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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 146. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Dino myth debunked.swf-(8.44 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:37 No.2754987 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:41 No.2754992 God damn this bitch is dumb. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:45 No.2754997 >>2754992 Yea, I regret watching the full video. I feel less bad about the inevitable doom of our species knowing that she's a part of it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:47 No.2755001 and if that pile of dust were a skull, it could be fit together just like certain people do for criminal investigations. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:48 No.2755004 I'm trying not to be mad, but I'm mad. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:49 No.2755005 >>2754987 I thought that sort of voice was exclusive for SJWs, but I guess that type of voice is just the voice of retardation. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:50 No.2755006 What's the original source for this? I feel the need to direct my frustration somewhere. SWFchan doesn't have this flash listed at all, and googling "dino myth debunked" returns no results. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:51 No.2755011 We allow women to get an education, But it's pretty clear that this dumb bitch hasn't been taking advantage of it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:52 No.2755012 >>2755006 it's probably better this way, otherwise we'd have another /b/'like invasion lol >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:53 No.2755013 Just think, this person and those who are responsible for her birth have a vote that is equal to those whom are educated. There should be a basic voting test. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:53 No.2755014 >>2755012 Sometimes an invasion to fix stupid is worth it. I'm seriously considering writing an entire counter to this fucking video if I can find the source. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:55 No.2755016 She's the "spokesperson" for christians against dinosaurs, a facebook group. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:55 No.2755017 >>2755014 Found it! >Google searched "fossil myth debunked" >Listed videos only >Scrolled through a bunch of pages It's a youtube video watch?v=4ZyIG_jZzBs >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:56 No.2755021 >>2755016 Wow, and their website is pretty fucking nice too. I bet they got an atheist to make it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:56 No.2755022 >>2755016 >christians against dinosaurs I'm going to google that, and if it actually turns up any results, I'm going to be incredibly upset. >>2755017 Thanks. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)23:59 No.2755025 >>2755022 It's a thing >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:01 No.2755027 >>2755025 and it's going to drive me to drink. Fuck. I'm going to go take a walk and be disappointed the rest of the night. God damn. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:01 No.2755028 >>2755025 She says a cyclone that hit Queensland, Australia it the work of God punishing us for the new Jurassic World movie... Bitch is crazy and the trailer for that movie looks awesome >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:03 No.2755029 >>2755028 oh heres the link watch?v=TRSBQ9MoaI4 >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:03 No.2755030 Jesus Christ. I'm surprised she got the be about fossils not being bone right, though it's important to point out that the stone that takes up that bone's place has to be different from the surrounding material. Otherwise you just have a chunk of rock. People have been finding fossils for most of recorded history - much long than we knew about dinosaurs. They were thought to be the bones of giants or dragons, and probably inspired a lot of those myths. cont. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:04 No.2755031 >>2755030 If a fossil looks like the pile of crap she tipped on the desk, the palaeontologist who dug it up is probably about to lose a LOT of friends, because you're not supposed to fucking smash them into powder. Hell, these days we even value knowing it's location relative to other nearby fossils, because that's the best way to learn about how it's supposed to fit into the bigger picture. Finally, where did the idea that scientists are only paid if the recite "the party truth" come from? All the fame and money in research goes to the people who BREAK the existing model. Hell, that's why we have a peer-review system; to stop researchers from going TOO far off on their own, because otherwise we'd not have any kind of consensus at all. Why the fuck did I write all this? >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:04 No.2755032 I'm Methodist and I think this cunt should have been burned in Salem instead of the witches. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:06 No.2755034 >>2755030 >>2755031 Christianity should just adopt the dragon view instead of the bullshit she spouts. Fucking dragons man. Who doesn't like dragons? Dragons are the shit. It's 854.32 times as cool as denying the existence of dinosaurs while being just as false. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:06 No.2755035 >>2755031 Because you're as pissed off as I am and you have at the very least an idea of the basics of how this shit works while she's making it up as she goes to suit her argument. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:43 No.2755060 So, this is all satire, right? That website looks like satire to me. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:53 No.2755068 >>2755022 >christians against dinosaurs There's porn about that. And I'm gonna make more and send her some. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)00:55 No.2755070 Fun fact leviathan's and other dinosaury things are mentioned in the even most Christians probably think she's stupid >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:06 No.2755084 I'm a Christian who believes in science and dino's and this bitch is unbearable. >Inb4 hypocritical believer I cannot deny the solid, truthful facts that science offers that can be proven through the scientific method. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:07 No.2755086 I DONT WANT TO CURE CANCER ANYMORE >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:07 No.2755087 >>2755025 "Denying the Dinosaur Lie" It's like they believe fossils are satanic and Illuminati. