File: DoctorPixel_FullGame.swf-(644 KB, 640x480, Other)
[_] New and improved! Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)01:30 No.2775185
Your daily dose, now in a timed-release formula!
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)01:42 No.2775194
Thanks doc
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)02:15 No.2775219
Thanks doc, advancement in science are truly amazing sometimes.
I do wish the effect wouldnt kick in so abruptly though, so i thik there's still room for
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)02:18 No.2775222
Holy fucking shit that was amazing.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)09:26 No.2775289
it's been a while since I had my dose, so this was much appreciated
thanks doc
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)09:38 No.2775292
The dose is fine anon, the timing is great on the line making sure the large dose straight to the
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)09:39 No.2775294
im not gona lie i was getting exited for the plot haha!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)10:10 No.2775315
Oh man, my daily dose!
>Flash starts to a narration
Wait...Doctor Pixel is an actual game? Well, shit...guess I'll just play it and see how-
Thanks doc
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)10:24 No.2775324
i'm watching the KB size grow before my very eyes...
its like sea monkeys!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)12:01 No.2775378
somebody should make an actual doctor pixel game and let this be played when the final boss
reaches the last 1% of health.