeance upon us all!

   Everyone in this thread doesn't seem to understand that people also need money to create their
   1st product.
   That's what FUNDING in Crowd FUNDING is about. It's not about donations for good creators. It's
   about buying something that doesn't yet exist.
   Possibly not the best idea, but certainly that's what it means.

   >> Anonymous 2jun2015(tu)07:11 No.20385 M P16R14

   You don't understand how speculation works. We don't fucking KNOW this yahoo (who I suspect is
   you) so there's no way in hell I'm going to invest. I commit to patreons like TheBoogie's or
   InCase because they consistently put out work and were already putting out work before I paid
   them. I know who they are, I can see what they do and how they do it, they're a known product
   and there's little risk. If they don't make too much money or suffer a drop along the way
   they're not gonna suddenly go quiet and I'll be left with nothing.

   This guy on the other hand shows up with a 12th of a game and goes "Give me money" based on that
   12th with no working link to any previous work. Nobody wants ANOTHER breeding season (which
   preoverhaul looked a LOT like this game by the way) that just takes it sweet time making a game
   with maybe a couple of additions every month so that they can rake in more money.

   Have you learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from kickstarter? These content creators are bound by just
   about fuck all to finish their products. You can't just bury your head in the sand and ignore
   everyone's valid gripes when there's a wealth of evidence to support them.

   >> Anonymous 2jun2015(tu)07:49 No.20387 A P17R15

   Hey at least Patreon is a lot better than Kickstarter.

   In Kickstarter the creator would get 1 million USD all at once. BAM! "Hmmmm, I've already got a
   million why should I work my ass off now?" Two months later the game comes out on early access
   on Steam and two month after that it is "released" (still buggy as hell and with a lot of broken
   promises). The creator promises to fix everything and keep working on it but in all honesty he
   is just saying that and would rather just lay on a beach somewhere.

   Meanwhile on Patreon the guy would have had to keep working, earning that money every month. The
   harder and longer he works the more proof of his workmanship he has and will get more supporters
   because they see progress and dedication. If he slacks off people will stop supporting him so he
   won't get lazy due to the fear of losing the cash flow.

   It's still not perfect though. What if you want to do something but need money to do it? Then
   the Patreon model is not good.

   For that what I want to see is something like Kickstarter but after reaching the goal you don't
   get your money. Instead you request part of that money, held in full by Kickstarter, and have to
   sign a contract that you will deliver what you promise or there will be consequences (such as
   you paying back money). If you don't need a big chunk of money to buy something needed in order
   to work you'll receive a salary from Kickstarter and have to prove that you are doing what you
   promised to earn it.

   Now that would be a model I could back, and Kickstarter would actually have to do some damn work
   to earn their cut (compared to how it is now).

   But of course for artists that just want to draw porn for money I can't really envision a better
   model than Patreon. Simple and straightforward, even if some people get too much money for their
   work. Apparently it's worth that much because people are paying for it... The only real flaw
   with Patreon is probably that Patreon themselves will take a too big cut for the amount of work
   that they do (host a webpage and provide automated stuff).

   Speaking of taking a too big cut, can you believe Valve wanted to take 75% of what people sold
   their mods for in their previous fiasco? Apparently that's their normal cut. What an eye-opener
   to what kind of company Valve is and how bad Steam's monopoly has gotten.

   >> Anonymous 3jun2015(we)15:19 No.20422 N P18R16

   What is it with idiots posting their money grubbing demos on swfchan now? There's like three of
   these faggots doing it. I suppose I don't really care since the whole thing will inevitabley get
   uploaded here, but what's the point since no one from here is going to buy in to your pyriamid
   scheme the same way that no one here is going to subscribe to HK for Zone's anual leavings.

   >> Anonymous 3jun2015(we)22:17 No.20428 L P19R17

   Just that, if noone would subscribe we wouldn't get it at all (at least in a timely manner). I
   remember a namefag specially making a hk account just to bring hentaikeygirl_5 upon /f/ after
   release. Fappings have never been the same. Just because you're a cheapskate doesn't mean others
   have to be as well. I don't mind a demo, better than no new flashes at all/furry content. Still
   not worse than the eventual only-ad-not-even-swf-related spam post.

   Naming it DEMO in the title would be nice.
Created: 30/5 -2015 01:26:22 Last modified: 4/8 -2015 01:56:54 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:45:59