File: Not Animu.swf-(9.29 MB, 720x404, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)04:13 No.2790162
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)04:32 No.2790174
It's a shame that she dances so awesomely to such a shit song
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)04:39 No.2790182
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)04:54 No.2790188
who is she
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)04:56 No.2790189
I want to be a cute girl.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)06:22 No.2790223
yeah... even girls want to be cute girls
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)06:31 No.2790226
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)06:47 No.2790234
hate the douchebag dj, hate the woman for enjoying his music, hate the faggot recording
>> [_] SEGA 05/24/15(Sun)08:31 No.2790270
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)08:32 No.2790271
Am i gay if this bores me?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)08:42 No.2790273
No. The music is shit. Sounds affect us more than visuals. Imagine trying to jerk off to porn
while having One Direction music blasting in your ears. That's pretty much what this is.
However, you are still gay, for using this board, much like I am, and all the other faggots on
here. Welcome aboard, /f/ag!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)08:43 No.2790274
No, it just means you have finally seen enough qt 2d grills that the 3d ones don't grab your
dicks attention so easily anymore.
its pretty great being able to go places and not make decisions based on the potential of female
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)09:25 No.2790294
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)09:31 No.2790296
While this is a *tips fedora* post, as misguided as your logic is you're essentially right.
Though it's got more to do with the low testosterone levels one gets from constantly fapping to
said qt2dgrills combined with the sexual desensitization you mentioned. It's still worrying to
realise most males genuinely think dick-first in any kind of social interactions involving
females most of the time. At least, in "our" vague social group of stereotypical internet/4chan
users: teenagers and young adults without stable sexual partners or heavily involving lifestyles
(job, house, etc). Generalising anything is retarded and I have no idea why I started writing
this post in the first place.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)09:44 No.2790302
she must fuck like a fighter jet
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/15(Sun)10:39 No.2790333
Men experience myriad benefits as they unhook from porn and compulsive masturbation. It's natural
to assume positive changes such as more confidence, better mood, less anxiety, and greater
motivation must have something to do with blood testosterone levels. However, neither human or
animal research supports the testosterone hypothesis. While a few men have reported abstinence
associated with higher T, the vast majority of men who are tested (before & during) report no
significant change.