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Threads (17):
File: legend of korra.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Hentai) [_] Anon 3216735 >> [_] Anon 3216763 >># sage >> [_] Anon 3216770 >># But really... there needs to be more avatar hentai >> [_] Anon 3216772 >woozeman >you've been woozed I think I'm more pissed off at the pronunciation than anything else What's next, some fuck saying free instead of three? >> [_] Anon 3216777 >># I've got a job interview next Chewsday >> [_] Anon 3216796 >># This is stupid Where's my Bourbon House?
File: master_ruseman.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Other) [_] Anon 3061425 heh get dungd >> [_] Anon 3061438 well he does say sorry at the end and thats kind of nice of them i feel ok.
File: german_invading_something_no_takeo_I_swe ar.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Japanese) [_] /f/ sucks today Anon 2671999 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2672160 >># The voice actor for this reminds me of DUDUDUDUDUDUDU.
File: german_invading_something_no_takeo_I_swe ar.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Anime) [_] Anon 2570588
File: german_invading_something_no_takeo_I_swe ar.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Other) [_] Anon 2530019 >> [_] Anon 2530086 wish it were takeo >> [_] Anon 2530114 >># Well well well... It seems as though you have once again injected way too much semen into your anus you fucking faggot!
File: lolicatgirlz.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Hentai) [_] HD Anon 2501951
File: f_is_dead.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Other) [_] /f/arewell /f/ is fucking dead 2485774 tricked >> [_] Anon 2485776 First Robin Williams, now /f/? >> [_] Anon 2485780 source on video? >> [_] Anon 2485793 >># >i say let the birds fly where they may Shit like this is what destroys 4chan since the goons outnumber the sensible folk. We need a nazi mod. Shit needs to be fucking purged. More pages or slots or whatever for more flashes would only mean more of the retarded bullshit which already infests /f/. >> [_] Anon 2485798 >># One user's shitpost is another user's culture. I would very much like you to pinpoint exactly what is shitposting because the instant you do someone will say that they enjoy and it's part of the culture This is called having an 'opinion' If there was a time for Moot to put his foot down and ban those who went against the current culture the time has passed a long time ago. And even if he were to do so 4chan wouldn't be what it is today >> [_] The Purge 2485803 >># moot never liked /f/, ever since z0ne left. we also never had mod. gg no re, r.i.p >> [_] Anon 2485804 >># Ban anything rulebreaking. It's that easy. Not that I expect a shitpost-apologizer to understand such a simple concept. >> [_] Anon 2485805 Niggers need to learn to either let go, or take some fucking action to make the shit happen that they bitch about. Everything else is circle jerking and bitch-ass-nigga whining >> [_] Anon 2485806 >># 1) All uploaded files should be uniquely Japanese (pertain to Japanese culture). "Run of the mill" content is to be had elsewhere. In other words: Only Japanese related flashes and no reposts. I don't see how enforcing the rules could possibly fail >> [_] Anon 2485807 great wuse >> [_] Anon 2485810 >># Collateral damage. >> [_] Whining General /WG/ 2485811 >># Name exactly what's ruining this board today >> [_] Anon 2485812 >># If you can't define shitposting except "things I don't like you don't stand on any ground to whine. >> [_] Anon 2485813 >># Rulebreaking content. >> [_] Anon 2485814 >># How does this solve anything? Who gets to decide? You want to end up like /tv/? Are you insane? >> [_] Whining General /WG/ 2485817 >># link some It's destroying the board so it must be everywhere >> [_] Anon 2485818 >># oh sorry my friend. Aparently it wasn't obvious engough but that was supposed to be ironic >> [_] Anon 2485821 >># Shit I got rused! >> [_] Anon 2485822 You people are so invested in this website it makes it even funnier to shitpost. Feels good being a normalfag and a troll. >> [_] Anon 2485823 >># >normalfag you mean you're homosexual? >> [_] Anon 2485829 >># http://a.pomf.se/efdvvm.png It's okay. It's only more than 50%. >> [_] Anon 2485831 >># yes >> [_] Whining General /WG/ 2485836 >># I think you posted the wrong image. All you did was take a screenshot >> [_] Anon 2485839 >># You want me to link you to the 18+ faggot threads, which I pinned in the catalog? Or are you really mentally challenged? >> [_] Anon 2485858 >># i think he's just mentally challenged,and alot. >> [_] Anon 2485883 >># post link >> [_] Anon 2485886 >># Way to be a stickler, mate.
File: Legend of Korra.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Other) [_] masterruseman Anon 2462324 >> [_] Anon 2462327 KORRAFAGS GET BTFO DIGITAL ONLY >> [_] Anon 2462328 MASTEWUSEMAN >> [_] Anon 2462365 Thank you Germany-Sama.
