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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource WFH8CB7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/4 -2015 22:28:49

Ended:21/4 -2015 00:34:08

Checked:21/4 -2015 01:01:07

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: This is how it goes.swf-(4.89 MB, 350x343, Loop)
[_] Awoo~ Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)15:26 No.2755609

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)15:28 No.2755613

  Kagerou would have been a more appropriate Touhoe to use for this.


>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)15:44 No.2755633

  question about the actual yuki flash, why does it get stuck on
  "Shouldn't you be doing something else now, Anon?"
  I just want the randomized motivational stuff back

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)15:54 No.2755640

  I fucked up coding and now when it is monday it says that.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:00 No.2755647

  only monday? thats strange, does the flash have day specific responses or is it just some bizarre

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:02 No.2755649

  It has a couple of day specific responses, 4th of july, christmas etc.
  On Monday between 10 and 14 it's supposed to say bla bla but apparently the if statement in
  actionscript doesn't work the same way as it does in C so I made a mistake.

  If you are the guy who wanted it as his homepage I could upload a version that gets rid of the
  monday thing altogether.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:09 No.2755659

  Yeah, I am that guy. Would really appreciate a fixed version.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:11 No.2755661

  sauce on song?

  swfchan isn't helping.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:13 No.2755667

  learn to resize the flash, just squish the window

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:14 No.2755668

  I apologize for all the problems my flashes seem to have I will test them more thoroughly in the

  Resize the flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:16 No.2755670


>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:19 No.2755674

  How does one resize the flash?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:19 No.2755675

  How do I resize shit. I never had to.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:20 No.2755677

  Open the flash in its own window, hover your mouse over the side of your browser window, hold
  left mouse button and make your window thinner.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:21 No.2755678

  no reason to apologize, you are making oc for /f/ and keeping this place from become too
  stagnant, anyways thanks for the fixed version and keep up the good work.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:22 No.2755679

  fucking nice band

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:23 No.2755680

  That's so cool, thanks man.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:43 No.2755701

  Fuck all the little bells and whistles hidden in thet crappy code...

  I just wish A/V flash authors would take 5 minutes with a calculator to get the fucking V in
  synch with the A. This reeks of lack of effort.

  No wonder /f/ is a wasteland of reposts anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)16:47 No.2755705

  make a tutorial as a flash to teach them then

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)17:12 No.2755728

  ehhh... me again, sorry - I sound like an asshole because I AM one. This IS an ok flash, and it
  is great to see someone trying to freshen up /f/. I just don't mean to bash here, but what I say
  stands; try to make an effort to get the visible side of the box looking plausible, before
  worrying about the trick code inside.
  Fewer than 10 or 15% of people are perfectly arrhythmic or have a tin ear, so this is *very*
  noticeable to a casual observer, and critical to your craft as being seen as something other than
  a grade C effort. Keep at it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)17:28 No.2755749

  You know, I've played with the idea, but it IS hard to compose a worthwhile course when you hold
  down 2 jobs and go to school... it would be a looong time before it was ready for consumption.

  I *do* pass out a lot of micro-details of Flash and Actionscript tech here, and there's a wealth
  of infos out there already. Flash may be a bit kooky and non-intuitive for a casual artist or a
  traditional programmer, but the concepts aren't hard. It's more art than science, really, or the
  Science of Art. Instead of worrying about Flash, worry more about Technique... are you an
  animator? You better know how compose a fluent motion and how to draw keyframes and interpolate
  inbetweens before you tackle this task in flash... sure it's painfully simple to create keyframes
  on a timeline in flash and let the software worry about tweens, but without an animator's working
  knowledge of the art, your technically competent .swf will be comically inept in appearance.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)17:29 No.2755753

  >>2755749 (cont'd)

  For this one, it's simple... a dancer and music. A very common .swf trope, there's milliions.
  My personal suggestion: DO NOT even ATTEMPT to show one, if you don't intend to synchronize the
  dancer to the music. It's as simple as that. Without that, it will be generally seen as not worth
  Bottom line is, drawing doesn't have to be perfect, or even very good... there's AWESOME stickman
  flashes... and your .swf doesn't have to do anything fancy or interactive or whatever.... but for
  what it DOES do, it should do it very well, or you're wasting your time.

  And there's my tutorial for today. And my therapy. I've atoned for my previous outburst. Now if
  you'll excuse me, I have some puppies to throw in a river.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/20/15(Mon)17:33 No.2755758

  Do you have an archive somewhere? I've been noticing your flashes cropping up more and more, and
  would be interested in seeing any I missed.
Created: 20/4 -2015 22:28:49 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:09:26 Server time: 02/01 -2025 14:08:01