File: Oil_of_2ch.swf-(317 KB, 720x480, Loop)
[_] 2ch форивер! Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:18 No.2800406
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Анонимус 06/03/15(Wed)07:20 No.2800407
Он останется в наших сердцах!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:23 No.2800409
Why do you guys call it 2ch instead of dvach?
As if the japanese 2ch/2chan/2channel thing wasn't confusing enough.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:33 No.2800412
Earlier 2ch was the most popular imageboard in Russia, but Vitali's all messed up and it is no
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:34 No.2800413
Как вы нас запутать? Это усечение 2chan должно быть достаточно. Если ничто иное, вы можете
определить нам нашей веселой отношение!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:34 No.2800414
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:37 No.2800415
Google translator piece of shit!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:40 No.2800418
Funny, English is already my third language. I wouldn't blame Google translate for this, I'm
pretty shoddy.
The odds were stacked against me from the start.
А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)07:42 No.2800419
How do I confuse, and Easily.
Newfags also often confuse 2ch and 2chan, but that's a different story.
>> [_] = 06/03/15(Wed)07:44 No.2800420
Откуда ж вы лезете, блядь.
>captcha doesn't recognize alcohol as food
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)08:04 No.2800423
I just realized that song is actually Japanese and not Russian.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)08:20 No.2800428
>флешка с хуитария
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)11:33 No.2800518
Yup, strong kanto accent, apparently.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)11:43 No.2800526
its not a russian accent?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)11:45 No.2800528
>speaking japanese with russian accent
Now I kinda want to hear what that would sound like.
>> [_] = 06/03/15(Wed)12:43 No.2800573
Give me a phonetic transcription and I'll make a vocaroo if you so desire
>> [_] = 06/03/15(Wed)12:57 No.2800581
>captcha is 'select all sushi'
wow spy more fgt
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)13:26 No.2800594
what the fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)13:53 No.2800608
singing in Japanese with a Russian accent - hawt.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/15(Wed)14:05 No.2800614
The need for transliteration doesn't really come to mind when your local 2ch is the first thing
you associate with the name.