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This is resource AZQD4MV, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/6 -2015 11:39:33

Ended:3/6 -2015 19:42:13

Checked:3/6 -2015 20:32:05

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The Full Shorta-.swf-(9.39 MB, 320x240, Porn)
[_] for >2800256 Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)04:34 No.2800320

>> [_] = 06/03/15(Wed)04:42 No.2800324

  I can't possibly be the only one who finds this jittery robotic animation extremely creepy.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)05:06 No.2800337

  Embrace this fear as it is a strength. You can detect terminators.

>> [_] = 06/03/15(Wed)05:11 No.2800339

  I thought we just need dogs for that.

>> [_] DOOM 06/03/15(Wed)05:17 No.2800346

  song name?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)05:29 No.2800352


>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)06:10 No.2800361

  Animation name?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)06:32 No.2800375

  Ironically, it's so high frame-rate that it's awkwardly smooth.
  Maybe Ubi was right and 30fps is better than 60? lol

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)06:56 No.2800390


>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)06:57 No.2800391


  Sometimes dogs are assholes, sometimes they kill all the dogs

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)06:57 No.2800392

  Goddamnit, you're a fucking retard. Interactive game framerate has absolutely fucking nothing to
  do with standard 24 frame animation.

  This thing doesn't have high framerate. It has fucking standard framerate. The same shit every
  video everywhere tends to be.
  It looks smoother than your taiwanese visual-radio broadcast cartoons because the animation is
  drawn every frame, unlike in traditional animation where it is drawn every second frame (12 FPS)
  or every third frame (8 FPS).

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:28 No.2800410

  anything more frome the same author?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)09:26 No.2800449

  source of the original animation? i can just barely hear the normal sounds, but it's all drowned
  out by this wubwub shit

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)09:48 No.2800458

  Boku No Watch The Flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)10:35 No.2800475

  So.. what's the original?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)10:57 No.2800484

  Search "Borderline" on swfchan

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)11:01 No.2800487

  for FUCKS sake

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)11:36 No.2800520


>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)11:59 No.2800538

  i'm pretty sureit's the guy that does

  pretty predot.

  also i found on gelbooru that there is

  an artist that is named bingo tarte

  who supposedly did this animation.

  it's mostly loli and shota so all of my NO

>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)12:40 No.2800570

  Check lewd nyaa for Borderline Syndrome.
Created: 3/6 -2015 11:39:33 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:34:54 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:40