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:08 No.2755088 I wanna titty fuck her, as she spews more anti-dino propaganda, lel. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:09 No.2755090 >>2755017 lol she's so much uglier un hi-res >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:09 No.2755091 But wait guys, Give a Look. The Sun is only 3000 Miles away from the Earth >The Earth isnt a planet > >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:10 No.2755094 How do dinosaurs in any way go against Christianity so that groups like this exist? What the fuck are these people thinking... >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:10 No.2755095 >>2755091 Get that flat earth shit out of here. We're discussing this dumb bitch and her complete lack of critical thinking skills. Everyone knows flat earthers are just false flaggers who are in it for laughs. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:11 No.2755096 I hate her so much lol >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:20 No.2755110 Everyone knows the dinosaur industry is a multi-billion dollar industry full of corruption. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:23 No.2755115 >>2755091 Yeah >>2755095 is correct, most flat earthers are just trolls, or people who do it as some kind of stupid hobby (finding believable physics models that would explain how/why the earth is flat) it's actually pretty interesting some of the crazy theories people have come up with where a lot of the maths work out. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:26 No.2755122 holy fuck i just found this one it's far, far more idiotic than the OP >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:28 No.2755124 Came for tits. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:28 No.2755125 This means that everything I knew was a lie! If only we had evidence to prove that the mythical fossil's of a "Frilled Shark" or "Goblin Shark" or "Horseshoe crab" existed. >> [_] I Only Know the Truth 04/20/15(Mon)01:29 No.2755130 >>2755094 Dinosaur bones were really the giant ancient bones of the Roman Conquerors. The Jewish people paid the Roman Giants to attack and slaughter the Christians in exchange for wealth and power. After the Christians were nearly wiped out. The fallen slain Christian's blood formed into a pool, and Jesus Christ was formed from it. Horrified the Jewish masters ordered their Roman Conquerors to slay this new being, who was the master Resurrected Super Christian. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:30 No.2755131 >>2755122 This is giving me diarrhea >> [_] I Only Know the Truth 04/20/15(Mon)01:30 No.2755132 >>2755130 He flew into the air, as the Roman Giants tried desperately to throw their javelins at this new master. Jesus Christ flew into the sunlight, so they could not see him, that is when, a Holy White Light appeared from Jesus Christ's eyes. It came down upon the Roman Giants, their flesh disintegrated, save for only their charred bones, which the desert covered. Jesus Christ flew all over the skies, cleansing the world of the Roman Conquering Empire. The Jews, ran away and hid within their temples of wealth. Jesus Christ cast them out, and burned most of them and their kin to dust, save for their misshapen Jewish bones. . - From the "Lost Dead Sea Scrolls" Look it up guys! >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:32 No.2755134 >>2755122 I feel like someone should take this to /b/ >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:34 No.2755137 >>2755134 She's so fucking stupid they will think who ever is the thread's OP is her trolling them. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:34 No.2755138 >>2755122 "Go into your closet, grab your leather jacket and throw it out the window. What do you think is going to happen? I guarantee it's not going to fly." tfw: My brain is full of fuck. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:34 No.2755139 >>2755070 Problem is only about ten percent of Christians actually read any part of the Bible, let alone all of it. The rest just know the carefully edited version their minister, pastor or whatever their particular brand of crazy calls the cult leader tells them which he likely got the same way. It's why you hear them scream all this "one man, one woman" nonsense. If they really cared about the Bible and, by extension, biblical marriage, we'd already have laws in place saying we could have as many wives as we had enough shekels to corner and rape. If you tried to convince the average Bible-fucker that the bible said we had Smaug and Jörmungandr, they'd say you we trying to discredit Christianity by comparing it with mythology. >tl:dr You're asking for miracles, guy. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:35 No.2755141 this is just rocks too >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:36 No.2755142 >>2755122 Okay, this is for sure satire. No one is this stupid. No one. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:37 No.2755143 She's fucking crazy. No material, no sound of proof, dosent even know what the fuck she is saying or even the example she is using! WTF?! >> [_] I Only Know the Truth 04/20/15(Mon)01:38 No.2755144 >>2755141 NO, not snuffleupagus! >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:41 No.2755148 Everytime I see even a mediocre girl looks wise that is exceedingly stupid (especially religious ones) I feel the desire to breed with them >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:41 No.2755150 >"le edgy atheist, tip your fedora" Is the line that enables behaviour like this video >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:43 No.2755153 >>2755148 Am I the only one that gets erect at the thought of a religious nutjob carrying my children? >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:44 No.2755154 I have a question for any atheist here: If I ran up to you, making a honking sound, holding up too flashlights up and said to you "I'm a car", I'm sure the last thing you would think was that I was a car. Now when this girl says she's a Christian.... >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:45 No.2755157 >>2755154 >Now when this girl says she's a Christian.... ....I think about filling her with my semen >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:45 No.2755158 >>2755025 Wait a minute... that logo. