/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
This is resource F81K1SD, an Archived Thread.
Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 7024 Age: 54.97d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 6 Replies: 5 Files: 2+3 >> ST.Shigatsu MMT 26apr2015(su)17:10 No.19563 OP P1 [G] none [IMG] the_aliens_invasion.swf (2.8 MiB) 1024x768, Compressed. 1 frame, 31 fps (00:00). Ver11, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anonymous 17may2015(su)17:59 No.20033 A P2R1 is there a way to win this? >> Anonymous 17may2015(su)18:21 No.20034 B P3R2 >>20033 good question lol >> Anonymous 17may2015(su)18:40 No.20036 C P4R3 Winning the game isn't rewarding at all, you don't get to unlock the gallery. You only get to see her raping the alien lady with worms. To win: every monster has a strong attack, they give physical clue before doing them, you must parry these otherwise you are guaranteed to lose, if they keep doing it, you have to keep parrying it, they also each have weak point 1) scorpion thing, weak point: tail, strong attack: too weak to care, you should be able to kill it attacking twice, 1 triple fire, 1 single fire 2) floater thing, weak point: body, strong attack: it will start to shifting up and down, the attack goes for the legs, you should be able to kill it attacking 3 times, 2 triple fire, 1 single fire 3) lurker looking thing, weak point: body, strong attack: it will start to crouch, looking like it's about to jump, the attack goes for the legs, you should be able to kill it attacking 3 times, 3 triple fire 4) turd with legs thing, weak point: body, strong attack: it will start to air hump intensely, more so than the initial air hump, the attack goes for the head, you should be able to kill it attacking 3 times, 1 grenade, 2 triple fire 5) alien lady, weak point: legs, strong attack: she will flay her arms extra high, higher than the initial arm flaying, the attack goes for the head, you should be able to kill it attacking 4 times, 2 grenade, 2 triple fire For the alien lady, it's tricky, because her weak attack are pretty strong as well, and you have to grenade her legs once before you can start to damage her legs. But if you parry all the strong attacks, you should be able to tank it with no problems, especially with the extra grenade. [IMG]Capture.jpg >> Anonymouse 17may2015(su)21:15 No.20038 D P5R4 >>20036 Everything here is solid. And the ending isn't really worth it in my opinion either. >> Anonymous 18may2015(mo)01:30 No.20042 E P6R5 >>20036 Alien Woman attacks the body, you penis. |