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This is resource ZGE8ICX, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/6 -2015 05:37:57

Ended:1/6 -2015 10:25:41

Checked:1/6 -2015 10:33:51

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 42.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: KnowYourUltimateDestiny.swf-(959 KB, 600x450, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/31/15(Sun)22:36 No.2797890


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/15(Sun)23:09 No.2797918

  You Are Jesus Jew The Rejected Man Destined to Get Visited by The Innocent.

  What are the odds

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/15(Sun)23:36 No.2797944

  I am Nostalgia the Advocate the Abandoned Supermodel distend to stalk and rape /v/!

  Best fucking roll ever.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/15(Sun)23:48 No.2797955


>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/15(Sun)23:52 No.2797960

  I am "Aids Fighter. The Death-Defying Pest, destined to Challenge The Poor People"

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/15(Sun)23:56 No.2797964

  I am Viewful Moe.
  The Original Commissar.
  Destined to molest the universe.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:00 No.2797970

  >everyone ITT is literally too fucking stupid to copypaste

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:02 No.2797973

  I am Magnificent McDonald the morbidly obese tard.
  Destined to be the master of the trolls

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:07 No.2797974

  >You are Penis Pedo the Autistic Sheriff Destined to Dominate /k/.

  Well I'm off to /k/ to dominate them.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:13 No.2797977

  I'm Black Hunter.
  I'm a hardened sociopath.
  I'm destined to soon meet Poland

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:13 No.2797978

  You are Eternal Virgin, the hulking manchild destined to acquire Europe.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:31 No.2797989

  I am the Ultra Marine, Tragic man destined to overcome the world.

  Dio is going to die by the hand of a smurf.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:32 No.2797990

  You Are Master Jesus The Tough Troll Destined To Study Children.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:34 No.2797993


>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:48 No.2798009

  You are Machingun Christ the Very Angry Lurker destined to End The Government

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)00:56 No.2798016

  It is I, Shotgun Jew the faggy sniper! It is my destiny to be superior to babies!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:34 No.2798043

  You are Buff Nigger the Hulking Deity destined to wrestle with life.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:41 No.2798051

  You are Easy Dwarf the Hardened Goblin destined to Murder The World

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:43 No.2798054


  Ether Cobra the Bloodthirsty Psychopath, destined to Eat The FBI

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:46 No.2798058

  I am Emperor Recluse, The Pretty Cool Force Commander destined to Invade /k/
  Wish me luck.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:48 No.2798061

  I am Tiny Penis, The Annoying Stalker destined to Overcome /cm/.

  fug :DDD

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:54 No.2798065

  Penis Eater
  Colossal Drifter
  Eat Dead People

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:56 No.2798068

  >tfw you are AIDS KONG, the BROODING PRIEST destined to RAPE THE OLD ONES.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)01:58 No.2798070

  I am
  Beautiful Snake
  Homicidal Failure
  Destined to
  Murder The Whitehouse

  Sounds like the plot to the next MGS

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:00 No.2798072

  I am Urist MC Ranger the Tough Sniper, destined to be visited by the Damned

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:02 No.2798073


>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:02 No.2798074

  I rerolled and got Jackhammer Maximus, the Shut-in Geek Destined to sort out Kings

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:20 No.2798081

  Final reroll for me.
  You are Ultra Anon
  The Annoying Faggot
  Destined to Baptize Life

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:26 No.2798084

  I am Doctor Penis the Annoying Creeper destined to Cum Inside The Old Ones.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:29 No.2798085

  Make sure you let them know who you are. It would be a waste if the prophecy was mistaken.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:31 No.2798088

  You are Black Kong the Horny Nigger destined to Rule The Whitehouse

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:47 No.2798102

  >genocide virgin, the supreme pedo, destined to rule Europe
  holy shit its happening

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)02:57 No.2798107

  >you are ULTRA FAG the ONE AND ONLY GOBLIN destined to LOSE TO MEN
  YES, i knew it

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:00 No.2798109

  You are Jesus Autist, the anonymous ruler destined to ban Moot

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:04 No.2798113

  You are doctor assassin, the depressed christian destined to be murdered by god.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:04 No.2798114

  You are Red Jew the dumb as shit failure, destined to wrestle wit 4chan

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:08 No.2798115

  dr killer: rejected killer destined to annihilate his family

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:09 No.2798116

  >36 replies
  >still not a single person who knows how to copypaste
  Oh, how low has /f/ fallen...

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:12 No.2798119

  >You are Jackhammer McGyver, the feared avatar destined to end 4chan
  That is so epic, I'm taking a screenshot of it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:12 No.2798120

  pussy raul
  rogue pedo
  loved by /a/

>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:19 No.2798125

  I am Gangster Hacker, The clever nigger, Destined to rape women.


>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)03:23 No.2798127

  I am Machinegun Savior, The Tragic Vampire. My destiny is to be superior to The Eye of Terror.

  Cool. I am a blood angels assault marine.
Created: 1/6 -2015 05:37:57 Last modified: 1/6 -2015 10:33:54 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:01:01