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:45 No.2755159 >>2755122 Wait, how did we get from dinosaurs to evil abo- >Grab a leather jacket, open up your window and throw it out. >What do you thinks gonna happen >Guarantee you it's not gonna fly Fuck me, she's retarded. This has to be a troll. I checked the channel's "about" page, and it gave no tongue-in-cheek implications, but I had to close it when I saw the words "Big Paleo." Has anyone actually been to the site or the Facebook page? Tell me they know how stupid the shit they're saying is, and that this dumb bitch doesn't really believe a dead bird is going to flutter off into the fucking breeze. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:46 No.2755161 >>2755154 Some people are just crazy, regardless of what they claim to be. For all we know she might be a christian. She probably isn't though, and this is probably satire. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:50 No.2755166 >>2755154 >Saying retarded shit means she's not really a Christian Then we've made some good progress, because the majority of the planet's religious population just deconverted. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:51 No.2755167 >>2755161 I'm glad you understand. People are, well people. They often fit into many molds and group and sometimes the person themselves are stupid or nutty, not the group they are part of. I think your right, I've seen this before. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:52 No.2755169 The Drunken Peasants covered this cunt before. Basically, Christians Against Dinosaurs was started as a laugh to poke fun at fundamentalists, and thanks to Poes Law, this dumb bitch believed them, and they made her a kind of spokes person for further luls. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:55 No.2755172 >>2755166 She's saying something that has no backing or purpose in her faith, and actually is counter intuitive to the current leading minds of creationism. Basically she's wrong in two regards. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:57 No.2755174 >>2755169 Thanks brah, now i can fucking sleep without having dreams of the edgiest ways i could murder her. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:59 No.2755176 >>2755172 There are plenty of Christians that believe that either dinosaurs never existed or that that existed at the same time as homo-sapiens. There are still flat-earthers out there, because the Bible says so. Spouting nonsense to discredit science is Creationism 101, guy. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)01:59 No.2755177 >>2754987 >>2755122 This is the kind of thinking I'd expect from someone who makes vertical videos. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:05 No.2755180 >>2755176 >sprouting nonsense to discredit science Gotta always love how atheist fags merge their beliefs so much with actually science they can't tell the two apart. Couldn't ever possibly question evolution, the most sacred of all theories. Gotta love how Atheism doesn't even work in the basis of logic and the fundamental grounds that let us even begin the act of science. Like how the reason the universe randomly created has no reason at all to abide by strict regulation of rules that are constant through out the universe. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:09 No.2755184 >>2755180 What the fuck are you babbling about? >> [_] I Only Know the Truth 04/20/15(Mon)02:10 No.2755185 >>2755180 Put down the Whacky Tabbacey Moral Oral! >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:11 No.2755188 >>2755180 >Couldn't ever possibly question evolution, the most sacred of all theories Oh, so you're a troll. Must have missed that, sorry - too focused on my porn. But do continue; I'm sure you put a lot of thought into sounding as stupid as you can. Later, guy. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:12 No.2755189 >>2755184 What, you don't even know the very tenants of logic? You know, the very thing humans use to form science? I'm sorry but if this is too complicated maybe you shouldn't be mocking this girl when you can't follow a single sentence along. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:13 No.2755190 >>2755188 >too focused on my porn How'd you know what I was doing at this exact moment? >>2755189 Why don't you just fuck off? You're talking nonsense. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:14 No.2755193 >>2755017 >>Christians Against Dinosaurs oh man this is fucking gold. And upon further investigation, no one's determined if they are poes yet. Although there's some evidence showing that they could be very serious business. But shit man that website is way to well designed. The search engine optimization is a bit suspicious too. It's gotta be a poe. In which case you've all been trolled. Shit I want to see this bitch debate Ken Ham from the creation museum >>2755028 shut the fuck up, Jurassic world is going to be shit and everyone knows it. They made up a dinosaur that doesn't even exist, for some intellectual property bullshit. The whole premise of the movie is based on copyright bullshit! >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:15 No.2755195 >>2755188 Later dude. I tried. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:16 No.2755197 And, I am sure the ratio of Carbon Isotopes would still be the same? They wouldn;t be affected some how by this theory of yours? Not to mention that Limestone loves to build upon itself. Also, why would the bones be hollow enough to allow for such things to go through? This is incredibly Ad Hoc... And, I am being some what rude. Aye. My apologies for that. But, I am... Kind of tired. Sorry. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:16 No.2755199 >>2755190 >How'd you know what I was doing at this exact moment? Let's be real: we're all here for porn. Shit like this is tangential. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:18 No.2755202 >>2755190 Oh boo hoo, you can't understand so your all pissy? Well I guess honestly I'm the fool for even thinking that any debate or discussion could exist on 4Chan in even the smallest form. Peace out. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:18 No.2755203 >>2755199 Fuck you, I'm just here for the lulz >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:19 No.2755207 >>2755199 Yeah even I'm here for porn. I think I'll hit up /tg/ first and then go to /d/ >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)02:19 No.2755208 >>2755202 >Well I guess honestly I'm the fool for even thinking that any debate or discussion could exist |