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Threads (2):
File: consumption.swf-(726 KB, 750x501, Loop) [_] Loop Loop 2339945 Loop Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2339951 You just blew my mind! >My mind has been blown! >> [_] Loop 2339973 I know, the song is that amazing. >> [_] Anon 2340012 Pretentious bullshit, also, Cake is fucking terrible, lern2taste. >> [_] Anon 2340042 >># You pie-eating fascist, cake is amazing. I recommend sponge or chocolate. Or ice-cream, if you want to GO THE DISTANCE. >> [_] Anon 2340087 >># every internet i have is now yours >> [_] Anon 2340102 Thank you for posting this, been a while since I have seen something new to me here.
File: consumption.swf-(726 KB, 750x501, Loop) [_] OC Sunday exiguus !PegJ9cq7UM!!W0HgqvgpYS1 2151121 Day two. Haven't learned much except to avoid huge-ass gifs and clipping songs in Audacity >> [_] Anon 2151129 I like it OP. >> [_] Anon 2151130 simply beautiful >> [_] Anon 2151132 Cake sucks. That is all. >> [_] Anon 2151140 >># Really wish that didn't rustle me so much. What, you think your shitty wub-wub-wub, EDGYLOUDMETAL, and other assorted MU-ZAK is any good? >> [_] Anon 2151151 >># >># Let's not turn this into a /mu/ thread. Cake, metal, and electronic music are all valid musical choices, and you are legitimately autistic if you think any arbitrary genre/artist is somehow objectively better than another arbitrary genre/artist. >> [_] Anon 2151174 >># That really doesn't hold up well, but it's a nice theory. It can be said that lyrics are better, as well as the technical composition of the song. It can also be evaluated on how effectively it conveys the composer's emotions/messages. So don't try and tell me that ICP is on par with Bach. >> [_] Anon 2151176 BUY EAT >> [_] Anon 2151201 >># Honestly, I think you've just called the entire music industry, all of the industry's critics, and all artists in general "legitimately autistic". If you think music and art is objectively equal among all artists/composers, why are you not getting tickets to a 9th grade musical, bringing your girlfriend to a macaroni sculpture gallery, or selling "genuine art" popsicle-stick men from your house? You fucking retard. >> [_] Anon 2151205 >># i wouldn't have noticed, um thanks >> [_] Anon 2151271 art is defined by the viewer as much as by the art. >> [_] saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage 2151310 6edgy8me >> [_] Anon 2151316 nice pseudo symbolism that lacks depth |