/ > /fap/ > Thread 7221
Age: 59.49d Health: 0% Posters: 4 Posts: 4 Replies: 3 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 7jun2015(su)07:28 No.20485 OP P1
Go Espey!
Very nice work from Fatelogic
Check it out on Newgrounds (source):
[IMG] 0706_micro-h-game-beta2.swf (4.57 MiB)
1273x900, Compressed. 289 frames, 38 fps (00:08).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 7jun2015(su)08:43 No.20486 A P2R1
Beta2? Does that really mean there's going to be an even better version down the line?
>> Anonymous 7jun2015(su)15:14 No.20487 B P3R2
My only problem is that I hate these stupid progressions. I want to just be able to dildo her ass
rather than screw around with fingers and then vibrators, and then this that and the other thing.
>> Anonymous 17jun2015(we)02:33 No.20697 C P4R3
just use the seekbar