/ > /fap/ > Thread 7182
Age: 59.22d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 13 Replies: 9 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 27may2015(we)19:46 No.20256 OP P1
[G] ARIA - Advanced Rouge Intelligence Assault
created by Vortex00
Pinoytoons is making the character art and animations for ARIA.
in ARIA, you command one of the most elite team of GemCo agents who once tried to capture you,
however you freed yourself and forced them to follow your orders now. This is a ecchi simulation
dating game and a strategy based game. Strategy components of the game include not only to build
stats and optionally the love interests of each girl but also a space battle mini game that is
similar to the flash game nano wars. You will travel to different planets and space stations
looking for resources as you make your way back to GemCo controlled space. The girls will not
always agree with your actions. It is up you to up to keep them cooperative. This can be done the
easy way or the hard way. This game contain space warfare strategy, scrolling platform elements,
plus lots of smaller minigames, and TONS of hentai animations and images.
[IMG] ARIA.swf (30 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed. 77 frames, 30 fps (00:03).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 27may2015(we)20:09 No.20257 OP P2
Preferences of the girls
Arielle = BATTLE
Phia = SEX
Bri = TALK
(is said in the intro but if you're like me and skip it the first time without having any clue then
this might be helpful)
>> Anonymous 27may2015(we)21:07 No.20259 A P3R1
Unfortunately there are no new h-scenes since the last version which was about a year ago, just
some mini-games and new mechanics. No way in hell I'm playing through it again, but definitely one
of the better games on /fap/.
>> Anonymous 27may2015(we)23:19 No.20260 B P4R2
Password is:
>> Anonymous 28may2015(th)02:55 No.20263 C P5R3
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)02:15 No.20283 D P6R4
here use this code it gets your a good ways
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)02:15 No.20284 D P7
here use this code in load it gets ya a good ways 775A12649A6A0A1A1A1A1A0A1A0A1A6A15A8736A11
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)03:00 No.20285 D P8
way better one 1075A29174A6A1A10A1A10A1A1A1A0A1A34A54A8736A170A7291A1A10A1A8A8A1A20A1A0A0A0A0A0A0A0
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)04:57 No.20286 E P9R5
>>20285 208A300078A10A1A10A1A10A1A1A1A1A1A28A25A10827A71A4806A1A10A1A0A0A1A10A1A0A0A0A0A0A0A
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)09:51 No.20292 F P10R6
They don't seem to work.
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)11:59 No.20296 G P11R7
These are save game codes and they work just fine.
>> Anonymous 30may2015(sa)17:44 No.20305 C P12R8
lol thought you were just facerolling your keyboards when i first opened the thread
>> Anonymous 1jun2015(mo)11:41 No.20356 H P13R9
Apparently this isn't the full name, you should be able to fuck the black chick in the full version