File: massacleMind-translated.swf-(5.09 MB, 1000x600, Hentai)
[_] [TRIGGER WARNING] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)18:53 No.2794850
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:00 No.2794861
how do i play this
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:02 No.2794863
ARROWS + ENTER, not equal numbers
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:04 No.2794866
What exactly does hit and blow mean. I'm sure hit means I got one correctly in the exact position.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:07 No.2794870
>get it on the first try
Holy fuck, I'm psychic.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:10 No.2794872
well so much for that, didn't know it adds a digit the very next round.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:10 No.2794873
Well that was easy and interesting.
You've never played this number game?
Hit means you have the correct number in the correct place. Blow means you have one of the
correct numbers, just not in the correct place. It's actually really easy to solve them with the
number of attempts you're given in this.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:14 No.2794879
warning (and also spoiler)
on phase 3, it crosses the line from hentai to a Saw-like scene
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:16 No.2794881
I thought it was pretty hot. Inside-out vagina is my fetish.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:19 No.2794883
It would have been better if it was more straight up hard guro, but instead it's kind of a weird
half guro. Her facial expressions are just annoying
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:47 No.2794906
>won with guesses to spare
Well now I can feel smart for the day
Also, hello darkness my old friend
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:51 No.2794908
There was another flash called mastermind with a similiar game but with colors.
Anyone knows how this type of game is called?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:51 No.2794910
wish i didnt beat it
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:52 No.2794911
I am so fucking shit at number games, holy shit just let watch the clips.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:57 No.2794916
You dont want to. Trust me, I love number games and /d/ but even I wont play this one again
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)19:58 No.2794919
I fucking love gore, I've heard how it ends but I'VE not seen it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:01 No.2794923
what was the numbers?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:02 No.2794924
>this nigger thinks gore warnings is enough to dissuade the average 4hong user
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:08 No.2794927
fuck it IS called mastermind, now I feel dumb.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:09 No.2794929
i am so shit at these number games... i lost my boner 30 minutes ago....
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:24 No.2794937
games fucked if what this guy said is tue
Second stage i put
5841 0 hits 1 blow
1023 0 hits 1 blow
ok so 1 is one of the correct numbers i do two more attempts putting 1 in every position....never
got a hit....yeah games fucked
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:24 No.2794938
what are you even suppose to do
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:28 No.2794945
Hit means you have a correct number in the correct slot, blow means you have a correct number in
a bogus slot.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:29 No.2794946
it took me two trys to figure it out and win how do even 30 mins on this
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:31 No.2794949
Not true unless my games fucked.
I figured out 1 was a correct number...which means if i put it in the right slot i should get a
hit. Well i put 1 in the 4 slots that were available on multiple attempts and never got a hit.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:34 No.2794953
You are american, I suppose.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:34 No.2794954
Someone who is done post the numbers so we can watch the clips
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:37 No.2794959
Eurofag actually
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:46 No.2794962
>Europe as a country
Yes, you are american. Don't try to deny it, your IQ tells.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:47 No.2794965
the numbers change each time its random
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:48 No.2794966
its worth watching it breaks her him and she bleeds very nice
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:49 No.2794967
and "america" is a country?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:50 No.2794968
To be fair, there's only one country in the Americas that matters.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:51 No.2794969
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:52 No.2794970
Are you high or retarded?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:52 No.2794972
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:52 No.2794973
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:53 No.2794974
Lol you are definitely an american.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:54 No.2794975
oh for fucks sake, stop embarrassing yourself.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:54 No.2794976
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:55 No.2794978
456 1hit 1blow
654 1hit 0blow
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)20:57 No.2794980
Like I said. The game is fucked.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:00 No.2794981
>58490 4hit 0blown
>58491 4hit 0blown
>58492 4hit 0blown
>58493 4hit 0blown
>58496 4hit 0blown
>58497 4hit 0blown
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:04 No.2794983
The blows are fucked. Ive done.
01234 1hit 2 blow
56789 1 hit 1 blow
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:05 No.2794986
>samefagging hard pretending there is a coding error just to hide his low IQ
Just stop, kiddo. You are dumb, no cure.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:07 No.2794990
Im this guy
Nice try kiddo
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:08 No.2794994
He'll get it eventually, no one is that fucking stupid.
Either that or he'll give up and leave.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:13 No.2794998
012 1hit 1 blow
210 0hit 2blow
201 1hit 1blow
explain plex?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:14 No.2795000
not same fag, just curious
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/15(Thu)21:16 No.2795002
this is the first time it happens. it was working fine and I alone did the fuck up but just this
once when I was by luck so close this happens...maybe what I thought to be luck was actually a