File: Legend of Korra.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Hentai) [_] Anon 2459936 >> [_] Anon 2459966 fucking germans >> [_] Anon 2459978 >># Truly the master rusemen. >> [_] Anon 2460061 woll woll woll >> [_] Anon 2460100 >># idiot, full idiot
File: Zone Legend of Korra.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Hentai) [_] Anon 2444655 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2444671 Lern mal anständig englisch, Junge... >> [_] Anon 2444672 OP, you are the cheekiest of the cheekiest cunts >> [_] Anon 2444718 >># You sound a bit like the "we lo rin.swf" guy. >> [_] Anon 2444725 >># [spoiler]it is, search for we_lo_rin and go to the channelpage[/spoiler] >> [_] Anon 2444867 This gave me cancer. >> [_] Anon 2444884 fuck u op, u dopey cunt >> [_] Anon 2444905 >2444671 Werter Mitkommentator, Es scheint Ihnen entgangen zu sein, dass ein Großteil des humoristischen Wertes des vorliegenden audiovisuellen Machwerks in der beabsichtigt amateurhaften Intonation des Textes liegt. Hochachtungsvoll, ---
File: hot slut fucked in her prime.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Porn) [_] Anon 2340886 >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 2340971 mwastah wusemwan! >> [_] Anon 2341035 I didn't realize it was possible to actually sound beta, but here we are.
File: master_ruseman.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Loop) [_] Anon 2254505 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2254643 Damn it, rused hard.
File: erotic_video.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Porn) [_] Anon 2221772 Well >> [_] Anon 2221776 >Despite your best efFORt I got rused >> [_] Anon 2221802 Back to Reddit with you >> [_] Anon 2221858 I was mislead into thinking it was French Erotic Film, and I have something like two layers of dissapointment
File: master_ruseman.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Loop) [_] well well well Anon 2211376
File: erotic_video.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Porn) [_] /f/ Petition Meeting Anon 2203386 >> [_] Anon 2203387 So to start I need all the people that support a petition to get at least some kind of moderation on /f/. >> [_] Soviet Russia !lM51PoudCg 2203392 What a terrible idea, we already have enough moderation to ban CP and Zeitgeist, any more would require change, and change is bad, especially since 80% of all /f/ content violates the rules. >> [_] Anon 2203393 >># almost none of it breaks the rules you stupid fuck re-read the rules >> [_] Anon 2203398 It's ironic. Gachimuchi is one of the few rule abiding things on this board aside from the anime flashes and other 音MADS, and the occasional flash from futaba. >> [_] Anon 2203404 >># >almost none >All uploaded files should be uniquely Japanese (pertain to Japanese culture). "Run of the mill" content is to be had elsewhere. you won't ruse me this time buster >> [_] Anon 2203415 >># the "japanese" rule seems to be invoked at random, at least by what I can tell. Every now and again, all of the non-japano stuff gets purged. Chinese/Korean/Asian-related-if-but-vagu ely usually isn't targeted. >> [_] But where else can I get lolis on 4chain? Anon 2203426 & >> [_] Anon 2203430 >># /b/ /a/ /jp/ >> [_] Those aren't loli videos and loli games Anon 2203437 >># & >> [_] Soviet Russia !lM51PoudCg 2203438 >># They are Japanese. >> [_] Global Rules Anon 2203460 >># & >> [_] nigger rocket to the sea of clouds 2203474 and the influx of authoritarian reddit jews has begun. rip in peice, /f/ coming soon: captcha biased moderation social cloud network agile bitcoin hourly privilege checks and pronoun redactments >> [_] Anon 2203478 >># Fight it with more gay porn. >> [_] Anon 2203491 All this too shall pass. Rest well this night for tomorrow you journey to tunnel snake rules knishes.
File: erotic_video.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Porn) [_] Anon 2174932 >> [_] mike 2174946 top kek >> [_] Anon 2174973 >># is this a virus? >> [_] Anon 2174993 WOOSEMAN >> [_] Anon 2174995 You assume I didn't just click it to see whether or not it was what it seemed to be. Curiosity is like that. >> [_] Anon 2175055 is that ThePuppetPlayer? Sounds just like him. I like that guy's katawa shoujo vid >> [_] Anon 2175057 My sides
File: erotic_video.swf-(3.93 MB, 640x350, Porn) [_] Blond Busty Hotty Strips Anon 2170860 >> [_] Anon 2170868 source please, this is gold. >> [_] Anon 2170924 So erotic. Now say "Brian" and "Jewish Rapscallion". >> [_] Anon 2170954 >># sauce? bump >> [_] Anon 2170977 fuckin' saved! >> [_] Anon 2170986 >># >># www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZIXuKRcixY >> [_] NOPE 2171014 Actually, I'm quite pleased that this wasn't porn. Why would someone go to /f/ to look for porn anyway? That's what porn sites are for. However, I am somewhat displeased that this wasn't something funny either. Like lolicatgirls or something. In the future, please don't make videos containing boring speeches. That's just stupid. Not even trolls make boring videos. |