File: chatnoir.swf-(11 KB, 600x480, Game)
[_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)01:04 No.2786002
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)02:03 No.2786038
this game is so great
I've only ever won once
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)02:05 No.2786041
Try placing the first dot far away, and then placing dots on varying sides of the cat as it
moves. Eventually you'll figure out a little more about how the cat moves, and you'll be able to
win more often. I can win about 5 times out of 8 if I pay attention.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)02:06 No.2786042
Actually I won the third time I tried this time around
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)02:26 No.2786053
Once you get the idea it becomes easier. Using the dots that spawn can help you set up a trap.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)02:50 No.2786066
It would be better if all of the boards were winnable, but they're not.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)02:55 No.2786069
As soon as you see what direction it's going, go way ahead of it and start circling it in,
leaving the hole it's trying to escape through. Don't close off its escape until the last second.
It doesn't notice you're building a trap and change plans until you actually block off its
intended path.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)05:53 No.2786157
The perfect distance for dots placing is 2
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)05:56 No.2786160
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)06:38 No.2786175
i just won 4 games in a row. are you sure they are not all winnable?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/15(Wed)07:06 No.2786187
I'd say that most of them are winnable, but I did just get one with only 4 pre filled dots and 3
of them where clumped together, thought it over for a while, but it didn't seem like it was