File: 7chan.swf-(1.8 MB, 640x512, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)01:16 No.2801156
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)01:35 No.2801182
greetings fellow spider expert
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:07 No.2801212
couple of airwolfs over here
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:08 No.2801213
how do you guys feel knowing that japs from 7chan and other non-english chans come periodically
adventure to 4chan and retrieve feminist, sjw, and similar retarded posts to share with their
fellow slant eyes similar to how we circle jerk weird shit we find on their boards
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:09 No.2801215
It's just exposure of culture.
I don't see anything wrong with it and it doesn't bother me.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:36 No.2801232
i love the flashbulb ty
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:38 No.2801235
Since when is 7chan a non-english chan and not just a butthurt repository?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:41 No.2801237
I wont ask for song suace, but I will ask where the song title would be listed if it were on
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:43 No.2801239
Lawn Wake IX by The Flashbulb. It's slightly slowed down.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)02:45 No.2801243
>Lawn Wake IX by The Flashbulb
Thank you kindly anon.
>> [_] Islamic State Media 06/04/15(Thu)03:17 No.2801264
The fuck you talking about nigger?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)03:38 No.2801275
>non-english chan
It's an english chan dedicated to the wonders of human sexuality
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)03:55 No.2801284
I'm too lazy to search for it at the moment, but basically a lot of "slant eyes" get a kick out
of regular 4chan threads and they have developed various sites to archive and showcase content
from here. I'm not talking about meaningful stuff either. They archive everyday threads.
And then laugh about it. Why? Absolutely no idea.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)04:07 No.2801292
because nips have a shit sense of humor
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)04:44 No.2801315
7chan was cool for awhile, but didn't it die at one point? I remember the big ones were 4chan,
7chan, 12chan for l33t h4ck3rs, and 420chan for DUDE WEED LMAO