File: EXTREME_RICE.swf-(2.58 MB, 480x320, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/12/15(Fri)23:44:56 No.2811571
>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/15(Sat)00:00:03 No.2811579
Fuck, that was great.
This is how I feel making rice and tortillas every other day.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/15(Sat)00:07:59 No.2811585
Why did I think this was hysterically funny like 10 years ago?
Kinda like going back and watching old Herculoids cartoons...
the fuck was I thinking?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/15(Sat)00:38:16 No.2811601
I found it pants shittingly hilarious, today I just find it hilarious.