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This is resource HMQE4T8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/4 -2015 03:38:18

Ended:27/4 -2015 06:07:59

Checked:27/4 -2015 06:54:23

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 36.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: lion_dancer.swf-(9.91 MB, 300x180, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:24 No.2762426

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:31 No.2762432

  please never again post this gay shit

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:36 No.2762438

  I saw two people in fur suits at a comic convention yesterday... and never in my life have I felt
  such strong homicidal urges...

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:37 No.2762439

  anyone know the name of the song

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:38 No.2762442

  And yet you did nothing. Coward.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:40 No.2762446

  ctrl+f "youtube"

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:41 No.2762447


>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)20:43 No.2762449

  My sister makes fur suits and shit

  Its really depressing

>> [_] knowledgelord 04/26/15(Sun)20:59 No.2762454

  you have failed as a sibling

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:20 No.2762475


  is she hot?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:41 No.2762500

  That lion suit is a god-tier level suit. Every other fursuit I have seen is bulky and clunky.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:42 No.2762502

  How many fursuits have you seen, you fucking weirdo?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:44 No.2762505

  fuk you. youre gross

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:49 No.2762506

  I guess she could have been, but she eats like shit and now she's thinks she's a man after
  spending too much time on Tumblr

  It fucking sucks, I used to like hanging out with her

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:50 No.2762507

  I've never actually seen one in real life. But all of the ones I've seen online are very large
  and mostly lack any kind of bodily expression. I don't ever plan on wearing a suit myself though.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:53 No.2762510

  Does she make fursuits but not a furry? If so your sister makes bank on these nerds. Also being
  said this video reminds me that these people get together maybe 4 times a year (In large hoards)
  and do furshit and yiff and live non-bestiality lives and for that i can atleast thank these
  fucks can make their own containment events for themselves.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:55 No.2762511

  She doesnt sell them, they're all for her

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)21:56 No.2762513

  You're a disgusting spineless apologist for these degenerates. Fuck you and Fuck them.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:01 No.2762518

  Fuck you, I'm a furry....I think. I don't know. That term is so fucking vague that I'm not even
  sure what it really means.

>> [_] !T6/TripFag 04/26/15(Sun)22:03 No.2762523


  Woah now, be careful with that edge.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:04 No.2762524


>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:14 No.2762535

  Ok here is what we do we dress up as Victorian huntsman and raise a furry as a hunting dog. then
  we go to the cons and start a hunting party and dont stop untill they have all been tagged

>> [_] moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 04/26/15(Sun)22:15 No.2762537


>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:17 No.2762542

  I think I figured out exactly what's wrong with being a furry: it's those freaky headpieces.
  We could forgive an outlandish costume. Hell, you could walk around in fur all day long and while
  you'd look weird, it'd be forgivable.
  But as soon as you cover up your face, you've crossed a line.
  It's unacceptable to walk around being impossible to ignore, being socially awkward AND being
  anonymous all at the same time. It's almost like a form of social terrorism.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:27 No.2762554

  misread as loli dancer, very disappointed

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:29 No.2762559

  >le identity crisis
  Kill yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:34 No.2762565

  Grrrr so angry now, well done OP you have triggered the shit out of me.

  Also, fuck off tripfag, you know who you are and now so do I, fucking furrytrip faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:35 No.2762567

  The lion suit makes me feel things about furries I don't want to feel.

  Seriously though, she's got a nice body under there. Too bad she's probably a butter face.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:36 No.2762570

  furry flashes always have guaranteed replies. these and that whyamericaisshit.swf

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:36 No.2762571

  Step 1: Be attractive

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:37 No.2762573

  Underrated Post

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:42 No.2762577

  Hating furries is not edgy. It's the norm. furfaggotry needs to be erradicated. It's born from an
  entire generation so self interested they manufactured something so universally offensive that
  they'd always have a victim complex to fall back on. There is nothing wholesome or positive about
  any of it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:44 No.2762580

  I masturbate to clubstripes and shit
  I don't dress up like a fucking faggot in %3000 worth of felt and faux-fur and walk around
  purring like some kind of mentally disabled invalid

  am i a furry

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)22:53 No.2762593

  >%3000 worth
  If there's any question in your mind about it, that's enough to warrant the label and all the
  negatives that go with it.

  That's how shit works around here.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)23:01 No.2762602

  You are whatever you want to be, anon

>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/15(Sun)23:02 No.2762604

  > tfw moot
  > tfw no face
Created: 27/4 -2015 03:38:18 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:13:14 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:15:11