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This is resource YGCLC0Y, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/4 -2015 12:08:38

Ended:30/4 -2015 16:22:09

Checked:30/4 -2015 17:03:45

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Chrono Trigger Alternate Ending.swf-(7.08 MB, 524x296, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:06 No.2766075

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:08 No.2766077


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:11 No.2766078

  Feels bad man

  But seriously, why are the asians the most fucked up when it comes to food. There is nothing on
  this earth they haven't tried to eat - if not eat regularly

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:16 No.2766081

  They may be fucked up, but it's fucking delicious.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:17 No.2766082

  dude the frenchfags does teh froglegs as well. Like wtf though why leave the dying frog on the
  plate? I'm curious if people would be hungry for prepared steaks if a still breathing frontal
  part of a cow was placed on the dinner table.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:17 No.2766083

  >eaten alive

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:18 No.2766084

  I'm shuddering at the idea.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:19 No.2766085

  don't you want to be feel like a real predator?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:35 No.2766091

  not sure the dinner table has the structural strength to support that

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:40 No.2766092


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:44 No.2766094

  >tfw the normies eat you alive

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)05:51 No.2766097

  Well the frog died instantly when the heart was pulled out, and its spinal column was severed, if
  that makes you feel like less of a faggot for caring about mundane shit

>> [_] RepostChan 04/30/15(Thu)06:04 No.2766104

  >died instantly when the heart was pulled out
  >Half a frog, writhing on the plate
  It's still pretty retarded that there are humans that think exotic food (like food that's still
  alive, cats/dogs, rare animals) is somehow better than food we've spend centuries perfecting in
  the kitchen.

  Like some rare bird's shit stained, flea infested nest makes some sort of amazing soup. Or a frog
  butchered alive (which really stresses the meat) and raw is better than something carefully

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)06:48 No.2766122


  yeah, how dare those savages eat anything other than oscar meyer. fucking uncouth scum.

>> [_] RepostChan 04/30/15(Thu)07:07 No.2766128

  Found the mouth breather.

  And yes, they are uncouth scum. That frog dinner probably cost $50, simply because it's a "fancy"
  restaurant that offers it as a "delicacy." She paid for an uncooked, overstressed, unprepared
  meal. Even fucking Oscar Meyer cooks and seasons their food, as shitty as they probably treat
  their animals. There's a reason why Kobe beef tastes fucking good. The better off your animal,
  the better the meat tastes.

  >so wut its her monnie ur rong 4 havng an opinyion on gud fud
  Doesn't change the fact that I'm right.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)07:20 No.2766133

  don't get me wrong i agree with the stressed food is worse then taken care of animals meat but
  the frog was long dead what you see is just spasms.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)07:53 No.2766145

  You are perfectly fitting in with the stereotype of the archetypal american, Mr Culturally narrow
  brain moron. Arrogantly thinking that the types of foods your culture eats should be eaten by
  every other culture.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)07:58 No.2766147

  I want to try this now.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:15 No.2766152

  kobe beef comes from cows locked up in small pens and fed "energy dense feed". youre a retard if
  you think they are treated well and that the treatment of an animal equals tastier dead animal

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:21 No.2766154

  I bet you don't like well done steaks, fag

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:27 No.2766160


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:28 No.2766161


  i m a frenchfag and this is quite a myth. never ate frog. thats a very rare thing to do nowadays.
  however we eat things most people in the world find disgusting like pig feet, beef tongue and
  other parts considered to be nasty can be deliciously prepared.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:30 No.2766163

  Why are you trying to make this into a cultural thing? There's a reason why good food tastes good
  in any country. Yes, people have differences in tastes, but the basics of food are the same. Take
  a fucking cooking class, and shave that unibrow.

  The blinking was spasms. The crawling around with the forelegs wasn't.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:37 No.2766165

  lol at japan (?)

  also lol at the file name but i really wanted frog's theme to be playing in the background:

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)08:40 No.2766167

  >Or a frog butchered alive (which really stresses the meat)
  Don't asians really like their meat chewy and leathery? I remember somebody mentioning that they
  tend to over cook shit or something because it's just their preference in the outcome of the meat.

  It wouldn't surprise me if shitty, stressed meat is something else they have a preference, too,
  as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)09:03 No.2766173

  African americ- er, I mean niggers - have been doing that since the slave days.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)09:07 No.2766175

  Glenn/Frog, NOOOOO!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)09:07 No.2766176

  African American has to be the most offensive thing you can call a black person. "Remember that
  you are not a real American." I seriously don't understand how that became politically correct.

>> [_] RepostChan 04/30/15(Thu)09:08 No.2766177

  Not if it's a decent quality steak. It's like adding strong condiments; you should be enjoying
  the flavor of the meat. Otherwise, just put A1 sauce on some toast and pretend it's a steak.
  Which, by the way, isn't half bad.

  I've never heard of Asians liking overcooked meat, but that might be the case in some places.
  That doesn't mean the food is good. I'm not saying they don't have a right to overcook meat, or
  that it isn't part of their culture. Just that by 99% of the world's standards, overcooked meat
  isn't as good.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)09:10 No.2766178

  >liking dry and stringy meat

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)09:11 No.2766179

  White people are European Americans, we just don't call them that. Also, I don't know anyone who
  calls black people "African American". I could see why Native Americans are still referred to by
  that title though, they got their land stolen by the "new" Americans.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)09:16 No.2766181

  ok, you're alright, cook for me sometime babycakes
Created: 30/4 -2015 12:08:38 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:18:02 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:36:34